On 14 mai 2012, at 14:53, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
> * Further discuss @MethodValidated annotation with other EGs (e.g. JAX-RS)
What's about @ValidateContract, @ContractValidated or even just @Constract
This get the "design by contract" idea in as well and it avoids the ambiguity
it comes to constructors.
Naming wise, that's an interesting approach to use contract in the name.
Another question we had with the JAX-RS team was whether or not such annotation would be
to validate contracts by default.
In JPA and JSF, validation is on by default and I see no reason why JAX-RS would need to
add a @ContractValidated
annotation to activate method-level validation. Of course the annotation would still be
useful to customize
validation and disable it altogether.