Paul Lysak commented on TEIID-2450:
In practice I've only faced the problem with 'Z'. Other issues are merely
hypotetical - what I've spotted from the code.
If there is some post-query check that eliminates items that don't satisfy LIKE
condition then it should be OK.
But there should be some reason for creating submap. I guess it's speed, am I right?
So it would be great to have that submap work right if it isn't a complex task.
If you look at ASCII table you'll see that characters follow in such order:
... @ A B ... Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b ... y z { | } ~
I agree that B, C, ... Z will not get into submap with lowercase comparison, that was my
But characters [ \ ] ^ _ ` still will be there.
Thanks for your effort!
Like criteria with 'Z' before wildcards throw an exception
Key: TEIID-2450
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Query Engine
Affects Versions: 8.2
Reporter: Paul Lysak
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Fix For: 8.4
If query contains letter 'Z' before wildcard (for example, query contains
following part: MY_COLUMN LIKE 'BAZ_BAR') then exception is thrown:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: fromKey > toKey
at java.util.TreeMap$NavigableSubMap.<init>(TreeMap.java:1240)
at org.teiid.dqp.internal.process.RecordTable.processQuery(RecordTable.java:189)
The reason of the problem is following.
BaseIndexInfo.processCriteria() in order to build "less then" conditon from
LIKE increments the code of last character in condition prefix:
this.addCondition(i, new Constant(prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() -1) + (char)
(prefix.charAt(prefix.length()-1)+1)), CompareCriteria.LE);
If prefix happens to end in uppercase letter 'Z' then after increment it becomes
But TempMetadataStore uses String.CaseInsensitiveComparator:
public TempMetadataStore() {
this(new TreeMap<String, TempMetadataID>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER));
And String API documentation clearly says that comparison is performed against lowercase
versions. Therefore 'Z' is converted to 'z'.
And later when trying to get subtree with lower bound = 'Z' and upper bound =
'[' and exception is thrown because in fact 'z' is lesser then
Other than this exception it also has another problem. If we do query MY_COLUMN LIKE
'BA@_BAR' then upper condition would be 'A' (next character after
But due to lowercase comparison it will be converted to 'a', so values like
'BAB_BAR', 'BAC_BAR', ... 'BA^_BAR' all would be returned because
'B', 'C', ..., '^' are between '@' and 'a'.
I suggest either using case sensitive map (with prior conversion of all values to upper
case) or converting values in BaseIndexInfo.processCriteria() into lower case.
I also worry about CompareCriteria.LE in BaseIndexInfo.processCriteria(). Shouldn't
it be strictly less? with less or equal when querying 'AAA_' you will get
'AAB_' values as well.
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