On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Matt Benson <gudnabrsam(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Gunnar Morling
<gunnar.morling(a)googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> In this case it would still be up to the implementation to support > 1 calls
to Configuration#buildValidatorFactory()
> In HV, we're currently thinking about using InputStream#mark() and
> reset() to re-read the mapping streams. That the stream supports
> mark/reset, would have to be ensured by the user, or alternatively we
> might wrap the given streams ourselves into resettable ones. It might
> make sense that the spec mandates such a behavior.
Good point, Gunnar. For some reason I failed to think about the much
less expensive idea of simply calling #isMarkSupported() and wrapping
to a mark-supporting version, though e.g. using BufferedInputStream
this still requires that the length of the stream not exceed the mark
limit... :\
Good point, Gunnar. For some reason I failed to think about the much
less expensive idea of simply calling #isMarkSupported() and wrapping
to a mark-supporting version, though e.g. using BufferedInputStream
this still requires that the length of the stream not exceed the mark
limit... :\
> --Gunnar
> 2012/3/26 Matt Benson <mbenson(a)apache.org>:
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard
>> <emmanuel(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
>>> I created ConfigurationState for a different reason (separating the bootstrap
logic from the provider) but indeed I think we should allow Configuration to be reusable
though we will have to be careful on the wording.
>> On this subject, the ConfigurationState must be able to supply mapping
>> streams including those specified in the xml config (if, of course,
>> Configuration#ignoreXmlConfiguration() is not called) and those
>> specified directly via Configuration#addMapping(). The latter
>> mappings are not available for subsequent uses of
>> Configuration#buildValidatorFactory() unless an implementation
>> proactively caches the contents of these streams. I wonder if BV v1.1
>> should use something like javax.activation.DataSource for the
>> programmatic API (I'm not sure of the targeted Java SE version) and
>> deprecate the InputStream-based method signatures. In this case it
>> would still be up to the implementation to support > 1 calls to
>> Configuration#buildValidatorFactory(), unless the spec dictates (or
>> better yet, provides) that naked InputStreams be wrapped in a
>> DataSource implementation that caches their content. Otherwise, I may
>> have just argued the way to Configuration#buildValidatorFactory() not
>> being available for multiple calls after all, in which case *this*
>> should be formally declared.
>> Matt
>>> For example, Configuration is not a thread-safe object.
>>> Emmanuel
>>> On 19 mars 2012, at 17:21, Matt Benson wrote:
>>>> Hi Gunnar,
>>>> I agree that nothing is specified, and therefore that my default
>>>> understanding would have been (and in fact was and is) that there is
>>>> no reason a Configuration cannot be reused to build another
>>>> ValidatorFactory. The fact that Configuration and ConfigurationState
>>>> are separate interfaces seems to imply this as well, albeit subtly. I
>>>> could believe there might be a use-case for building a number of
>>>> ValidatorFactory instances, each with e.g. one configuration property
>>>> modified from the last.
>>>> $0.02,
>>>> Matt
>>>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Gunnar Morling
>>>> <gunnar.morling(a)googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> based on a question in the HV user forum [1] I'm wondering
>>>>> it's legal to invoke buildValidatorFactory() several times on the
>>>>> instance of javax.validation.Configuration:
>>>>> Configuration<?> configuration =
>>>>> //set up interpolator, traversable resolver etc.
>>>>> configuration. ...();
>>>>> ValidatorFactory vf1 = configuration.buildValidatorFactory();
>>>>> //further customize configuration for another factory
>>>>> configuration. ...();
>>>>> ValidatorFactory vf2 = configuration.buildValidatorFactory();
>>>>> I'm not sure how often one would do something like this in
>>>>> but I think we should make clear whether this is a valid use case or
>>>>> whether a Configuration instance is to be thrown away after invoking
>>>>> buildValidatorFactory().
>>>>> After having a look at the spec and the API documentation I think
>>>>> currently unspecified. Any thoughts?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> --Gunnar
>>>>> [1]
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