On 15 mai 2012, at 10:51, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
>> If the application is made up of several modules, the activator of
>> some application module (having dependencies to all other modules and
>> thus seeing all their exported resources) should be in charge of
>> bootstrapping the factory.
> Can you detail what you mean by that?
> Should the application developer write a module that will bootstrap Bean Validation?
That the thing I want to avoid, having the user do useless heavy lifting.
I think this is what it all comes down to in a modular environment. Once upon a time I
thought you would have one ValidatorFactory within a container and all
modules/apps. But due to class loading and encapsulation of modules/app you effectively
need to create a ValidatorFactory for each module/app.
Is this not also what JBoss AS does? If you deploy an app using for example JPA as per
J2EE spec Bean Validation gets enabled and a ValiatorFactory
gets created.
s/J2EE/Java EE/
But that's the thing, this EG worked his butt off to make the Java EE integration 100%
transparent for the application developer. And it was up to us
to achieve that and propose things to other EGs.
I am already not certain of what modularity gains you (as user), if on top of that the
development model is subpar to what Java EE can offer, that would be a big drawback.
In the end it is up to the framework providers to make it as simple
as possible to use Bean Validation for modules/apps running within the framework.
All Bean Validation needs to provide is a way to set the class loader.
Sure in the end, we will have a very simple ClassloaderService interface of sort, but
I'd like to understand fully how that will be used to be sure things will be as good
as possible
in a modular environment.