Jack Ma reopened TEIID-2408:
Hi Ramesh:
I am trying to verify this issue at 8.3 teiid final release. When I try to retrieve the
engineStatistics, I got following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
at org.jboss.dmr.ModelValue.getChild(ModelValue.java:108)
at org.jboss.dmr.PropertyModelValue.getChild(PropertyModelValue.java:116)
at org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode.get(ModelNode.java:798)
at org.teiid.adminapi.AdminFactory$AdminImpl.getList(AdminFactory.java:1389)
at org.teiid.adminapi.AdminFactory$AdminImpl.getDomainAwareList(AdminFactory.java:1376)
at org.teiid.adminapi.AdminFactory$AdminImpl.getEngineStats(AdminFactory.java:784)
By debugging a little bit of teiid source code:
at AdminFactory$AdminImpl.getList(ModelNode, MetadataMapper<T>), we try to from
operationResult to create a list of node for each field of results. then to unwrap the
each node individually. soat
VDBMetadataMapper$EngineStatisticsMetadataMapper.unwrap(ModelNode), input ModelNode
parameter only contains one field of engine statistic results each time, for example, it
only has a node contains "Session-count", but teiid is trying to get all other
engine statistics which does not exist in this individual node. So exception occurred.
Therefore I re-opened this issue. Please confirm it.
statistics of teiid query queuing information
Key: TEIID-2408
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: AdminApi
Affects Versions: 8.2
Reporter: Jack Ma
Assignee: Ramesh Reddy
Fix For: 8.3
At currently version of teiid, there is no teiid queuing information available from
either teiid api or log or jmx, like how many query plans are still in the waiting queue,
how many are in the active queue etc. .Thinking those queuing information is pretty
critical for performance tuning up,
Based on the Ramesh's suggestion, creating this request for probably a statistics max
water mark in the waiting queue, and average time spent in waiting queue etc.
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