One more information,
This is the source code of the annotation that enabled the interception,
It is not missing @Inherited?
@Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR })
public @interface MethodValidated {
2013/7/8 Denis Silva <denis.analistajava(a)>
I'm using glassfish 4.0, that uses hibernate validator 5.0.0.Final.
Debugging ValidationExtension for a while, i found one problem (may be
When i use validations constraints in the abstract class, the
ValidationEnabledAnnotatedType that enable the interception of the bean, is
applied on the subclass implementation and the abstract class, but when i
use an interface, the wrappedType is applied just in the interface.
That way, the interface implementation will never be intercepted, right?
I will create an entry on forum, but there is no stacktrace in my case,
the expected validation just not work.
2013/7/6 Gunnar Morling <gunnar(a)>
> Hi,
> I don't think that's a spec problem.
> The @NotNull constraint should be validated, no matter wether Foo is an
> interface or an abstract class. Generally constraints on
> overridden/implemented methods are to be considered, you only may not add
> any more parameter constraints in subclasses/implementations.
> Are you using the Hibernate Validator CDI portable extension? Which
> container do you use? Could you create an entry with the complete stack
> trace and a detailed description of your environment to
> --Gunnar
> 2013/7/6 Denis Silva <denis.analistajava(a)>
>> Hi,
>> I'm doing some tests with bean validation, and i have some doubts about
>> the behavior of method constraints on inheritance hierarchies.
>> The specification tells about Liskov substitution, on method constraints
>> within inheritance hierarchies, but i made the test bellow with
>> the reference implementation ( hiberante validator 5.1 ), and not
>> understand if this is a bug in implementation or my misunderstanding the
>> specification.
>> public interface Foo {
>> public void doStuff(@NotNull String v);
>> }
>> @Named
>> public class Bar implements Foo {
>> public void doStuff(String v) {}
>> }
>> Calling bar.doStuff(null), the validation is not fired.
>> But if i changed Foo interface to an abstract class, and made Bar
>> extends it, the validation is fired and a ConstraintViolationException is
>> propagated.
>> The test was done with cdi.
>> What should be the appropriate behavior?
>> --
>> Denis Tiago
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Denis Silva
Analista Programador Java
11 - 8334-9915