>>>> On Tue, 15 May 2012 10:42:12 +0200, Emmanuel Bernard
<emmanuel(a)hibernate.org> said:
EB> On 14 mai 2012, at 21:06, Gunnar Morling wrote:
EB> Should the application developer write a module that will bootstrap
EB> Bean Validation? That the thing I want to avoid, having the user do
EB> useless heavy lifting.
HF> In the end it is up to the framework providers to make it as simple
HF> as possible to use Bean Validation for modules/apps running within
HF> the framework. All Bean Validation needs to provide is a way to set
HF> the class loader.
Speaking on behalf of the provider of the JSF framework (a BV consuming
technology), I think I want the BV spec to say something like,
"Implementations must do X and Y and then a ValidatorFactory will be
available." I am fine if X and Y are expressed in terms of OSGi APIs.
GM> a) The user indeed bootstraps BV (passing the class loader) and
GM> registers VF as OSGi service. This would be done using a bundle
GM> activator roughly like that:
GM> b) The BV provider's OSGi bundle performs the registration of the VF.
GM> The required class loader would be provided via a ClassLoaderService,
GM> for which the user has to register an implementation in his activator:
If a) obviates the need for the whole icky (and really not appropriately
located (see below)) ClassLoader service, I'd rather have a). Yes, it's
more code, but it's code the container vendor writes once. In the end,
Oracle's containers use HVAL anyway.
>>>> On Mon, 14 May 2012 09:40:07 -0700, Edward Burns
<edward.burns(a)oracle.com> said:
Eddie> This is a more fundamental concern than BV, and I think it should be
Eddie> raised on the JavaEE umbrella JSR list. <
Eddie> jsr342-experts(a)javaee-spec.java.net.
I'd really like to not have a ClassLoader service in a (sub-) package
javax.validation. If anything, javax.enterprise.util seems a better
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