On 24 oct. 2011, at 22:26, Gunnar Morling wrote:
> Note that CDI strategy is to let other specs describe their integration, we are
responsible for describing how that will work.
I see. Validator and ValidatorFactory are built-in beans in CDI 1.0
already, so I think one could extend on that and require that the
runtime must use a CDI-enabled ConstraintValidatorFactory. Maybe this
is something which we could contribute to CDI 1.1.
It would be interesting to know how CDI integration is solved for JPA
entity listeners. Do you have any information on that?
Here is a summary though the point is still if flux at the moment:
1. EntityListeners are annotated with @BeanListener (we are trying to get rid of this
requirement though
2. JPA providers use the CDI implementation to inject data as described in
3. CDI's BeanManager is injected by the container during the EMF creation at a pre
defined key javax.persistence.validation.factory (there is a free form Map upon EMF
This model (esp the last point) is how BV integrates in JPA btw and it has served JPA
About point 2., Bean Validation lacks a close() hook to properly call the `dispose()`
operations. We will need to add it.