On Jun 28, 2012, at 6:59 AM, Michael Isvy wrote:
I was discussing this topic with Emmanuel Bernard by email and
Emmanuel suggested that we move this conversation to this mailing-list, so here I am :).
Welcome :-)
The idea would be to propose a javascript export of the bean
validation rules.
What exactly do you want to export? An JavaScript implementation of the default
constraints? Do you have already some concrete ideas?
In that way, it would become fairly easy to do "true client side
validation" (that is: validation that does not require access to the server side
until the form is completely valid, or nearly completely valid).
Many web technologies such as JSF, Spring MVC, Wicket, Tapestry... integrate with JSR
303. Providing such export would be of great help for users of those frameworks (or
standard in the case of JSF).
I think several of these technologies already have some form of client side validation of
Bean Validation constraints, e.g. Tapestry [1]. Is the aim to offer these technologies a
library as part of Bean Validation which they can use instead? I guess this would include
a standardized mechanism for adding custom constraints?