Configure validation constraints at runtime
by Marcos Antonio
Hello, everybody!
I don't know it this feature was already proposed before. Anyway, here it goes:
It would be nice if future specifications add the possibility to configure (add, modify, delete) constraints dinamically, more or less like Hibernate Validator does.
Is there any plan to support this?
11 years
RESTEasy, CDI, embedded Jetty, bean validation is ignored
by Abhijit Sarkar
I've a Groovy project where I use RESTEasy with CDI (Weld) and deploy to
embedded Jetty. What I can't seem to get working is bean validation. The
documentation says that adding 'resteasy-validator-provider-11' along with
hibernate validator dependencies (hibernate-validator,
hibernate-validator-cdi, javax.el-api, javax.el) is enough. But the bean
validation is simply ignored by RESTEasy. I curiously also get the
following message in the logs:
plugins.validation.ValidatorContextResolver - …
[View More]Unable to find CDI supporting
ValidatorFactory. Using default ValidatorFactory
I tried registering Hibernate InjectingConstraintValidatorFactory in
META-INF/validation.xml but it depends on a BeanManager being injected and
blows up at runtime.
What can I do to get this working?
RESTEasy 3.0.6.Final
Weld servlet 2.1.2.Final
Hibernate validator 5.0.3.Final
Jetty embedded 9.1.1.v20140108
* Also asked on RESTEasy mailing list
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11 years, 1 month