Interesting, it's good you catch that one.
I have the gut feeling that we can get it to work perfectly with JavaFX including even
when there is no binding between the form and the domain model. After all, the form itself
can host the validation annotations. and with method validations, we have even more
Gunnar could you lead the interaction with the JavaFX folks? Here is what I'd
- invite the guy who prototyped the JavaFX validation tool to join this mailing list
- keep an eye on the JavaFX mailing list to see where theya re heading
- show them with some explanation how we have integrated Bean Validation and JAX-RS. I it
likely that it's going to be quite similar integration wise.
- I'd love to get the reason why he things validation's API are too complex. In
any case, the FX user probably will never see them as like for JSF, the call will be done
by the FX lib during the right lifecycle events
On 27 juin 2012, at 17:35, Gunnar Morling wrote:
Hi Emmanuel, hi all,
a post in the BV feedback forum [1] just made me aware of a discussion
around form validation on the JavaFX development list [2].
The discussion is about adding some means of validation to JavaFX,
with one option being to use BV for that purpose. Naturally, that's an
option I'm personally in favor of :) Thus I've added some thoughts to
the discussion [3], a) recommending to consider BV for that purpose
and b) suggesting to approach this EG to discuss any questions around
BV and its possibilities.
As one goal of BV is to provide a validation mechanism for all kinds
of tiers and layers, it would be great to see it used in client
technologies such as JavaFX.