There is no need to refer to the interceptors spec to understand this. But the discussions
about the interceptors spec is interesting :-)
> But what about my example 4, the shared @Inject method +
@PostConstruct case?
> Do we need to invoke all superclass injection first? thus do all @Inject fields +
@Inject methods + @PostConstruct first, then the one from the Horse class?
> Could we also specify that all @Inject methods needs to get called before
JSR-330 says that injected fields happen before methods, and always superclass-first i.e.
class X extends Y { ... }
any injected field in Y, followed by any injected method in Y followed by any injected
field in X followed by any injected method in X.
CDI then covers the @PostConstruct in 5.5.2 of the CDI spec.
The container must ensure that:
• Initializer methods declared by a class X in the type hierarchy of the bean are called
after all injected fields declared by X or by superclasses of X have been initialized, and
after all Java EE component environment resource dependencies declared by X or by
superclasses of X have been injected.
• Any @PostConstruct callback declared by a class X in the type hierarchy of the bean is
called after all initializer meth- ods declared by X or by superclasses of X have been
called, after all injected fields declared by X or by superclasses of X have been
initialized, and after all Java EE component environment resource dependencies declared by
X or by su- perclasses of X have been injected.
You can be assured that the @PostConstruct for Y happens after injection, and the same for
X. However you can't be certain that the @PostConstruct for Y happens before the
injection for X.
Do we need to clarify this? I'm not sure we do? If we do, why?
On 1 Oct 2011, at 06:21, Stuart Douglas wrote:
On 01/10/2011, at 7:47 PM, Mark Struberg wrote:
> Oki found it there:
>> most general superclass first.
> of course the interceptors_spec_1_1 only defines this for 'Lifycycle
The spec is not very clear on this point, but @PostConstruct methods on a bean are
considered lifecycle interceptors.
Correct. I think this would need clarifying in the interceptors spec - Mark could you file
an EJB spec issue for this?
There is actually a fair bit of deviation between CDI and the
interceptors and Managed bean spec on some points:
- CDI beans don't support interceptor methods on the beans themselves (at least Weld
does not, the interceptors spec allows you to have an @AroundInvoke method on the managed
bean itself).
Wow, I totally missed that before. I think this is just a bug in Weld. Could you create an
- @Resource @Psersitence* @EJB etc annotation of CDI managed beans do
not create JNDI bindings like they are supposed to according to the EE platform spec.
This is partly a Weld bug, partly a Java EE integration issue, which never got resolved
properly. The CDI spec doesn't define this, where is it in Java EE? If it's there,
then it's an impl bug, not a spec clarification I think.
As far as I know no one actually really uses these 'features' anyway, but it is a
deviation from the spec that we should probably clarify.