Steven Hawkins resolved TEIID-5763.
Resolution: Done
Marking as resolved. Other issues will be captured separately.
GENERATED_KEY returns NULL if used in INSTEAD OF INSERT Triggers in
DDL files
Key: TEIID-5763
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 12.2
Reporter: Christoph John
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Priority: Critical
Fix For: 12.3
The issue arrised in:
Following sceanarios are given:
Variant 1:
Table Product(id), primary key = autoincrement;
Table QuicklyAddedProduct, primary key is foreign key on Product.id
Table Diary_SRC
View Diary on Diary_SRC
INSTEAD OF INSERT Trigger on Diary should :
-create new record on Product,
-get autoincremented Product.id of new record,
- create new QuicklyAddedProduct with returned Product.id as primary key
- create new Diary record with QuicklyAddedProduct
INSERT a new record on Product;
idProduct = CONVERT(GENERATED_KEY('idProduct'),long); // fails
Variant 2:
INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger on Diary should :
- create new QuicklyAddedProduct
- add Quickly added prodcut to Diary
additionally a INSTEAD OF trigger on QuicklyAddedProduct exists which:
- creates new Product record
- uses returned GENERATED_KEY(Product.id) to add record on QuicklyAddedProduct with
Product.id as primary key