Same must apply for constructors of course.
The alternative, IMO, is that #getConstrainedMethods() and
#getConstrainedConstructors() are replaced by boolean
#hasConstrainedMethods() and #hasConstrainedConstructors(), respectively,
as that is all the current methods are really good for.
On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Matt Benson <mbenson(a)> wrote:
When calling BeanDescriptor#getConstraintsForMethod(...) a caller
knows the full signature of the method about which he is inquiring. With
BeanDescriptor#getConstrainedMethods() this is not the case. Once the
caller has gotten this information, the only useful things he knows are
either (A) that no methods are constrained, or (B) one or more methods are
constrained, with a particular set of names. He still has to call
#getConstraintsForMethod(...) for every method whose name matches one
returned by the gCM() call (let's not discuss how useful it may be to know
the highest constrained parameter index). This could be cleared up very
simply by adding #getParameterTypes() to MethodDescriptor, and I urge that
we do so.