Hibernate SVN: r11100 - in branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src: test/org/hibernate/tool/ant and 1 other directories.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: max.andersen(a)jboss.com
Date: 2007-01-25 06:36:34 -0500 (Thu, 25 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11100
HBX-861 JPA configuration should support propertyfile as a way to do overrides
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ConfigurationTask.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ConfigurationTask.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ConfigurationTask.java 2007-01-25 11:36:34 UTC (rev 11100)
@@ -67,19 +67,11 @@
protected void doConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
- if (propertyFile!=null) {
- Properties properties = new Properties(); // TODO: should we "inherit" from the ant projects properties ?
- try {
- properties.load(new FileInputStream(propertyFile) );
- }
- catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- throw new BuildException(propertyFile + " not found.",e);
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- throw new BuildException("Problem while loading " + propertyFile,e);
- }
- configuration.setProperties(properties);
+ Properties p = getProperties();
+ if(p!=null) {
+ configuration.setProperties(p);
if (entityResolver != null) {
try {
Class resolver = ReflectHelper.classForName(entityResolver, this.getClass());
@@ -108,6 +100,24 @@
if (configurationFile != null) configuration.configure( configurationFile );
addMappings(getFiles() );
+ protected Properties getProperties() {
+ if (propertyFile!=null) {
+ Properties properties = new Properties(); // TODO: should we "inherit" from the ant projects properties ?
+ try {
+ properties.load(new FileInputStream(propertyFile) );
+ return properties;
+ }
+ catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new BuildException(propertyFile + " not found.",e);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new BuildException("Problem while loading " + propertyFile,e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
protected void validateParameters() throws BuildException {
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/JPAConfigurationTask.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/JPAConfigurationTask.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/JPAConfigurationTask.java 2007-01-25 11:36:34 UTC (rev 11100)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
@@ -22,6 +23,11 @@
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
try {
Map overrides = new HashMap();
+ Properties p = getProperties();
+ if(p!=null) {
+ overrides.putAll( p );
+ }
Class clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName("org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration", JPAConfigurationTask.class);
Object ejb3cfg = clazz.newInstance();
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/AntHibernateToolTest.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/AntHibernateToolTest.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/AntHibernateToolTest.java 2007-01-25 11:36:34 UTC (rev 11100)
@@ -88,6 +88,16 @@
+ public void testJPAPropertyOveridesPUnit() {
+ try {
+ executeTarget("jpa-overrides");
+ fail("property overrides not accepted");
+ } catch (BuildException be) {
+ // should happen
+ assertTrue(be.getMessage().indexOf("FAKEDialect")>0);
+ }
+ }
public void testHbm2JavaConfiguration() {
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml 2007-01-25 11:36:34 UTC (rev 11100)
@@ -308,6 +308,47 @@
<antcall target="afterCfg2hbm" />
+ <target name="jpa-overrides">
+ <path id="annlib">
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../../lib/freemarker.jar" />
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../../lib/testlibs/hibernate3.jar" />
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../../lib/testlibs/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../../lib/testlibs/ejb3-persistence.jar" />
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../../lib/testlibs/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../../lib/testlibs/jboss-archive-browsing.jar" />
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../../lib/testlibs/javaassist.jar" />
+ <path location="${build.dir}/../classes" />
+ <path location="${hibernate-core.home}\jdbc\hsqldb.jar" />
+ </path>
+ <taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpathref="annlib" />
+ <delete dir="${build.dir}/ejb3" />
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/ejb3" />
+ <antcall target="prepareCfg2hbm" />
+ <hibernatetool>
+ <jdbcconfiguration propertyfile="../../etc/hibernate.properties" />
+ <hbm2java ejb3="true" jdk5="true" destdir="${build.dir}/ejb3/src" />
+ </hibernatetool>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/ejb3/classes" />
+ <javac classpathref="annlib" srcdir="${build.dir}/ejb3/src" destdir="${build.dir}/ejb3/classes" />
+ <copy file="ejb3test-persistence.xml" tofile="${build.dir}/ejb3/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml" />
+ <copy file="ejb3test-hibernate.cfg.xml" tofile="${build.dir}/ejb3/classes/ejb3test-hibernate.cfg.xml" />
+ <hibernatetool destdir="${build.dir}">
+ <jpaconfiguration persistenceunit="ejb3test" entityresolver="DummyEntityResolver" propertyfile="jpaoverrides.properties"/>
+ <classpath>
+ <path location="${build.dir}/ejb3/classes" />
+ </classpath>
+ <hbm2ddl export="false" outputfilename="ejb3.sql" />
+ </hibernatetool>
+ <antcall target="afterCfg2hbm" />
+ </target>
<target name="testantejb3hbm2java">
<taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpathref="tasks.classpath" />
Added: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/jpaoverrides.properties
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/jpaoverrides.properties (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/jpaoverrides.properties 2007-01-25 11:36:34 UTC (rev 11100)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# only used to test jpa overrides being picked up
+hibernate.dialect FAKEDialect
\ No newline at end of file
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11099 - in branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src: java/org/hibernate/reflection and 7 other directories.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: nusco
Date: 2007-01-24 22:28:33 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11099
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/AnnotationBinder.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/AnnotationBinder.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/AnnotationBinder.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XPackage;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.EJB3ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.type.TypeFactory;
import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( AnnotationBinder.class );
public static void bindDefaults(ExtendedMappings mappings) {
- Map defaults = mappings.getReflectionManager().getDefaults();
+ Map defaults = ( (EJB3ReflectionManager) mappings.getReflectionManager() ).getDefaults();
List<SequenceGenerator> anns = (List<SequenceGenerator>) defaults.get( SequenceGenerator.class );
if (anns != null) {
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/AnnotationConfiguration.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/AnnotationConfiguration.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/AnnotationConfiguration.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
@@ -13,10 +14,10 @@
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeSet;
-import java.util.SortedSet;
-import java.util.Comparator;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
@@ -28,8 +29,8 @@
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
+import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
-import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.Version;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
import org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey;
import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.EJB3ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.util.JoinedIterator;
import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
@@ -227,7 +228,8 @@
hbmDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>();
namingStrategy = EJB3NamingStrategy.INSTANCE;
setEntityResolver( new EJB3DTDEntityResolver() );
- reflectionManager = new JavaXFactory();
+ // TODO
+ reflectionManager = new EJB3ReflectionManager();
@@ -598,7 +600,7 @@
hbmDocuments.add( doc );
else {
- List<String> classnames = ( (JavaXFactory) reflectionManager ).getXMLContext().addDocument( doc );
+ List<String> classnames = ( (EJB3ReflectionManager) reflectionManager ).getXMLContext().addDocument( doc );
for ( String classname : classnames ) {
try {
annotatedClasses.add( reflectionManager.classForName( classname, this.getClass() ) );
Added: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/AnnotationReader.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/AnnotationReader.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/AnnotationReader.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package org.hibernate.reflection;
+import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
+ * @author Paolo Perrotta
+ */
+public interface AnnotationReader {
+ public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType);
+ public <T extends Annotation> boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<T> annotationType);
+ public Annotation[] getAnnotations();
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/ReflectionManager.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/ReflectionManager.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/ReflectionManager.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.hibernate.reflection;
-import java.util.Map;
+import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
public interface ReflectionManager {
- // TODO: turn this Singleton into a plug-in
- //public static final JavaXFactory INSTANCE = new JavaXFactory();
public <T> XClass toXClass(Class<T> clazz);
public Class toClass(XClass xClazz);
@@ -26,5 +23,5 @@
public <T> boolean equals(XClass class1, Class<T> class2);
- public Map getDefaults();
+ public AnnotationReader buildAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement);
Added: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/ReflectionUtil.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/ReflectionUtil.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/ReflectionUtil.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.hibernate.reflection;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.lang.reflect.Type;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeUtils;
+ * @author Paolo Perrotta
+ */
+public class ReflectionUtil {
+ public static boolean isProperty(Method m, Type boundType, Filter filter) {
+ return ReflectionUtil.isPropertyType( boundType )
+ && !m.isSynthetic()
+ && !m.isBridge()
+ && ( filter.returnStatic() || !Modifier.isStatic( m.getModifiers() ) )
+ && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0
+ && ( m.getName().startsWith( "get" ) || m.getName().startsWith( "is" ) );
+ // TODO should we use stronger checking on the naming of getters/setters, or just leave this to the validator?
+ }
+ public static boolean isProperty(Field f, Type boundType, Filter filter) {
+ return ( filter.returnStatic() || ! Modifier.isStatic( f.getModifiers() ) )
+ && ( filter.returnTransient() || ! Modifier.isTransient( f.getModifiers() ) )
+ && !f.isSynthetic()
+ && ReflectionUtil.isPropertyType( boundType );
+ }
+ private static boolean isPropertyType(Type type) {
+ // return TypeUtils.isArray( type ) || TypeUtils.isCollection( type ) || ( TypeUtils.isBase( type ) && ! TypeUtils.isVoid( type ) );
+ return !TypeUtils.isVoid( type );
+ }
Deleted: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -1,2036 +0,0 @@
-package org.hibernate.reflection.java;
-import java.beans.Introspector;
-import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
-import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
-import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.persistence.AssociationOverride;
-import javax.persistence.AssociationOverrides;
-import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
-import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides;
-import javax.persistence.Basic;
-import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
-import javax.persistence.Column;
-import javax.persistence.ColumnResult;
-import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn;
-import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType;
-import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue;
-import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
-import javax.persistence.Embedded;
-import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
-import javax.persistence.Entity;
-import javax.persistence.EntityListeners;
-import javax.persistence.EntityResult;
-import javax.persistence.EnumType;
-import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
-import javax.persistence.ExcludeDefaultListeners;
-import javax.persistence.ExcludeSuperclassListeners;
-import javax.persistence.FetchType;
-import javax.persistence.FieldResult;
-import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
-import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
-import javax.persistence.Id;
-import javax.persistence.IdClass;
-import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
-import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
-import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
-import javax.persistence.JoinColumns;
-import javax.persistence.JoinTable;
-import javax.persistence.Lob;
-import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
-import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
-import javax.persistence.MapKey;
-import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
-import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries;
-import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
-import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
-import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
-import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
-import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
-import javax.persistence.OrderBy;
-import javax.persistence.PostLoad;
-import javax.persistence.PostPersist;
-import javax.persistence.PostRemove;
-import javax.persistence.PostUpdate;
-import javax.persistence.PrePersist;
-import javax.persistence.PreRemove;
-import javax.persistence.PreUpdate;
-import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn;
-import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns;
-import javax.persistence.QueryHint;
-import javax.persistence.SecondaryTable;
-import javax.persistence.SecondaryTables;
-import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator;
-import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
-import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMappings;
-import javax.persistence.Table;
-import javax.persistence.TableGenerator;
-import javax.persistence.Temporal;
-import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
-import javax.persistence.Transient;
-import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint;
-import javax.persistence.Version;
-import org.dom4j.Attribute;
-import org.dom4j.Element;
-import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
-import org.hibernate.annotationfactory.AnnotationDescriptor;
-import org.hibernate.annotationfactory.AnnotationFactory;
-import org.hibernate.annotations.AccessType;
-import org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionOfElements;
-import org.hibernate.annotations.Columns;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.Filter;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.XMLContext;
-import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
-import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
- * Encapsulates the overriding of Java annotations from an EJB 3.0 descriptor.
- *
- * @author Paolo Perrotta
- * @author Davide Marchignoli
- * @author Emmanuel Bernard
- */
-public class EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader extends JavaAnnotationReader {
- private static final Map<Class, String> annotationToXml;
- private static final String SCHEMA_VALIDATION = "Activate schema validation for more informations";
- private static final Filter FILTER = new Filter() {
- public boolean returnStatic() {
- return false;
- }
- public boolean returnTransient() {
- return false;
- }
- };
- static {
- annotationToXml = new HashMap<Class, String>();
- annotationToXml.put( Entity.class, "entity" );
- annotationToXml.put( MappedSuperclass.class, "mapped-superclass" );
- annotationToXml.put( Embeddable.class, "embeddable" );
- annotationToXml.put( Table.class, "table" );
- annotationToXml.put( SecondaryTable.class, "secondary-table" );
- annotationToXml.put( SecondaryTables.class, "secondary-table" );
- annotationToXml.put( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class, "primary-key-join-column" );
- annotationToXml.put( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class, "primary-key-join-column" );
- annotationToXml.put( IdClass.class, "id-class" );
- annotationToXml.put( Inheritance.class, "inheritance" );
- annotationToXml.put( DiscriminatorValue.class, "discriminator-value" );
- annotationToXml.put( DiscriminatorColumn.class, "discriminator-column" );
- annotationToXml.put( SequenceGenerator.class, "sequence-generator" );
- annotationToXml.put( TableGenerator.class, "table-generator" );
- annotationToXml.put( NamedQuery.class, "named-query" );
- annotationToXml.put( NamedQueries.class, "named-query" );
- annotationToXml.put( NamedNativeQuery.class, "named-native-query" );
- annotationToXml.put( NamedNativeQueries.class, "named-native-query" );
- annotationToXml.put( SqlResultSetMapping.class, "sql-result-set-mapping" );
- annotationToXml.put( SqlResultSetMappings.class, "sql-result-set-mapping" );
- annotationToXml.put( ExcludeDefaultListeners.class, "exclude-default-listeners" );
- annotationToXml.put( ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class, "exclude-superclass-listeners" );
- annotationToXml.put( AccessType.class, "access" );
- annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverride.class, "attribute-override" );
- annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverrides.class, "attribute-override" );
- annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverride.class, "association-override" );
- annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverrides.class, "association-override" );
- annotationToXml.put( Id.class, "id" );
- annotationToXml.put( EmbeddedId.class, "embedded-id" );
- annotationToXml.put( GeneratedValue.class, "generated-value" );
- annotationToXml.put( Column.class, "column" );
- annotationToXml.put( Columns.class, "column" );
- annotationToXml.put( Temporal.class, "temporal" );
- annotationToXml.put( Lob.class, "lob" );
- annotationToXml.put( Enumerated.class, "enumerated" );
- annotationToXml.put( Version.class, "version" );
- annotationToXml.put( Transient.class, "transient" );
- annotationToXml.put( Basic.class, "basic" );
- annotationToXml.put( Embedded.class, "embedded" );
- annotationToXml.put( ManyToOne.class, "many-to-one" );
- annotationToXml.put( OneToOne.class, "one-to-one" );
- annotationToXml.put( OneToMany.class, "one-to-many" );
- annotationToXml.put( ManyToMany.class, "many-to-many" );
- annotationToXml.put( JoinTable.class, "join-table" );
- annotationToXml.put( JoinColumn.class, "join-column" );
- annotationToXml.put( JoinColumns.class, "join-column" );
- annotationToXml.put( MapKey.class, "map-key" );
- annotationToXml.put( OrderBy.class, "order-by" );
- annotationToXml.put( EntityListeners.class, "entity-listeners" );
- annotationToXml.put( PrePersist.class, "pre-persist" );
- annotationToXml.put( PreRemove.class, "pre-remove" );
- annotationToXml.put( PreUpdate.class, "pre-update" );
- annotationToXml.put( PostPersist.class, "post-persist" );
- annotationToXml.put( PostRemove.class, "post-remove" );
- annotationToXml.put( PostUpdate.class, "post-update" );
- annotationToXml.put( PostLoad.class, "post-load" );
- }
- private XMLContext xmlContext;
- private String className;
- private String propertyName;
- private PropertyType propertyType;
- private transient Annotation[] annotations;
- private transient Map<Class, Annotation> annotationsMap;
- private static final String WORD_SEPARATOR = "-";
- private transient List<Element> elementsForProperty;
- private AccessibleObject mirroredAttribute;
- private enum PropertyType {
- }
- public EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement el, XMLContext xmlContext) {
- super( el );
- this.xmlContext = xmlContext;
- if ( el instanceof Class ) {
- Class clazz = (Class) el;
- className = clazz.getName();
- }
- else if ( el instanceof Field ) {
- Field field = (Field) el;
- className = field.getDeclaringClass().getName();
- propertyName = field.getName();
- propertyType = PropertyType.FIELD;
- String expectedGetter = "get" + Character.toUpperCase( propertyName.charAt( 0 ) ) + propertyName.substring(
- 1
- );
- try {
- mirroredAttribute = field.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredMethod( expectedGetter );
- }
- catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- //no method
- }
- }
- else if ( el instanceof Method ) {
- Method method = (Method) el;
- className = method.getDeclaringClass().getName();
- propertyName = method.getName();
- if ( JavaXProperty.isProperty(
- method,
- null, //this is yukky!! we'd rather get the TypeEnvironment()
- ) ) {
- if ( propertyName.startsWith( "get" ) ) {
- propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( propertyName.substring( "get".length() ) );
- }
- else if ( propertyName.startsWith( "is" ) ) {
- propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( propertyName.substring( "is".length() ) );
- }
- else {
- throw new RuntimeException( "Method " + propertyName + " is not a property getter" );
- }
- propertyType = PropertyType.PROPERTY;
- try {
- mirroredAttribute = method.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredField( propertyName );
- }
- catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
- //no method
- }
- }
- else {
- propertyType = PropertyType.METHOD;
- }
- }
- else {
- className = null;
- propertyName = null;
- }
- }
- public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType) {
- initAnnotations();
- return (T) annotationsMap.get( annotationType );
- }
- public <T extends Annotation> boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<T> annotationType) {
- initAnnotations();
- return (T) annotationsMap.get( annotationType ) != null;
- }
- public Annotation[] getAnnotations() {
- initAnnotations();
- return annotations;
- }
- private void initAnnotations() {
- if ( annotations == null ) {
- XMLContext.Default defaults = xmlContext.getDefault( className );
- if ( className != null && propertyName == null ) {
- //is a class
- Element tree = xmlContext.getXMLTree( className, null );
- Annotation[] annotations = super.getAnnotations();
- List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
- annotationsMap = new HashMap<Class, Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
- for ( Annotation annotation : annotations ) {
- if ( ! annotationToXml.containsKey( annotation.annotationType() ) ) {
- //unknown annotations are left over
- annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- Annotation current = getEntity( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getMappedSuperclass( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getEmbeddable( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getTable( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getSecondaryTables( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getIdClass( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getInheritance( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getDiscriminatorValue( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getDiscriminatorColumn( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getSequenceGenerator( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getTableGenerator( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getNamedQueries( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getNamedNativeQueries( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getSqlResultSetMappings( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getExcludeDefaultListeners( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getExcludeSuperclassListeners( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getAccessType( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getAttributeOverrides( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getAssociationOverrides( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getEntityListeners( tree, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- //FIXME use annotationsMap rather than annotationList this will be faster since the annotation type is usually known at put() time
- this.annotations = annotationList.toArray( new Annotation[ annotationList.size() ] );
- for (Annotation ann : this.annotations) {
- annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann );
- }
- }
- else if ( className != null ) { //&& propertyName != null ) { //always true but less confusing
- Element tree = xmlContext.getXMLTree( className, propertyName );
- Annotation[] annotations = super.getAnnotations();
- List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
- annotationsMap = new HashMap<Class, Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
- for ( Annotation annotation : annotations ) {
- if ( ! annotationToXml.containsKey( annotation.annotationType() ) ) {
- //unknown annotations are left over
- annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- preCalculateElementsForProperty( tree );
- Transient transientAnn = getTransient( defaults );
- if ( transientAnn != null ) {
- annotationList.add( transientAnn );
- }
- else {
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- Annotation annotation = super.getAnnotation( AccessType.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- getId( annotationList, defaults );
- getEmbeddedId( annotationList, defaults );
- getEmbedded( annotationList, defaults );
- getBasic( annotationList, defaults );
- getVersion( annotationList, defaults );
- getAssociation( ManyToOne.class, annotationList, defaults );
- getAssociation( OneToOne.class, annotationList, defaults );
- getAssociation( OneToMany.class, annotationList, defaults );
- getAssociation( ManyToMany.class, annotationList, defaults );
- Annotation current = getSequenceGenerator( elementsForProperty, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getTableGenerator( elementsForProperty, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- current = getAttributeOverrides( elementsForProperty, defaults );
- if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
- }
- processEventAnnotations(annotationList, defaults);
- //FIXME use annotationsMap rather than annotationList this will be faster since the annotation type is usually known at put() time
- this.annotations = annotationList.toArray( new Annotation[ annotationList.size() ] );
- for (Annotation ann : this.annotations) {
- annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann );
- }
- }
- else {
- this.annotations = super.getAnnotations();
- for (Annotation ann : this.annotations) {
- annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //TODO mutualize the next 2 methods
- private Annotation getTableGenerator(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for (Element element : elementsForProperty) {
- Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( annotationToXml.get( TableGenerator.class ) ) : null;
- if ( subelement != null ) {
- return buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( subelement, defaults );
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private Annotation getSequenceGenerator(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for (Element element : elementsForProperty) {
- Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( annotationToXml.get( SequenceGenerator.class ) ) : null;
- if ( subelement != null ) {
- return buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( subelement );
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void processEventAnnotations(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- boolean eventElement = false;
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- String elementName = element.getName();
- if ( "pre-persist".equals( elementName ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrePersist.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- eventElement = true;
- }
- else if ( "pre-remove".equals( elementName ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PreRemove.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- eventElement = true;
- }
- else if ( "pre-update".equals( elementName ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PreUpdate.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- eventElement = true;
- }
- else if ( "post-persist".equals( elementName ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostPersist.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- eventElement = true;
- }
- else if ( "post-remove".equals( elementName ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostRemove.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- eventElement = true;
- }
- else if ( "post-update".equals( elementName ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostUpdate.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- eventElement = true;
- }
- else if ( "post-load".equals( elementName ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostLoad.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- eventElement = true;
- }
- }
- if ( ! eventElement && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- Annotation ann = super.getAnnotation(PrePersist.class);
- if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
- ann = super.getAnnotation(PreRemove.class);
- if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
- ann = super.getAnnotation(PreUpdate.class);
- if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
- ann = super.getAnnotation(PostPersist.class);
- if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
- ann = super.getAnnotation(PostRemove.class);
- if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
- ann = super.getAnnotation(PostUpdate.class);
- if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
- ann = super.getAnnotation(PostLoad.class);
- if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
- }
- }
- private EntityListeners getEntityListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "entity-listeners" ) : null;
- if ( element != null) {
- List<Class> entityListenerClasses = new ArrayList<Class>();
- for (Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements( "entity-listener" ) ) {
- String className = subelement.attributeValue( "class" );
- try {
- entityListenerClasses.add(
- ReflectHelper.classForName(
- XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ),
- this.getClass()
- )
- );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AnnotationException(
- "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + ".class: " + className, e
- );
- }
- }
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( EntityListeners.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", entityListenerClasses.toArray( new Class[ entityListenerClasses.size() ] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( EntityListeners.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private JoinTable overridesDefaultsInJoinTable(Annotation annotation, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- //no element but might have some default or some annotation
- boolean defaultToJoinTable = ! ( super.isAnnotationPresent( JoinColumn.class )
- || super.isAnnotationPresent( JoinColumns.class ) );
- final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = annotation.annotationType();
- defaultToJoinTable = defaultToJoinTable &&
- ( ( annotationClass == ManyToMany.class && StringHelper.isEmpty( ( (ManyToMany) annotation).mappedBy() ) )
- || ( annotationClass == OneToMany.class && StringHelper.isEmpty( ( (OneToMany) annotation).mappedBy() ) )
- || ( annotationClass == CollectionOfElements.class )
- );
- final Class<JoinTable> annotationType = JoinTable.class;
- if ( defaultToJoinTable
- && ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
- || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType );
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- JoinTable table = super.getAnnotation( annotationType );
- if ( table != null ) {
- ad.setValue( "name", table.name() );
- ad.setValue( "schema", table.schema() );
- ad.setValue( "catalog", table.catalog() );
- ad.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", table.uniqueConstraints() );
- ad.setValue( "joinColumns", table.joinColumns() );
- ad.setValue( "inverseJoinColumns", table.inverseJoinColumns() );
- }
- }
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "schema" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( annotationType );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /*
- * no partial overriding possible
- */
- private void getJoinTable(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element subelement = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "join-table" );
- final Class<JoinTable> annotationType = JoinTable.class;
- if ( subelement != null ) {
- //ignore java annotation, an element is defined
- AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType );
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "catalog", false );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
- && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "schema", false );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
- && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, subelement );
- annotation.setValue( "joinColumns", getJoinColumns( subelement, false ) );
- annotation.setValue( "inverseJoinColumns", getJoinColumns( subelement, true ) );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) );
- }
- }
- private void getAssociation(
- Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults
- ) {
- String xmlName = annotationToXml.get( annotationType );
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- if ( xmlName.equals( element.getName() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType );
- String className = element.attributeValue( "target-entity" );
- if ( className != null ) {
- Class clazz;
- try {
- clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
- XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ),
- this.getClass()
- );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AnnotationException(
- "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + "target-entity: " + className, e
- );
- }
- ad.setValue( "targetEntity", clazz );
- }
- getFetchType( ad, element );
- getCascades( ad, element, defaults );
- getJoinTable( annotationList, element, defaults );
- buildJoinColumns( annotationList, element, defaults );
- Annotation annotation = getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element, defaults );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- copyBooleanAttribute( ad, element, "optional" );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "mapped-by", false );
- getOrderBy( annotationList, element, defaults );
- getMapKey( annotationList, element, defaults );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- Annotation annotation = super.getAnnotation( annotationType );
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = overridesDefaultsInJoinTable( annotation, defaults );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( JoinColumn.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( JoinColumns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( MapKey.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( OrderBy.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Lob.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Enumerated.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Temporal.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Column.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- else if ( super.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class ) ) {
- annotation = overridesDefaultsInJoinTable( super.getAnnotation( CollectionOfElements.class ), defaults );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( JoinColumn.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( JoinColumns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( MapKey.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( OrderBy.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Lob.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Enumerated.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Temporal.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Column.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- }
- private void getOrderBy(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "order-by" ) : null;
- if ( subelement != null ) {
- String orderByString = subelement.getTextTrim();
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( OrderBy.class );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( orderByString ) ) ad.setValue( "value", orderByString );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
- }
- private void getMapKey(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "map-key" ) : null;
- if ( subelement != null ) {
- String mapKeyString = subelement.attributeValue( "name" );
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKey.class );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( mapKeyString ) ) ad.setValue( "name", mapKeyString );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
- }
- private void buildJoinColumns(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- JoinColumn[] joinColumns = getJoinColumns( element, false );
- if ( joinColumns.length > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( JoinColumns.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", joinColumns );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
- }
- private void getCascades(AnnotationDescriptor ad, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- List<Element> elements = element != null ? element.elements( "cascade" ) : new ArrayList<Element>( 0 );
- List<CascadeType> cascades = new ArrayList<CascadeType>();
- for ( Element subelement : elements ) {
- if ( subelement.element( "cascade-all" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.ALL );
- if ( subelement.element( "cascade-persist" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST );
- if ( subelement.element( "cascade-merge" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.MERGE );
- if ( subelement.element( "cascade-remove" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.REMOVE );
- if ( subelement.element( "cascade-refresh" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.REFRESH );
- }
- if ( Boolean.TRUE.equals( defaults.getCascadePersist() )
- && ! cascades.contains( CascadeType.ALL ) && ! cascades.contains( CascadeType.PERSIST ) ) {
- cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST );
- }
- if ( cascades.size() > 0 ) {
- ad.setValue( "cascade", cascades.toArray( new CascadeType[ cascades.size() ] ) );
- }
- }
- private void getEmbedded(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- if ( "embedded".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Embedded.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- Annotation annotation = super.getAnnotation( Embedded.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- }
- private Transient getTransient(XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- if ( "transient".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Transient.class );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( Transient.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void getVersion(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- if ( "version".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
- Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- getTemporal( annotationList, element );
- AnnotationDescriptor basic = new AnnotationDescriptor( Version.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( basic ) );
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- //we have nothing, so Java annotations might occurs
- Annotation annotation = super.getAnnotation( Version.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Column.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Temporal.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- }
- private void getBasic(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- if ( "basic".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
- Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- getTemporal( annotationList, element );
- getLob( annotationList, element );
- getEnumerated( annotationList, element );
- AnnotationDescriptor basic = new AnnotationDescriptor( Basic.class );
- getFetchType( basic, element );
- copyBooleanAttribute( basic, element, "optional" );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( basic ) );
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- //no annotation presence constraint, basic is the default
- Annotation annotation = super.getAnnotation( Basic.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Lob.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Enumerated.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Temporal.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Column.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- private void getEnumerated(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) {
- Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "enumerated" ) : null;
- if ( subElement != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Enumerated.class );
- String enumerated = subElement.getTextTrim();
- if ( "ORDINAL".equalsIgnoreCase( enumerated ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "value", EnumType.ORDINAL );
- }
- else if ( "STRING".equalsIgnoreCase( enumerated ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "value", EnumType.STRING );
- }
- else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( enumerated ) ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown EnumType: " + enumerated + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- }
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
- }
- private void getLob(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) {
- Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "lob" ) : null;
- if ( subElement != null ) {
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( new AnnotationDescriptor( Lob.class ) ) );
- }
- }
- private void getFetchType(AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, Element element) {
- String fetchString = element != null ? element.attributeValue( "fetch" ) : null;
- if ( fetchString != null ) {
- if ( "eager".equalsIgnoreCase( fetchString ) ) {
- descriptor.setValue( "fetch", FetchType.EAGER );
- }
- else if ( "lazy".equalsIgnoreCase( fetchString ) ) {
- descriptor.setValue( "fetch", FetchType.LAZY );
- }
- }
- }
- private void getEmbeddedId(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- if ( "embedded-id".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
- if ( isProcessingId( defaults ) ) {
- Annotation annotation = getAttributeOverrides( element, defaults );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = getAssociationOverrides( element, defaults );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( EmbeddedId.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
-// else {
-// if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
-// if ( ! properOverridingOnMetadataNonComplete ) {
-// //check that id exists on the other attribute
-// //TODO Id too?
-// if ( mirroredAttribute == null || ! mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent(
-// EmbeddedId.class
-// ) ) {
-// throw new AnnotationException(
-// "Cannot override an property with <embedded-id> not having an @EmbeddedId already"
-// );
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- Annotation annotation = super.getAnnotation( EmbeddedId.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Column.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( GeneratedValue.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Temporal.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- }
- private void preCalculateElementsForProperty(Element tree) {
- elementsForProperty = new ArrayList<Element>();
- Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "attributes" ) : null;
- //put entity.attributes elements
- if ( element != null ) {
- for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements() ) {
- if ( propertyName.equals( subelement.attributeValue( "name" ) ) ) {
- elementsForProperty.add( subelement );
- }
- }
- }
- //add pre-* etc from entity and pure entity listener classes
- if (tree != null) {
- for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) tree.elements() ) {
- if ( propertyName.equals( subelement.attributeValue( "method-name" ) ) ) {
- elementsForProperty.add( subelement );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void getId(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
- if ( "id".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
- boolean processId = isProcessingId( defaults );
- if ( processId ) {
- Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = buildGeneratedValue( element );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- getTemporal( annotationList, element );
- //FIXME: fix the priority of xml over java for generator names
- annotation = getTableGenerator( element, defaults );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = getSequenceGenerator( element, defaults );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- AnnotationDescriptor id = new AnnotationDescriptor( Id.class );
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( id ) );
- }
-// else {
-// if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
-// if ( ! properOverridingOnMetadataNonComplete ) {
-// //check that id exists on the other attribute
-// //TODO EmbeddedId too?
-// if ( mirroredAttribute == null || ! mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) ) {
-// throw new AnnotationException(
-// "Cannot override a property with <id> it does not have an @Id already"
-// );
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
- }
- }
- if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- Annotation annotation = super.getAnnotation( Id.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Column.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( GeneratedValue.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( Temporal.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- }
- private boolean isProcessingId(XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- boolean isExplicit = defaults.getAccess() != null;
- boolean correctAccess =
- ( PropertyType.PROPERTY.equals( propertyType ) && "property".equals( defaults.getAccess() ) )
- || ( PropertyType.FIELD.equals( propertyType ) && "field".equals( defaults.getAccess() ) );
- boolean hasId = defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations()
- && ( super.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || super.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) );
- //if ( properAccessOnMetadataComplete || properOverridingOnMetadataNonComplete ) {
- boolean mirrorAttributeIsId = defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() &&
- ( mirroredAttribute != null &&
- ( mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class)
- || mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) );
- boolean propertyIsDefault = PropertyType.PROPERTY.equals( propertyType )
- && ! mirrorAttributeIsId;
- return correctAccess || ( ! isExplicit && hasId ) || ( ! isExplicit && propertyIsDefault );
- }
- private Columns buildColumns(Element element) {
- List<Element> subelements = element.elements( "column" );
- List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>( subelements.size() );
- for ( Element subelement : subelements ) {
- columns.add( getColumn( subelement, false, element ) );
- }
- if ( columns.size() > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor columnsDescr = new AnnotationDescriptor( Columns.class );
- columnsDescr.setValue( "columns", columns.toArray( new Column[ columns.size() ] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( columnsDescr );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private GeneratedValue buildGeneratedValue(Element element) {
- Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "generated-value" ) : null;
- if ( subElement != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( GeneratedValue.class );
- String strategy = subElement.attributeValue( "strategy" );
- if ( "TABLE".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.TABLE );
- }
- else if ( "SEQUENCE".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.SEQUENCE );
- }
- else if ( "IDENTITY".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.IDENTITY );
- }
- else if ( "AUTO".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.AUTO );
- }
- else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( strategy ) ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown GenerationType: " + strategy + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- }
- copyStringAttribute( ad, subElement, "generator", false );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void getTemporal(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) {
- Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "temporal" ) : null;
- if ( subElement != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Temporal.class );
- String temporal = subElement.getTextTrim();
- if ( "DATE".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.DATE );
- }
- else if ( "TIME".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.TIME );
- }
- else if ( "TIMESTAMP".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.TIMESTAMP );
- }
- else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( temporal ) ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown TemporalType: " + temporal + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- }
- annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
- }
- }
- private AssociationOverrides getAssociationOverrides(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- List<AssociationOverride> attributes = (List<AssociationOverride>) buildAssociationOverrides( tree );
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- AssociationOverride annotation = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
- addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded( annotation, attributes );
- AssociationOverrides annotations = super.getAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
- if ( annotations != null ) {
- for ( AssociationOverride current : annotations.value() ) {
- addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded( current, attributes );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( attributes.size() > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AssociationOverrides.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", attributes.toArray( new AssociationOverride[ attributes.size() ] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private List<AssociationOverride> buildAssociationOverrides(Element element) {
- List<Element> subelements = element == null ? null : element.elements( "association-override" );
- List<AssociationOverride> overrides = new ArrayList<AssociationOverride>();
- if ( subelements != null && subelements.size() > 0 ) {
- for ( Element current : subelements ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor override = new AnnotationDescriptor( AssociationOverride.class );
- copyStringAttribute( override, current, "name", true );
- override.setValue( "joinColumns", getJoinColumns( current, false ) );
- overrides.add( (AssociationOverride) AnnotationFactory.create( override ) );
- }
- }
- return overrides;
- }
- private JoinColumn[] getJoinColumns(Element element, boolean isInverse) {
- List<Element> subelements = element != null ?
- element.elements( isInverse ? "inverse-join-column" : "join-column" ) :
- null;
- List<JoinColumn> joinColumns = new ArrayList<JoinColumn>();
- if ( subelements != null ) {
- for ( Element subelement : subelements ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( JoinColumn.class );
- copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "referenced-column-name", false );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "unique" );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "nullable" );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "insertable" );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "updatable" );
- copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "column-definition", false );
- copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "table", false );
- joinColumns.add( (JoinColumn) AnnotationFactory.create( column ) );
- }
- }
- return joinColumns.toArray( new JoinColumn[ joinColumns.size() ] );
- }
- private void addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded(AssociationOverride annotation, List<AssociationOverride> overrides) {
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- String overrideName = annotation.name();
- boolean present = false;
- for ( AssociationOverride current : overrides ) {
- if ( current.name().equals( overrideName ) ) {
- present = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !present ) overrides.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- private AttributeOverrides getAttributeOverrides(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- List<AttributeOverride> attributes = buildAttributeOverrides( tree );
- return mergeAttributeOverrides( defaults, attributes );
- }
- private AttributeOverrides getAttributeOverrides(List<Element> elements, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- List<AttributeOverride> attributes = new ArrayList<AttributeOverride>();
- for (Element element : elements) {
- attributes.addAll( buildAttributeOverrides( element ) );
- }
- return mergeAttributeOverrides( defaults, attributes );
- }
- private AttributeOverrides mergeAttributeOverrides(XMLContext.Default defaults,
- List<AttributeOverride> attributes) {
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- AttributeOverride annotation = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
- addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded( annotation, attributes );
- AttributeOverrides annotations = super.getAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
- if ( annotations != null ) {
- for ( AttributeOverride current : annotations.value() ) {
- addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded( current, attributes );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( attributes.size() > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AttributeOverrides.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", attributes.toArray( new AttributeOverride[ attributes.size() ] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private List<AttributeOverride> buildAttributeOverrides(Element element) {
- List<Element> subelements = element == null ? null : element.elements( "attribute-override" );
- return buildAttributeOverrides( subelements );
- }
- private List<AttributeOverride> buildAttributeOverrides(List<Element> subelements) {
- List<AttributeOverride> overrides = new ArrayList<AttributeOverride>();
- if ( subelements != null && subelements.size() > 0 ) {
- for ( Element current : subelements ) {
- if ( ! current.getName().equals( "attribute-override" ) ) continue;
- AnnotationDescriptor override = new AnnotationDescriptor( AttributeOverride.class );
- copyStringAttribute( override, current, "name", true );
- Element column = current != null ? current.element( "column" ) : null;
- override.setValue( "column", getColumn( column, true, current ) );
- overrides.add( (AttributeOverride) AnnotationFactory.create( override ) );
- }
- }
- return overrides;
- }
- private Column getColumn(Element element, boolean isMandatory, Element current) {
- //Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "column" ) : null;
- if ( element != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( Column.class );
- copyStringAttribute( column, element, "name", false );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "unique" );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "nullable" );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "insertable" );
- copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "updatable" );
- copyStringAttribute( column, element, "column-definition", false );
- copyStringAttribute( column, element, "table", false );
- copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "length" );
- copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "precision" );
- copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "scale" );
- return (Column) AnnotationFactory.create( column );
- }
- else {
- if ( isMandatory ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( current.getPath() + ".column is mandatory. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded(AttributeOverride annotation, List<AttributeOverride> overrides) {
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- String overrideName = annotation.name();
- boolean present = false;
- for ( AttributeOverride current : overrides ) {
- if ( current.name().equals( overrideName ) ) {
- present = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !present ) overrides.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- private AccessType getAccessType(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- String access = tree == null ? null : tree.attributeValue( "access" );
- if ( "FIELD".equals( access ) || "PROPERTY".equals( access ) ) {
- access = access.toLowerCase();
- }
- if ( access != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AccessType.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", access );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && super.isAnnotationPresent( AccessType.class ) ) {
- AccessType annotation = super.getAnnotation( AccessType.class );
- return annotation;
- }
- else if ( defaults.getAccess() != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AccessType.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", defaults.getAccess() );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private ExcludeSuperclassListeners getExcludeSuperclassListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- return (ExcludeSuperclassListeners) getMarkerAnnotation( ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class, tree, defaults );
- }
- private ExcludeDefaultListeners getExcludeDefaultListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- return (ExcludeDefaultListeners) getMarkerAnnotation( ExcludeDefaultListeners.class, tree, defaults );
- }
- private Annotation getMarkerAnnotation(
- Class<? extends Annotation> clazz, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults
- ) {
- Element subelement = element == null ? null : element.element( annotationToXml.get( clazz ) );
- if ( subelement != null ) {
- return AnnotationFactory.create( new AnnotationDescriptor( clazz ) );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- //TODO wonder whether it should be excluded so that user can undone it
- return super.getAnnotation( clazz );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private SqlResultSetMappings getSqlResultSetMappings(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- List<SqlResultSetMapping> results = (List<SqlResultSetMapping>) buildSqlResultsetMappings( tree, defaults );
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- SqlResultSetMapping annotation = super.getAnnotation( SqlResultSetMapping.class );
- addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded( annotation, results );
- SqlResultSetMappings annotations = super.getAnnotation( SqlResultSetMappings.class );
- if ( annotations != null ) {
- for ( SqlResultSetMapping current : annotations.value() ) {
- addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded( current, results );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( results.size() > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( SqlResultSetMappings.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", results.toArray( new SqlResultSetMapping[ results.size() ] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public static List<SqlResultSetMapping> buildSqlResultsetMappings(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- if ( element == null ) return new ArrayList<SqlResultSetMapping>();
- List resultsetElementList = element.elements( "sql-result-set-mapping" );
- List<SqlResultSetMapping> resultsets = new ArrayList<SqlResultSetMapping>();
- Iterator it = resultsetElementList.listIterator();
- while ( it.hasNext() ) {
- Element subelement = (Element) it.next();
- AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor( SqlResultSetMapping.class );
- copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "name", true );
- List<Element> elements = subelement.elements( "entity-result" );
- List<EntityResult> entityResults = new ArrayList<EntityResult>( elements.size() );
- for ( Element entityResult : elements ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor entityResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( EntityResult.class );
- String clazzName = entityResult.attributeValue( "entity-class" );
- if ( clazzName == null ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "<entity-result> without entity-class. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- }
- Class clazz = null;
- try {
- clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
- XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ),
- EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.class
- );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e );
- }
- entityResultDescriptor.setValue( "entityClass", clazz );
- copyStringAttribute( entityResultDescriptor, entityResult, "discriminator-column", false );
- List<FieldResult> fieldResults = new ArrayList<FieldResult>();
- for ( Element fieldResult : (List<Element>) entityResult.elements( "field-result" ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor fieldResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( FieldResult.class );
- copyStringAttribute( fieldResultDescriptor, fieldResult, "name", true );
- copyStringAttribute( fieldResultDescriptor, fieldResult, "column", true );
- fieldResults.add( (FieldResult) AnnotationFactory.create( fieldResultDescriptor ) );
- }
- entityResultDescriptor.setValue(
- "fields", fieldResults.toArray( new FieldResult[ fieldResults.size() ] )
- );
- entityResults.add( (EntityResult) AnnotationFactory.create( entityResultDescriptor ) );
- }
- ann.setValue( "entities", entityResults.toArray( new EntityResult[ entityResults.size() ] ) );
- elements = subelement.elements( "column-result" );
- List<ColumnResult> columnResults = new ArrayList<ColumnResult>( elements.size() );
- for ( Element columnResult : elements ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor columnResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( ColumnResult.class );
- copyStringAttribute( columnResultDescriptor, columnResult, "name", true );
- columnResults.add( (ColumnResult) AnnotationFactory.create( columnResultDescriptor ) );
- }
- ann.setValue( "columns", columnResults.toArray( new ColumnResult[ columnResults.size() ] ) );
- //FIXME there is never such a result-class, get rid of it?
- String clazzName = subelement.attributeValue( "result-class" );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clazzName ) ) {
- Class clazz = null;
- try {
- clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
- XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ),
- EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.class
- );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e );
- }
- ann.setValue( "resultClass", clazz );
- }
- copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "result-set-mapping", false );
- resultsets.add( (SqlResultSetMapping) AnnotationFactory.create( ann ) );
- }
- return resultsets;
- }
- private void addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded(SqlResultSetMapping annotation, List<SqlResultSetMapping> resultsets) {
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- String resultsetName = annotation.name();
- boolean present = false;
- for ( SqlResultSetMapping current : resultsets ) {
- if ( current.name().equals( resultsetName ) ) {
- present = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !present ) resultsets.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- private NamedQueries getNamedQueries(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- //TODO avoid the Proxy Creation (@NamedQueries) when possible
- List<NamedQuery> queries = (List<NamedQuery>) buildNamedQueries( tree, false, defaults );
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- NamedQuery annotation = super.getAnnotation( NamedQuery.class );
- addNamedQueryIfNeeded( annotation, queries );
- NamedQueries annotations = super.getAnnotation( NamedQueries.class );
- if ( annotations != null ) {
- for ( NamedQuery current : annotations.value() ) {
- addNamedQueryIfNeeded( current, queries );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( queries.size() > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedQueries.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedQuery[ queries.size() ] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void addNamedQueryIfNeeded(NamedQuery annotation, List<NamedQuery> queries) {
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- String queryName = annotation.name();
- boolean present = false;
- for ( NamedQuery current : queries ) {
- if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) {
- present = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !present ) queries.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- private NamedNativeQueries getNamedNativeQueries(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- List<NamedNativeQuery> queries = (List<NamedNativeQuery>) buildNamedQueries( tree, true, defaults );
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- NamedNativeQuery annotation = super.getAnnotation( NamedNativeQuery.class );
- addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded( annotation, queries );
- NamedNativeQueries annotations = super.getAnnotation( NamedNativeQueries.class );
- if ( annotations != null ) {
- for ( NamedNativeQuery current : annotations.value() ) {
- addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded( current, queries );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( queries.size() > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedNativeQueries.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedNativeQuery[ queries.size() ] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded(NamedNativeQuery annotation, List<NamedNativeQuery> queries) {
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- String queryName = annotation.name();
- boolean present = false;
- for ( NamedNativeQuery current : queries ) {
- if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) {
- present = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !present ) queries.add( annotation );
- }
- }
- public static List buildNamedQueries(Element element, boolean isNative, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- if ( element == null ) return new ArrayList();
- List namedQueryElementList = isNative ?
- element.elements( "named-native-query" ) :
- element.elements( "named-query" );
- List namedQueries = new ArrayList();
- Iterator it = namedQueryElementList.listIterator();
- while ( it.hasNext() ) {
- Element subelement = (Element) it.next();
- AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor(
- isNative ? NamedNativeQuery.class : NamedQuery.class
- );
- copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "name", false );
- Element queryElt = subelement.element( "query" );
- if ( queryElt == null ) throw new AnnotationException( "No <query> element found." + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- ann.setValue( "query", queryElt.getTextTrim() );
- List<Element> elements = subelement.elements( "hint" );
- List<QueryHint> queryHints = new ArrayList<QueryHint>( elements.size() );
- for ( Element hint : elements ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor hintDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( QueryHint.class );
- String value = hint.attributeValue( "name" );
- if ( value == null ) throw new AnnotationException( "<hint> without name. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- hintDescriptor.setValue( "name", value );
- value = hint.attributeValue( "value" );
- if ( value == null ) throw new AnnotationException( "<hint> without value. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- hintDescriptor.setValue( "value", value );
- queryHints.add( (QueryHint) AnnotationFactory.create( hintDescriptor ) );
- }
- ann.setValue( "hints", queryHints.toArray( new QueryHint[ queryHints.size() ] ) );
- String clazzName = subelement.attributeValue( "result-class" );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clazzName ) ) {
- Class clazz = null;
- try {
- clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
- XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ),
- EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.class
- );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e );
- }
- ann.setValue( "resultClass", clazz );
- }
- copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "result-set-mapping", false );
- namedQueries.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ann ) );
- }
- return namedQueries;
- }
- private TableGenerator getTableGenerator(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( annotationToXml.get( TableGenerator.class ) ) : null;
- if ( element != null ) {
- return buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( element, defaults );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && super.isAnnotationPresent( TableGenerator.class ) ) {
- TableGenerator tableAnn = super.getAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
- || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( TableGenerator.class );
- annotation.setValue( "name", tableAnn.name() );
- annotation.setValue( "table", tableAnn.table() );
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", tableAnn.table() );
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- annotation.setValue( "schema", tableAnn.table() );
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- annotation.setValue( "pkColumnName", tableAnn.pkColumnName() );
- annotation.setValue( "valueColumnName", tableAnn.valueColumnName() );
- annotation.setValue( "pkColumnValue", tableAnn.pkColumnValue() );
- annotation.setValue( "initialValue", tableAnn.initialValue() );
- annotation.setValue( "allocationSize", tableAnn.allocationSize() );
- annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", tableAnn.uniqueConstraints() );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation );
- }
- else {
- return tableAnn;
- }
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public static TableGenerator buildTableGeneratorAnnotation(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( TableGenerator.class );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "table", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "catalog", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "schema", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "pk-column-name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "value-column-name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "pk-column-value", false );
- copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "initial-value" );
- copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "allocation-size" );
- buildUniqueConstraints( ad, element );
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "schema" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
- ad.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- private SequenceGenerator getSequenceGenerator(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( annotationToXml.get( SequenceGenerator.class ) ) : null;
- if ( element != null ) {
- return buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( element );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public static SequenceGenerator buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation(Element element) {
- if (element != null) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( SequenceGenerator.class );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "sequence-name", false );
- copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "initial-value" );
- copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "allocation-size" );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private DiscriminatorColumn getDiscriminatorColumn(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "discriminator-column" ) : null;
- if ( element != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( DiscriminatorColumn.class );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "column-definition", false );
- String value = element.attributeValue( "discriminator-type" );
- DiscriminatorType type = DiscriminatorType.STRING;
- if ( value != null ) {
- if ( "STRING".equals( value ) ) {
- type = DiscriminatorType.STRING;
- }
- else if ( "CHAR".equals( value ) ) {
- type = DiscriminatorType.CHAR;
- }
- else if ( "INTEGER".equals( value ) ) {
- type = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER;
- }
- else {
- throw new AnnotationException(
- "Unknown DiscrimiatorType in XML: " + value + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"
- );
- }
- }
- ad.setValue( "discriminatorType", type );
- copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "length" );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( DiscriminatorColumn.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private DiscriminatorValue getDiscriminatorValue(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "discriminator-value" ) : null;
- if ( element != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( DiscriminatorValue.class );
- copyStringElement( element, ad, "value" );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( DiscriminatorValue.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private Inheritance getInheritance(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "inheritance" ) : null;
- if ( element != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Inheritance.class );
- Attribute attr = element.attribute( "strategy" );
- InheritanceType strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE;
- if ( attr != null ) {
- String value = attr.getValue();
- if ( "SINGLE_TABLE".equals( value ) ) {
- strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE;
- }
- else if ( "JOINED".equals( value ) ) {
- strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED;
- }
- else if ( "TABLE_PER_CLASS".equals( value ) ) {
- strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS;
- }
- else {
- throw new AnnotationException(
- "Unknown InheritanceType in XML: " + value + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"
- );
- }
- }
- ad.setValue( "strategy", strategy );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( Inheritance.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private IdClass getIdClass(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element element = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "id-class" );
- if ( element != null ) {
- Attribute attr = element.attribute( "class" );
- if ( attr != null ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( IdClass.class );
- Class clazz = null;
- try {
- clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
- XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( attr.getValue(), defaults ),
- this.getClass()
- );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find id-class: " + attr.getValue(), e );
- }
- ad.setValue( "value", clazz );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- throw new AnnotationException( "id-class without class. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
- }
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( IdClass.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private PrimaryKeyJoinColumns getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] columns = buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element );
- if ( columns.length == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation = super.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
- if ( annotation != null ) {
- columns = new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[]{annotation};
- }
- else {
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumns annotations = super.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
- columns = annotations != null ? annotations.value() : columns;
- }
- }
- if ( columns.length > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
- ad.setValue( "value", columns );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private Entity getEntity(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- if ( tree == null ) {
- return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? super.getAnnotation( Entity.class ) : null;
- }
- else {
- if ( "entity".equals( tree.getName() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( Entity.class );
- copyStringAttribute( entity, tree, "name", false );
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations()
- && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) entity.valueOf( "name" ) ) ) {
- Entity javaAnn = super.getAnnotation( Entity.class );
- if ( javaAnn != null ) entity.setValue( "name", javaAnn.name() );
- }
- return AnnotationFactory.create( entity );
- }
- else {
- return null; //this is not an entity
- }
- }
- }
- private MappedSuperclass getMappedSuperclass(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- if ( tree == null ) {
- return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? super.getAnnotation( MappedSuperclass.class ) : null;
- }
- else {
- if ( "mapped-superclass".equals( tree.getName() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( MappedSuperclass.class );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( entity );
- }
- else {
- return null; //this is not an entity
- }
- }
- }
- private Embeddable getEmbeddable(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- if ( tree == null ) {
- return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? super.getAnnotation( Embeddable.class ) : null;
- }
- else {
- if ( "embeddable".equals( tree.getName() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( Embeddable.class );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( entity );
- }
- else {
- return null; //this is not an entity
- }
- }
- }
- private Table getTable(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- Element subelement = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "table" );
- if ( subelement == null ) {
- //no element but might have some default or some annotation
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
- || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( Table.class );
- if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- Table table = super.getAnnotation( Table.class );
- if ( table != null ) {
- annotation.setValue( "name", table.name() );
- annotation.setValue( "schema", table.schema() );
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", table.catalog() );
- annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", table.uniqueConstraints() );
- }
- }
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation );
- }
- else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- return super.getAnnotation( Table.class );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- else {
- //ignore java annotation, an element is defined
- AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( Table.class );
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "catalog", false );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
- && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "schema", false );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
- && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, subelement );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation );
- }
- }
- private SecondaryTables getSecondaryTables(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
- List<Element> elements = tree == null ?
- new ArrayList<Element>() :
- (List<Element>) tree.elements( "secondary-table" );
- List<SecondaryTable> secondaryTables = new ArrayList<SecondaryTable>( 3 );
- for ( Element element : elements ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTable.class );
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "catalog", false );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
- && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "schema", false );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
- && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, element );
- annotation.setValue( "pkJoinColumns", buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element ) );
- secondaryTables.add( (SecondaryTable) AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) );
- }
- /*
- * You can't have both secondary table in XML and Java,
- * since there would be no way to "remove" a secondary table
- */
- if ( secondaryTables.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
- SecondaryTable secTableAnn = super.getAnnotation( SecondaryTable.class );
- overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( secTableAnn, defaults, secondaryTables );
- SecondaryTables secTablesAnn = super.getAnnotation( SecondaryTables.class );
- if ( secTablesAnn != null ) {
- for ( SecondaryTable table : secTablesAnn.value() ) {
- overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( table, defaults, secondaryTables );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( secondaryTables.size() > 0 ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor descriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTables.class );
- descriptor.setValue( "value", secondaryTables.toArray( new SecondaryTable[secondaryTables.size()] ) );
- return AnnotationFactory.create( descriptor );
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable(
- SecondaryTable secTableAnn, XMLContext.Default defaults, List<SecondaryTable> secondaryTables
- ) {
- if ( secTableAnn != null ) {
- //handle default values
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
- || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
- AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTable.class );
- annotation.setValue( "name", secTableAnn.name() );
- annotation.setValue( "schema", secTableAnn.schema() );
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", secTableAnn.catalog() );
- annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", secTableAnn.uniqueConstraints() );
- annotation.setValue( "pkJoinColumns", secTableAnn.pkJoinColumns() );
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
- }
- if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
- && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
- annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
- }
- secondaryTables.add( (SecondaryTable) AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) );
- }
- else {
- secondaryTables.add( secTableAnn );
- }
- }
- }
- private static void buildUniqueConstraints(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element) {
- List uniqueConstraintElementList = element.elements( "unique-constraint" );
- UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints = new UniqueConstraint[ uniqueConstraintElementList.size() ];
- int ucIndex = 0;
- Iterator ucIt = uniqueConstraintElementList.listIterator();
- while ( ucIt.hasNext() ) {
- Element subelement = (Element) ucIt.next();
- List<Element> columnNamesElements = subelement.elements( "column-name" );
- String[] columnNames = new String[columnNamesElements.size()];
- int columnNameIndex = 0;
- Iterator it = columnNamesElements.listIterator();
- while ( it.hasNext() ) {
- Element columnNameElt = (Element) it.next();
- columnNames[columnNameIndex++] = columnNameElt.getTextTrim();
- }
- AnnotationDescriptor ucAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor( UniqueConstraint.class );
- ucAnn.setValue( "columnNames", columnNames );
- uniqueConstraints[ucIndex++] = AnnotationFactory.create( ucAnn );
- }
- annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", uniqueConstraints );
- }
- private PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(Element element) {
- if ( element == null ) return new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[]{};
- List pkJoinColumnElementList = element.elements( "primary-key-join-column" );
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] pkJoinColumns = new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[ pkJoinColumnElementList.size() ];
- int index = 0;
- Iterator pkIt = pkJoinColumnElementList.listIterator();
- while ( pkIt.hasNext() ) {
- Element subelement = (Element) pkIt.next();
- AnnotationDescriptor pkAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
- copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "referenced-column-name", false );
- copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "column-definition", false );
- pkJoinColumns[index++] = AnnotationFactory.create( pkAnn );
- }
- return pkJoinColumns;
- }
- private static void copyStringAttribute(
- AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element, String attributeName, boolean mandatory
- ) {
- String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName );
- if ( attribute != null ) {
- String annotationAttributeName = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName );
- annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute );
- }
- else {
- if ( mandatory ) {
- throw new AnnotationException(
- element.getName() + "." + attributeName + " is mandatory in XML overring. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION
- );
- }
- }
- }
- private static void copyIntegerAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element, String attributeName) {
- String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName );
- if ( attribute != null ) {
- String annotationAttributeName = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName );
- annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute );
- try {
- int length = Integer.parseInt( attribute );
- annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, length );
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- throw new AnnotationException(
- element.getPath() + attributeName + " not parseable: " + attribute + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"
- );
- }
- }
- }
- private static String getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne(String attributeName) {
- StringBuilder annotationAttributeName = new StringBuilder( attributeName );
- int index = annotationAttributeName.indexOf( WORD_SEPARATOR );
- while ( index != -1 ) {
- annotationAttributeName.deleteCharAt( index );
- annotationAttributeName.setCharAt(
- index, Character.toUpperCase( annotationAttributeName.charAt( index ) )
- );
- index = annotationAttributeName.indexOf( WORD_SEPARATOR );
- }
- return annotationAttributeName.toString();
- }
- private static void copyStringElement(Element element, AnnotationDescriptor ad, String annotationAttribute) {
- String discr = element.getTextTrim();
- ad.setValue( annotationAttribute, discr );
- }
- private static void copyBooleanAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, Element element, String attribute) {
- String attributeValue = element.attributeValue( attribute );
- if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( attributeValue ) ) {
- String javaAttribute = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attribute );
- descriptor.setValue( javaAttribute, Boolean.parseBoolean( attributeValue ) );
- }
- }
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaAnnotationReader.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaAnnotationReader.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaAnnotationReader.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.AnnotationReader;
* Reads standard Java annotations.
* @author Paolo Perrotta
* @author Davide Marchignoli
-class JavaAnnotationReader {
+class JavaAnnotationReader implements AnnotationReader {
protected final AnnotatedElement element;
Copied: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaReflectionManager.java (from rev 11098, branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXFactory.java)
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaReflectionManager.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaReflectionManager.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+package org.hibernate.reflection.java;
+import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
+import java.lang.reflect.Member;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
+import java.lang.reflect.Type;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.AnnotationReader;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionManager;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.XMethod;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.XPackage;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.IdentityTypeEnvironment;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeEnvironment;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeEnvironmentFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeSwitch;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeUtils;
+import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
+ * The factory for all the objects in this package.
+ *
+ * @author Paolo Perrotta
+ * @author Davide Marchignoli
+ * @author Emmanuel Bernard
+ */
+public class JavaReflectionManager implements ReflectionManager {
+ private static class TypeKey extends Pair<Type, TypeEnvironment> {
+ TypeKey(Type t, TypeEnvironment context) {
+ super( t, context );
+ }
+ }
+ private static class MemberKey extends Pair<Member, TypeEnvironment> {
+ MemberKey(Member member, TypeEnvironment context) {
+ super( member, context );
+ }
+ }
+ private final Map<TypeKey, JavaXClass> xClasses = new HashMap<TypeKey, JavaXClass>();
+ private final Map<Package, JavaXPackage> packagesToXPackages = new HashMap<Package, JavaXPackage>();
+ private final Map<MemberKey, JavaXProperty> xProperties = new HashMap<MemberKey, JavaXProperty>();
+ private final Map<MemberKey, JavaXMethod> xMethods = new HashMap<MemberKey, JavaXMethod>();
+ private final TypeEnvironmentFactory typeEnvs = new TypeEnvironmentFactory();
+ public JavaReflectionManager() {
+ reset();
+ }
+ public void reset() {
+ xClasses.clear();
+ packagesToXPackages.clear();
+ xProperties.clear();
+ xMethods.clear();
+ }
+ public XClass toXClass(Class clazz) {
+ return toXClass( clazz, IdentityTypeEnvironment.INSTANCE );
+ }
+ public Class toClass(XClass xClazz) {
+ if ( ! ( xClazz instanceof JavaXClass ) ) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XClass not coming from this ReflectionManager implementation" );
+ }
+ return (Class) ( (JavaXClass) xClazz ).toAnnotatedElement();
+ }
+ public Method toMethod(XMethod xMethod) {
+ if ( ! ( xMethod instanceof JavaXMethod ) ) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XMethod not coming from this ReflectionManager implementation" );
+ }
+ return (Method) ( (JavaXAnnotatedElement) xMethod ).toAnnotatedElement();
+ }
+ public XClass classForName(String name, Class caller) throws ClassNotFoundException {
+ return toXClass( ReflectHelper.classForName( name, caller ) );
+ }
+ public XPackage packageForName(String packageName) throws ClassNotFoundException {
+ return getXAnnotatedElement( ReflectHelper.classForName( packageName + ".package-info" ).getPackage() );
+ }
+ XClass toXClass(Type t, final TypeEnvironment context) {
+ return new TypeSwitch<XClass>() {
+ @Override
+ public XClass caseClass(Class classType) {
+ TypeKey key = new TypeKey( classType, context );
+ JavaXClass result = xClasses.get( key );
+ if ( result == null ) {
+ result = new JavaXClass( classType, context, JavaReflectionManager.this );
+ xClasses.put( key, result );
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public XClass caseParameterizedType(ParameterizedType parameterizedType) {
+ return toXClass( parameterizedType.getRawType(),
+ typeEnvs.getEnvironment( parameterizedType, context )
+ );
+ }
+ }.doSwitch( context.bind( t ) );
+ }
+ XPackage getXAnnotatedElement(Package pkg) {
+ JavaXPackage xPackage = packagesToXPackages.get( pkg );
+ if ( xPackage == null ) {
+ xPackage = new JavaXPackage( pkg, this );
+ packagesToXPackages.put( pkg, xPackage );
+ }
+ return xPackage;
+ }
+ XProperty getXProperty(Member member, TypeEnvironment context) {
+ MemberKey key = new MemberKey( member, context );
+ //FIXME get is as expensive as create most time spent in hashCode and equals
+ JavaXProperty xProperty = xProperties.get( key );
+ if ( xProperty == null ) {
+ xProperty = JavaXProperty.create( member, context, this );
+ xProperties.put( key, xProperty );
+ }
+ return xProperty;
+ }
+ XMethod getXMethod(Member member, TypeEnvironment context) {
+ MemberKey key = new MemberKey( member, context );
+ //FIXME get is as expensive as create most time spent in hashCode and equals
+ JavaXMethod xMethod = xMethods.get( key );
+ if ( xMethod == null ) {
+ xMethod = JavaXMethod.create( member, context, this );
+ xMethods.put( key, xMethod );
+ }
+ return xMethod;
+ }
+ TypeEnvironment getTypeEnvironment(final Type t) {
+ return new TypeSwitch<TypeEnvironment>() {
+ @Override
+ public TypeEnvironment caseClass(Class classType) {
+ return typeEnvs.getEnvironment( classType );
+ }
+ @Override
+ public TypeEnvironment caseParameterizedType(ParameterizedType parameterizedType) {
+ return typeEnvs.getEnvironment( parameterizedType );
+ }
+ @Override
+ public TypeEnvironment defaultCase(Type type) {
+ return IdentityTypeEnvironment.INSTANCE;
+ }
+ }.doSwitch( t );
+ }
+ public JavaXType toXType(TypeEnvironment context, Type propType) {
+ Type boundType = toApproximatingEnvironment( context ).bind( propType );
+ if ( TypeUtils.isArray( boundType ) ) {
+ return new JavaXArrayType( propType, context, this );
+ }
+ if ( TypeUtils.isCollection( boundType ) ) {
+ return new JavaXCollectionType( propType, context, this );
+ }
+ if ( TypeUtils.isSimple( boundType ) ) {
+ return new JavaXSimpleType( propType, context, this );
+ }
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No PropertyTypeExtractor available for type void " );
+ }
+ public boolean equals(XClass class1, Class class2) {
+ if ( class1 == null ) {
+ return class2 == null;
+ }
+ return ( (JavaXClass) class1 ).toClass().equals( class2 );
+ }
+ public TypeEnvironment toApproximatingEnvironment(TypeEnvironment context) {
+ return typeEnvs.toApproximatingEnvironment( context );
+ }
+ public AnnotationReader buildAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement) {
+ return new JavaAnnotationReader(annotatedElement);
+ }
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXAnnotatedElement.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXAnnotatedElement.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXAnnotatedElement.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.AnnotationReader;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XAnnotatedElement;
@@ -12,23 +13,22 @@
abstract class JavaXAnnotatedElement implements XAnnotatedElement {
// responsible for extracting annotations
- private JavaAnnotationReader annotationReader;
+ private AnnotationReader annotationReader;
- private final JavaXFactory factory;
+ private final JavaReflectionManager factory;
private final AnnotatedElement annotatedElement;
- public JavaXAnnotatedElement(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, JavaXFactory factory) {
- //this.annotationReader = new EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader( annotatedElement, factory.getXMLContext() );
+ public JavaXAnnotatedElement(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
this.factory = factory;
this.annotatedElement = annotatedElement;
- protected JavaXFactory getFactory() {
+ protected JavaReflectionManager getFactory() {
return factory;
- private JavaAnnotationReader getAnnotationReader() {
+ private AnnotationReader getAnnotationReader() {
if (annotationReader == null) {
annotationReader = factory.buildAnnotationReader(annotatedElement);
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXArrayType.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXArrayType.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXArrayType.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
class JavaXArrayType extends JavaXType {
- public JavaXArrayType(Type type, TypeEnvironment context, JavaXFactory factory) {
+ public JavaXArrayType(Type type, TypeEnvironment context, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
super( type, context, factory );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXClass.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXClass.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXClass.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.reflection.Filter;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionUtil;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XMethod;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.CompoundTypeEnvironment;
import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeEnvironment;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.CompoundTypeEnvironment;
* @author Paolo Perrotta
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
private final TypeEnvironment context;
private final Class clazz;
- public JavaXClass(Class clazz, TypeEnvironment env, JavaXFactory factory) {
+ public JavaXClass(Class clazz, TypeEnvironment env, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
super( clazz, factory );
this.clazz = clazz; //optimization
this.context = env;
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@
private List<XProperty> getDeclaredFieldProperties(Filter filter) {
List<XProperty> result = new LinkedList<XProperty>();
for ( Field f : toClass().getDeclaredFields() ) {
- if ( JavaXProperty.isProperty( f, getTypeEnvironment().bind( f.getGenericType() ), filter ) ) {
+ if ( ReflectionUtil.isProperty( f, getTypeEnvironment().bind( f.getGenericType() ), filter ) ) {
result.add( getFactory().getXProperty( f, getTypeEnvironment() ) );
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@
private List<XProperty> getDeclaredMethodProperties(Filter filter) {
List<XProperty> result = new LinkedList<XProperty>();
for ( Method m : toClass().getDeclaredMethods() ) {
- if ( JavaXProperty.isProperty( m, getTypeEnvironment().bind( m.getGenericReturnType() ), filter ) ) {
+ if ( ReflectionUtil.isProperty( m, getTypeEnvironment().bind( m.getGenericReturnType() ), filter ) ) {
result.add( getFactory().getXProperty( m, getTypeEnvironment() ) );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXCollectionType.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXCollectionType.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXCollectionType.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
class JavaXCollectionType extends JavaXType {
- public JavaXCollectionType(Type type, TypeEnvironment context, JavaXFactory factory) {
+ public JavaXCollectionType(Type type, TypeEnvironment context, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
super( type, context, factory );
Deleted: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXFactory.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXFactory.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXFactory.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-package org.hibernate.reflection.java;
-import java.lang.reflect.Member;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
-import java.lang.reflect.Type;
-import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.persistence.EntityListeners;
-import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
-import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
-import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator;
-import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
-import javax.persistence.TableGenerator;
-import org.dom4j.Element;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionManager;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.XMethod;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.XPackage;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.CompoundTypeEnvironment;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.IdentityTypeEnvironment;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeEnvironment;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeEnvironmentFactory;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeSwitch;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeUtils;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.XMLContext;
-import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
-import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
- * The factory for all the objects in this package.
- *
- * @author Paolo Perrotta
- * @author Davide Marchignoli
- * @author Emmanuel Bernard
- */
-public class JavaXFactory implements ReflectionManager {
- private XMLContext xmlContext;
- private HashMap defaults;
- private static Constructor[] annotationReaderConstructors;
- static {
- buildAnnotationReaderConstructor();
- }
- public JavaAnnotationReader buildAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement) {
- try {
- if ( xmlContext.hasContext() ) {
- return (JavaAnnotationReader) annotationReaderConstructors[1].newInstance(annotatedElement, xmlContext);
- }
- else {
- return (JavaAnnotationReader) annotationReaderConstructors[0].newInstance(annotatedElement);
- }
- }
- catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to call AnnotationReader constructor", e );
- }
- catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to call AnnotationReader constructor", e );
- }
- catch (InstantiationException e) {
- throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to call AnnotationReader constructor", e );
- }
- }
- private static void buildAnnotationReaderConstructor() {
- annotationReaderConstructors = new Constructor[2];
- try {
- Class readerClass = ReflectHelper.classForName( "org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaAnnotationReader");
- annotationReaderConstructors[0] = readerClass.getConstructor( AnnotatedElement.class );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to load org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaAnnotationReader", e );
- }
- catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to call constructor org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement)", e );
- }
- try {
- Class readerClass = ReflectHelper.classForName( "org.hibernate.reflection.java.EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader");
- annotationReaderConstructors[1] = readerClass.getConstructor( AnnotatedElement.class, XMLContext.class );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to load org.hibernate.reflection.java.EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader", e );
- }
- catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to call constructor org.hibernate.reflection.java.EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement, XMLContext)", e );
- }
- }
- private static class TypeKey extends Pair<Type, TypeEnvironment> {
- TypeKey(Type t, TypeEnvironment context) {
- super( t, context );
- }
- }
- private static class MemberKey extends Pair<Member, TypeEnvironment> {
- MemberKey(Member member, TypeEnvironment context) {
- super( member, context );
- }
- }
- private final Map<TypeKey, JavaXClass> xClasses = new HashMap<TypeKey, JavaXClass>();
- private final Map<Package, JavaXPackage> packagesToXPackages = new HashMap<Package, JavaXPackage>();
- private final Map<MemberKey, JavaXProperty> xProperties = new HashMap<MemberKey, JavaXProperty>();
- private final Map<MemberKey, JavaXMethod> xMethods = new HashMap<MemberKey, JavaXMethod>();
- private final TypeEnvironmentFactory typeEnvs = new TypeEnvironmentFactory();
- public JavaXFactory() {
- reset();
- }
- public void reset() {
- xmlContext = new XMLContext();
- xClasses.clear();
- packagesToXPackages.clear();
- xProperties.clear();
- xMethods.clear();
- defaults = null;
- }
- public XClass toXClass(Class clazz) {
- return toXClass( clazz, IdentityTypeEnvironment.INSTANCE );
- }
- public Class toClass(XClass xClazz) {
- if ( ! ( xClazz instanceof JavaXClass ) ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XClass not coming from this ReflectionManager implementation" );
- }
- return (Class) ( (JavaXClass) xClazz ).toAnnotatedElement();
- }
- public Method toMethod(XMethod xMethod) {
- if ( ! ( xMethod instanceof JavaXMethod ) ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XMethod not coming from this ReflectionManager implementation" );
- }
- return (Method) ( (JavaXAnnotatedElement) xMethod ).toAnnotatedElement();
- }
- public XClass classForName(String name, Class caller) throws ClassNotFoundException {
- return toXClass( ReflectHelper.classForName( name, caller ) );
- }
- public XPackage packageForName(String packageName) throws ClassNotFoundException {
- return getXAnnotatedElement( ReflectHelper.classForName( packageName + ".package-info" ).getPackage() );
- }
- public Map getDefaults() {
- if (defaults == null) {
- defaults = new HashMap();
- XMLContext.Default xmlDefaults = xmlContext.getDefault( null );
- List<Class> entityListeners = new ArrayList<Class>();
- for ( String className : xmlContext.getDefaultEntityListeners() ) {
- try {
- entityListeners.add( ReflectHelper.classForName( className, this.getClass() ) );
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new IllegalStateException( "Default entity listener class not found: " + className );
- }
- }
- defaults.put( EntityListeners.class, entityListeners );
- for( Element element : xmlContext.getAllDocuments() ) {
- List<Element> elements = element.elements( "sequence-generator" );
- List<SequenceGenerator> sequenceGenerators = (List<SequenceGenerator>) defaults.get(SequenceGenerator.class);
- if (sequenceGenerators == null) {
- sequenceGenerators = new ArrayList<SequenceGenerator>();
- defaults.put( SequenceGenerator.class, sequenceGenerators );
- }
- for (Element subelement : elements) {
- sequenceGenerators.add( EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( subelement ) );
- }
- elements = element.elements( "table-generator" );
- List<TableGenerator> tableGenerators = (List<TableGenerator>) defaults.get(TableGenerator.class);
- if (tableGenerators == null) {
- tableGenerators = new ArrayList<TableGenerator>();
- defaults.put( TableGenerator.class, tableGenerators );
- }
- for (Element subelement : elements) {
- tableGenerators.add( EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( subelement, xmlDefaults ) );
- }
- List<NamedQuery> namedQueries = (List<NamedQuery>) defaults.get(NamedQuery.class);
- if (namedQueries == null) {
- namedQueries = new ArrayList<NamedQuery>();
- defaults.put( NamedQuery.class, namedQueries );
- }
- List<NamedQuery> currentNamedQueries = EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildNamedQueries(element, false, xmlDefaults);
- namedQueries.addAll( currentNamedQueries );
- List<NamedNativeQuery> namedNativeQueries = (List<NamedNativeQuery>) defaults.get(NamedNativeQuery.class);
- if (namedNativeQueries == null) {
- namedNativeQueries = new ArrayList<NamedNativeQuery>();
- defaults.put( NamedNativeQuery.class, namedNativeQueries );
- }
- List<NamedNativeQuery> currentNamedNativeQueries = EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildNamedQueries(element, true, xmlDefaults);
- namedNativeQueries.addAll( currentNamedNativeQueries );
- List<SqlResultSetMapping> sqlResultSetMappings = (List<SqlResultSetMapping>) defaults.get(SqlResultSetMapping.class);
- if (sqlResultSetMappings == null) {
- sqlResultSetMappings = new ArrayList<SqlResultSetMapping>();
- defaults.put( SqlResultSetMapping.class, sqlResultSetMappings );
- }
- List<SqlResultSetMapping> currentSqlResultSetMappings = EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildSqlResultsetMappings(element, xmlDefaults);
- sqlResultSetMappings.addAll( currentSqlResultSetMappings );
- }
- }
- return defaults;
- }
- XClass toXClass(Type t, final TypeEnvironment context) {
- return new TypeSwitch<XClass>() {
- @Override
- public XClass caseClass(Class classType) {
- TypeKey key = new TypeKey( classType, context );
- JavaXClass result = xClasses.get( key );
- if ( result == null ) {
- result = new JavaXClass( classType, context, JavaXFactory.this );
- xClasses.put( key, result );
- }
- return result;
- }
- @Override
- public XClass caseParameterizedType(ParameterizedType parameterizedType) {
- return toXClass( parameterizedType.getRawType(),
- typeEnvs.getEnvironment( parameterizedType, context )
- );
- }
- }.doSwitch( context.bind( t ) );
- }
- XPackage getXAnnotatedElement(Package pkg) {
- JavaXPackage xPackage = packagesToXPackages.get( pkg );
- if ( xPackage == null ) {
- xPackage = new JavaXPackage( pkg, this );
- packagesToXPackages.put( pkg, xPackage );
- }
- return xPackage;
- }
- XProperty getXProperty(Member member, TypeEnvironment context) {
- MemberKey key = new MemberKey( member, context );
- //FIXME get is as expensive as create most time spent in hashCode and equals
- JavaXProperty xProperty = xProperties.get( key );
- if ( xProperty == null ) {
- xProperty = JavaXProperty.create( member, context, this );
- xProperties.put( key, xProperty );
- }
- return xProperty;
- }
- XMethod getXMethod(Member member, TypeEnvironment context) {
- MemberKey key = new MemberKey( member, context );
- //FIXME get is as expensive as create most time spent in hashCode and equals
- JavaXMethod xMethod = xMethods.get( key );
- if ( xMethod == null ) {
- xMethod = JavaXMethod.create( member, context, this );
- xMethods.put( key, xMethod );
- }
- return xMethod;
- }
- TypeEnvironment getTypeEnvironment(final Type t) {
- return new TypeSwitch<TypeEnvironment>() {
- @Override
- public TypeEnvironment caseClass(Class classType) {
- return typeEnvs.getEnvironment( classType );
- }
- @Override
- public TypeEnvironment caseParameterizedType(ParameterizedType parameterizedType) {
- return typeEnvs.getEnvironment( parameterizedType );
- }
- @Override
- public TypeEnvironment defaultCase(Type type) {
- return IdentityTypeEnvironment.INSTANCE;
- }
- }.doSwitch( t );
- }
- public JavaXType toXType(TypeEnvironment context, Type propType) {
- Type boundType = toApproximatingEnvironment( context ).bind( propType );
- if ( TypeUtils.isArray( boundType ) ) {
- return new JavaXArrayType( propType, context, this );
- }
- if ( TypeUtils.isCollection( boundType ) ) {
- return new JavaXCollectionType( propType, context, this );
- }
- if ( TypeUtils.isSimple( boundType ) ) {
- return new JavaXSimpleType( propType, context, this );
- }
- throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No PropertyTypeExtractor available for type void " );
- }
- public boolean equals(XClass class1, Class class2) {
- if ( class1 == null ) {
- return class2 == null;
- }
- return ( (JavaXClass) class1 ).toClass().equals( class2 );
- }
- public TypeEnvironment toApproximatingEnvironment(TypeEnvironment context) {
- return typeEnvs.toApproximatingEnvironment( context );
- }
- public XMLContext getXMLContext() {
- return xmlContext;
- }
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXMember.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXMember.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXMember.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Member " + member + " is neither a field nor a method" );
- protected JavaXMember(Member member, Type type, TypeEnvironment env, JavaXFactory factory, JavaXType xType) {
+ protected JavaXMember(Member member, Type type, TypeEnvironment env, JavaReflectionManager factory, JavaXType xType) {
super( (AnnotatedElement) member, factory );
this.type = type;
this.env = env;
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXMethod.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXMethod.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXMethod.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
public class JavaXMethod extends JavaXMember implements XMethod {
- static JavaXMethod create(Member member, TypeEnvironment context, JavaXFactory factory) {
+ static JavaXMethod create(Member member, TypeEnvironment context, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
final Type propType = typeOf( member, context );
JavaXType xType = factory.toXType( context, propType );
return new JavaXMethod( member, propType, context, factory, xType );
- private JavaXMethod(Member member, Type type, TypeEnvironment env, JavaXFactory factory, JavaXType xType) {
+ private JavaXMethod(Member member, Type type, TypeEnvironment env, JavaReflectionManager factory, JavaXType xType) {
super( member, type, env, factory, xType );
assert member instanceof Method;
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXPackage.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXPackage.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXPackage.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
class JavaXPackage extends JavaXAnnotatedElement implements XPackage {
- public JavaXPackage(Package pkg, JavaXFactory factory) {
+ public JavaXPackage(Package pkg, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
super( pkg, factory );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXProperty.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXProperty.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXProperty.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -4,13 +4,10 @@
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.Filter;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeEnvironment;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.generics.TypeUtils;
* @author Paolo Perrotta
@@ -18,35 +15,13 @@
class JavaXProperty extends JavaXMember implements XProperty {
- static boolean isProperty(Field f, Type boundType, Filter filter) {
- return ( filter.returnStatic() || ! Modifier.isStatic( f.getModifiers() ) )
- && ( filter.returnTransient() || ! Modifier.isTransient( f.getModifiers() ) )
- && !f.isSynthetic()
- && isPropertyType( boundType );
- }
- private static boolean isPropertyType(Type type) {
-// return TypeUtils.isArray( type ) || TypeUtils.isCollection( type ) || ( TypeUtils.isBase( type ) && ! TypeUtils.isVoid( type ) );
- return !TypeUtils.isVoid( type );
- }
- static boolean isProperty(Method m, Type boundType, Filter filter) {
- return isPropertyType( boundType )
- && !m.isSynthetic()
- && !m.isBridge()
- && ( filter.returnStatic() || !Modifier.isStatic( m.getModifiers() ) )
- && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0
- && ( m.getName().startsWith( "get" ) || m.getName().startsWith( "is" ) );
- // TODO should we use stronger checking on the naming of getters/setters, or just leave this to the validator?
- }
- static JavaXProperty create(Member member, final TypeEnvironment context, final JavaXFactory factory) {
+ static JavaXProperty create(Member member, final TypeEnvironment context, final JavaReflectionManager factory) {
final Type propType = typeOf( member, context );
JavaXType xType = factory.toXType( context, propType );
return new JavaXProperty( member, propType, context, factory, xType );
- private JavaXProperty(Member member, Type type, TypeEnvironment env, JavaXFactory factory, JavaXType xType) {
+ private JavaXProperty(Member member, Type type, TypeEnvironment env, JavaReflectionManager factory, JavaXType xType) {
super( member, type, env, factory, xType );
assert member instanceof Field || member instanceof Method;
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXSimpleType.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXSimpleType.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXSimpleType.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
class JavaXSimpleType extends JavaXType {
- public JavaXSimpleType(Type type, TypeEnvironment context, JavaXFactory factory) {
+ public JavaXSimpleType(Type type, TypeEnvironment context, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
super( type, context, factory );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXType.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXType.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/JavaXType.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
abstract class JavaXType {
private final TypeEnvironment context;
- private final JavaXFactory factory;
+ private final JavaReflectionManager factory;
private final Type approximatedType;
private final Type boundType;
- protected JavaXType(Type unboundType, TypeEnvironment context, JavaXFactory factory) {
+ protected JavaXType(Type unboundType, TypeEnvironment context, JavaReflectionManager factory) {
this.context = context;
this.factory = factory;
this.boundType = context.bind( unboundType );
Copied: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/xml/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.java (from rev 11098, branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.java)
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/xml/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/xml/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -0,0 +1,2051 @@
+package org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml;
+import java.beans.Introspector;
+import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
+import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
+import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import javax.persistence.AssociationOverride;
+import javax.persistence.AssociationOverrides;
+import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
+import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides;
+import javax.persistence.Basic;
+import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
+import javax.persistence.Column;
+import javax.persistence.ColumnResult;
+import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn;
+import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType;
+import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue;
+import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
+import javax.persistence.Embedded;
+import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
+import javax.persistence.Entity;
+import javax.persistence.EntityListeners;
+import javax.persistence.EntityResult;
+import javax.persistence.EnumType;
+import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
+import javax.persistence.ExcludeDefaultListeners;
+import javax.persistence.ExcludeSuperclassListeners;
+import javax.persistence.FetchType;
+import javax.persistence.FieldResult;
+import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
+import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
+import javax.persistence.Id;
+import javax.persistence.IdClass;
+import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
+import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
+import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
+import javax.persistence.JoinColumns;
+import javax.persistence.JoinTable;
+import javax.persistence.Lob;
+import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
+import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
+import javax.persistence.MapKey;
+import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
+import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries;
+import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
+import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
+import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
+import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
+import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
+import javax.persistence.OrderBy;
+import javax.persistence.PostLoad;
+import javax.persistence.PostPersist;
+import javax.persistence.PostRemove;
+import javax.persistence.PostUpdate;
+import javax.persistence.PrePersist;
+import javax.persistence.PreRemove;
+import javax.persistence.PreUpdate;
+import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn;
+import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns;
+import javax.persistence.QueryHint;
+import javax.persistence.SecondaryTable;
+import javax.persistence.SecondaryTables;
+import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator;
+import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
+import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMappings;
+import javax.persistence.Table;
+import javax.persistence.TableGenerator;
+import javax.persistence.Temporal;
+import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
+import javax.persistence.Transient;
+import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint;
+import javax.persistence.Version;
+import org.dom4j.Attribute;
+import org.dom4j.Element;
+import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
+import org.hibernate.annotationfactory.AnnotationDescriptor;
+import org.hibernate.annotationfactory.AnnotationFactory;
+import org.hibernate.annotations.AccessType;
+import org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionOfElements;
+import org.hibernate.annotations.Columns;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.AnnotationReader;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.Filter;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionUtil;
+import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
+import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
+ * Encapsulates the overriding of Java annotations from an EJB 3.0 descriptor.
+ *
+ * @author Paolo Perrotta
+ * @author Davide Marchignoli
+ * @author Emmanuel Bernard
+ */
+public class EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader implements AnnotationReader {
+ private static final Map<Class, String> annotationToXml;
+ private static final String SCHEMA_VALIDATION = "Activate schema validation for more informations";
+ private static final Filter FILTER = new Filter() {
+ public boolean returnStatic() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean returnTransient() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ static {
+ annotationToXml = new HashMap<Class, String>();
+ annotationToXml.put( Entity.class, "entity" );
+ annotationToXml.put( MappedSuperclass.class, "mapped-superclass" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Embeddable.class, "embeddable" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Table.class, "table" );
+ annotationToXml.put( SecondaryTable.class, "secondary-table" );
+ annotationToXml.put( SecondaryTables.class, "secondary-table" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class, "primary-key-join-column" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class, "primary-key-join-column" );
+ annotationToXml.put( IdClass.class, "id-class" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Inheritance.class, "inheritance" );
+ annotationToXml.put( DiscriminatorValue.class, "discriminator-value" );
+ annotationToXml.put( DiscriminatorColumn.class, "discriminator-column" );
+ annotationToXml.put( SequenceGenerator.class, "sequence-generator" );
+ annotationToXml.put( TableGenerator.class, "table-generator" );
+ annotationToXml.put( NamedQuery.class, "named-query" );
+ annotationToXml.put( NamedQueries.class, "named-query" );
+ annotationToXml.put( NamedNativeQuery.class, "named-native-query" );
+ annotationToXml.put( NamedNativeQueries.class, "named-native-query" );
+ annotationToXml.put( SqlResultSetMapping.class, "sql-result-set-mapping" );
+ annotationToXml.put( SqlResultSetMappings.class, "sql-result-set-mapping" );
+ annotationToXml.put( ExcludeDefaultListeners.class, "exclude-default-listeners" );
+ annotationToXml.put( ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class, "exclude-superclass-listeners" );
+ annotationToXml.put( AccessType.class, "access" );
+ annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverride.class, "attribute-override" );
+ annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverrides.class, "attribute-override" );
+ annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverride.class, "association-override" );
+ annotationToXml.put( AttributeOverrides.class, "association-override" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Id.class, "id" );
+ annotationToXml.put( EmbeddedId.class, "embedded-id" );
+ annotationToXml.put( GeneratedValue.class, "generated-value" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Column.class, "column" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Columns.class, "column" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Temporal.class, "temporal" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Lob.class, "lob" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Enumerated.class, "enumerated" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Version.class, "version" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Transient.class, "transient" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Basic.class, "basic" );
+ annotationToXml.put( Embedded.class, "embedded" );
+ annotationToXml.put( ManyToOne.class, "many-to-one" );
+ annotationToXml.put( OneToOne.class, "one-to-one" );
+ annotationToXml.put( OneToMany.class, "one-to-many" );
+ annotationToXml.put( ManyToMany.class, "many-to-many" );
+ annotationToXml.put( JoinTable.class, "join-table" );
+ annotationToXml.put( JoinColumn.class, "join-column" );
+ annotationToXml.put( JoinColumns.class, "join-column" );
+ annotationToXml.put( MapKey.class, "map-key" );
+ annotationToXml.put( OrderBy.class, "order-by" );
+ annotationToXml.put( EntityListeners.class, "entity-listeners" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PrePersist.class, "pre-persist" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PreRemove.class, "pre-remove" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PreUpdate.class, "pre-update" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PostPersist.class, "post-persist" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PostRemove.class, "post-remove" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PostUpdate.class, "post-update" );
+ annotationToXml.put( PostLoad.class, "post-load" );
+ }
+ private XMLContext xmlContext;
+ private String className;
+ private String propertyName;
+ private PropertyType propertyType;
+ private transient Annotation[] annotations;
+ private transient Map<Class, Annotation> annotationsMap;
+ private static final String WORD_SEPARATOR = "-";
+ private transient List<Element> elementsForProperty;
+ private AccessibleObject mirroredAttribute;
+ private final AnnotatedElement element;
+ private enum PropertyType {
+ }
+ public EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement el, XMLContext xmlContext) {
+ this.element = el;
+ this.xmlContext = xmlContext;
+ if ( el instanceof Class ) {
+ Class clazz = (Class) el;
+ className = clazz.getName();
+ }
+ else if ( el instanceof Field ) {
+ Field field = (Field) el;
+ className = field.getDeclaringClass().getName();
+ propertyName = field.getName();
+ propertyType = PropertyType.FIELD;
+ String expectedGetter = "get" + Character.toUpperCase( propertyName.charAt( 0 ) ) + propertyName.substring(
+ 1
+ );
+ try {
+ mirroredAttribute = field.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredMethod( expectedGetter );
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+ //no method
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( el instanceof Method ) {
+ Method method = (Method) el;
+ className = method.getDeclaringClass().getName();
+ propertyName = method.getName();
+ if ( ReflectionUtil.isProperty(
+ method,
+ null, //this is yukky!! we'd rather get the TypeEnvironment()
+ ) ) {
+ if ( propertyName.startsWith( "get" ) ) {
+ propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( propertyName.substring( "get".length() ) );
+ }
+ else if ( propertyName.startsWith( "is" ) ) {
+ propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize( propertyName.substring( "is".length() ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new RuntimeException( "Method " + propertyName + " is not a property getter" );
+ }
+ propertyType = PropertyType.PROPERTY;
+ try {
+ mirroredAttribute = method.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredField( propertyName );
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
+ //no method
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ propertyType = PropertyType.METHOD;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ className = null;
+ propertyName = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType) {
+ initAnnotations();
+ return (T) annotationsMap.get( annotationType );
+ }
+ public <T extends Annotation> boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<T> annotationType) {
+ initAnnotations();
+ return (T) annotationsMap.get( annotationType ) != null;
+ }
+ public Annotation[] getAnnotations() {
+ initAnnotations();
+ return annotations;
+ }
+ private void initAnnotations() {
+ if ( annotations == null ) {
+ XMLContext.Default defaults = xmlContext.getDefault( className );
+ if ( className != null && propertyName == null ) {
+ //is a class
+ Element tree = xmlContext.getXMLTree( className, null );
+ Annotation[] annotations = getJavaAnnotations();
+ List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
+ annotationsMap = new HashMap<Class, Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
+ for ( Annotation annotation : annotations ) {
+ if ( ! annotationToXml.containsKey( annotation.annotationType() ) ) {
+ //unknown annotations are left over
+ annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ Annotation current = getEntity( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getMappedSuperclass( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getEmbeddable( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getTable( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getSecondaryTables( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getIdClass( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getInheritance( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getDiscriminatorValue( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getDiscriminatorColumn( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getSequenceGenerator( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getTableGenerator( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getNamedQueries( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getNamedNativeQueries( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getSqlResultSetMappings( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getExcludeDefaultListeners( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getExcludeSuperclassListeners( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getAccessType( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getAttributeOverrides( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getAssociationOverrides( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getEntityListeners( tree, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ //FIXME use annotationsMap rather than annotationList this will be faster since the annotation type is usually known at put() time
+ this.annotations = annotationList.toArray( new Annotation[ annotationList.size() ] );
+ for (Annotation ann : this.annotations) {
+ annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( className != null ) { //&& propertyName != null ) { //always true but less confusing
+ Element tree = xmlContext.getXMLTree( className, propertyName );
+ Annotation[] annotations = getJavaAnnotations();
+ List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
+ annotationsMap = new HashMap<Class, Annotation>( annotations.length + 5 );
+ for ( Annotation annotation : annotations ) {
+ if ( ! annotationToXml.containsKey( annotation.annotationType() ) ) {
+ //unknown annotations are left over
+ annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ preCalculateElementsForProperty( tree );
+ Transient transientAnn = getTransient( defaults );
+ if ( transientAnn != null ) {
+ annotationList.add( transientAnn );
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ Annotation annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AccessType.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ getId( annotationList, defaults );
+ getEmbeddedId( annotationList, defaults );
+ getEmbedded( annotationList, defaults );
+ getBasic( annotationList, defaults );
+ getVersion( annotationList, defaults );
+ getAssociation( ManyToOne.class, annotationList, defaults );
+ getAssociation( OneToOne.class, annotationList, defaults );
+ getAssociation( OneToMany.class, annotationList, defaults );
+ getAssociation( ManyToMany.class, annotationList, defaults );
+ Annotation current = getSequenceGenerator( elementsForProperty, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getTableGenerator( elementsForProperty, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ current = getAttributeOverrides( elementsForProperty, defaults );
+ if ( current != null ) annotationList.add( current );
+ }
+ processEventAnnotations(annotationList, defaults);
+ //FIXME use annotationsMap rather than annotationList this will be faster since the annotation type is usually known at put() time
+ this.annotations = annotationList.toArray( new Annotation[ annotationList.size() ] );
+ for (Annotation ann : this.annotations) {
+ annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this.annotations = getJavaAnnotations();
+ for (Annotation ann : this.annotations) {
+ annotationsMap.put( ann.annotationType(), ann );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO mutualize the next 2 methods
+ private Annotation getTableGenerator(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for (Element element : elementsForProperty) {
+ Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( annotationToXml.get( TableGenerator.class ) ) : null;
+ if ( subelement != null ) {
+ return buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( subelement, defaults );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private Annotation getSequenceGenerator(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for (Element element : elementsForProperty) {
+ Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( annotationToXml.get( SequenceGenerator.class ) ) : null;
+ if ( subelement != null ) {
+ return buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( subelement );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void processEventAnnotations(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ boolean eventElement = false;
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ String elementName = element.getName();
+ if ( "pre-persist".equals( elementName ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrePersist.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ eventElement = true;
+ }
+ else if ( "pre-remove".equals( elementName ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PreRemove.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ eventElement = true;
+ }
+ else if ( "pre-update".equals( elementName ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PreUpdate.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ eventElement = true;
+ }
+ else if ( "post-persist".equals( elementName ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostPersist.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ eventElement = true;
+ }
+ else if ( "post-remove".equals( elementName ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostRemove.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ eventElement = true;
+ }
+ else if ( "post-update".equals( elementName ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostUpdate.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ eventElement = true;
+ }
+ else if ( "post-load".equals( elementName ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PostLoad.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ eventElement = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! eventElement && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ Annotation ann = getJavaAnnotation(PrePersist.class);
+ if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
+ ann = getJavaAnnotation(PreRemove.class);
+ if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
+ ann = getJavaAnnotation(PreUpdate.class);
+ if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
+ ann = getJavaAnnotation(PostPersist.class);
+ if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
+ ann = getJavaAnnotation(PostRemove.class);
+ if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
+ ann = getJavaAnnotation(PostUpdate.class);
+ if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
+ ann = getJavaAnnotation(PostLoad.class);
+ if (ann != null) annotationList.add( ann );
+ }
+ }
+ private EntityListeners getEntityListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "entity-listeners" ) : null;
+ if ( element != null) {
+ List<Class> entityListenerClasses = new ArrayList<Class>();
+ for (Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements( "entity-listener" ) ) {
+ String className = subelement.attributeValue( "class" );
+ try {
+ entityListenerClasses.add(
+ ReflectHelper.classForName(
+ XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ),
+ this.getClass()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new AnnotationException(
+ "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + ".class: " + className, e
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( EntityListeners.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", entityListenerClasses.toArray( new Class[ entityListenerClasses.size() ] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( EntityListeners.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private JoinTable overridesDefaultsInJoinTable(Annotation annotation, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ //no element but might have some default or some annotation
+ boolean defaultToJoinTable = ! ( isJavaAnnotationPresent( JoinColumn.class )
+ || isJavaAnnotationPresent( JoinColumns.class ) );
+ final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = annotation.annotationType();
+ defaultToJoinTable = defaultToJoinTable &&
+ ( ( annotationClass == ManyToMany.class && StringHelper.isEmpty( ( (ManyToMany) annotation).mappedBy() ) )
+ || ( annotationClass == OneToMany.class && StringHelper.isEmpty( ( (OneToMany) annotation).mappedBy() ) )
+ || ( annotationClass == CollectionOfElements.class )
+ );
+ final Class<JoinTable> annotationType = JoinTable.class;
+ if ( defaultToJoinTable
+ && ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
+ || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType );
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ JoinTable table = getJavaAnnotation( annotationType );
+ if ( table != null ) {
+ ad.setValue( "name", table.name() );
+ ad.setValue( "schema", table.schema() );
+ ad.setValue( "catalog", table.catalog() );
+ ad.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", table.uniqueConstraints() );
+ ad.setValue( "joinColumns", table.joinColumns() );
+ ad.setValue( "inverseJoinColumns", table.inverseJoinColumns() );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "schema" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( annotationType );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * no partial overriding possible
+ */
+ private void getJoinTable(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element subelement = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "join-table" );
+ final Class<JoinTable> annotationType = JoinTable.class;
+ if ( subelement != null ) {
+ //ignore java annotation, an element is defined
+ AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType );
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "catalog", false );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
+ && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "schema", false );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
+ && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, subelement );
+ annotation.setValue( "joinColumns", getJoinColumns( subelement, false ) );
+ annotation.setValue( "inverseJoinColumns", getJoinColumns( subelement, true ) );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void getAssociation(
+ Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults
+ ) {
+ String xmlName = annotationToXml.get( annotationType );
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ if ( xmlName.equals( element.getName() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( annotationType );
+ String className = element.attributeValue( "target-entity" );
+ if ( className != null ) {
+ Class clazz;
+ try {
+ clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
+ XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ),
+ this.getClass()
+ );
+ }
+ catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new AnnotationException(
+ "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + "target-entity: " + className, e
+ );
+ }
+ ad.setValue( "targetEntity", clazz );
+ }
+ getFetchType( ad, element );
+ getCascades( ad, element, defaults );
+ getJoinTable( annotationList, element, defaults );
+ buildJoinColumns( annotationList, element, defaults );
+ Annotation annotation = getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element, defaults );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( ad, element, "optional" );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "mapped-by", false );
+ getOrderBy( annotationList, element, defaults );
+ getMapKey( annotationList, element, defaults );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ Annotation annotation = getJavaAnnotation( annotationType );
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = overridesDefaultsInJoinTable( annotation, defaults );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( JoinColumn.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( JoinColumns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( MapKey.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( OrderBy.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Lob.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Enumerated.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Temporal.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Column.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Columns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ else if ( isJavaAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class ) ) {
+ annotation = overridesDefaultsInJoinTable( getJavaAnnotation( CollectionOfElements.class ), defaults );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( JoinColumn.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( JoinColumns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( MapKey.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( OrderBy.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Lob.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Enumerated.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Temporal.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Column.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Columns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void getOrderBy(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "order-by" ) : null;
+ if ( subelement != null ) {
+ String orderByString = subelement.getTextTrim();
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( OrderBy.class );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( orderByString ) ) ad.setValue( "value", orderByString );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void getMapKey(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "map-key" ) : null;
+ if ( subelement != null ) {
+ String mapKeyString = subelement.attributeValue( "name" );
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKey.class );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( mapKeyString ) ) ad.setValue( "name", mapKeyString );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void buildJoinColumns(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ JoinColumn[] joinColumns = getJoinColumns( element, false );
+ if ( joinColumns.length > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( JoinColumns.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", joinColumns );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void getCascades(AnnotationDescriptor ad, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ List<Element> elements = element != null ? element.elements( "cascade" ) : new ArrayList<Element>( 0 );
+ List<CascadeType> cascades = new ArrayList<CascadeType>();
+ for ( Element subelement : elements ) {
+ if ( subelement.element( "cascade-all" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.ALL );
+ if ( subelement.element( "cascade-persist" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST );
+ if ( subelement.element( "cascade-merge" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.MERGE );
+ if ( subelement.element( "cascade-remove" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.REMOVE );
+ if ( subelement.element( "cascade-refresh" ) != null ) cascades.add( CascadeType.REFRESH );
+ }
+ if ( Boolean.TRUE.equals( defaults.getCascadePersist() )
+ && ! cascades.contains( CascadeType.ALL ) && ! cascades.contains( CascadeType.PERSIST ) ) {
+ cascades.add( CascadeType.PERSIST );
+ }
+ if ( cascades.size() > 0 ) {
+ ad.setValue( "cascade", cascades.toArray( new CascadeType[ cascades.size() ] ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void getEmbedded(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ if ( "embedded".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Embedded.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ Annotation annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Embedded.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Transient getTransient(XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ if ( "transient".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Transient.class );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( Transient.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void getVersion(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ if ( "version".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
+ Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ getTemporal( annotationList, element );
+ AnnotationDescriptor basic = new AnnotationDescriptor( Version.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( basic ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ //we have nothing, so Java annotations might occurs
+ Annotation annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Version.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Column.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Columns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Temporal.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void getBasic(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ if ( "basic".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
+ Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ getTemporal( annotationList, element );
+ getLob( annotationList, element );
+ getEnumerated( annotationList, element );
+ AnnotationDescriptor basic = new AnnotationDescriptor( Basic.class );
+ getFetchType( basic, element );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( basic, element, "optional" );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( basic ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ //no annotation presence constraint, basic is the default
+ Annotation annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Basic.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Lob.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Enumerated.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Temporal.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Column.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Columns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ private void getEnumerated(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) {
+ Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "enumerated" ) : null;
+ if ( subElement != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Enumerated.class );
+ String enumerated = subElement.getTextTrim();
+ if ( "ORDINAL".equalsIgnoreCase( enumerated ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "value", EnumType.ORDINAL );
+ }
+ else if ( "STRING".equalsIgnoreCase( enumerated ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "value", EnumType.STRING );
+ }
+ else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( enumerated ) ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown EnumType: " + enumerated + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ }
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void getLob(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) {
+ Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "lob" ) : null;
+ if ( subElement != null ) {
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( new AnnotationDescriptor( Lob.class ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void getFetchType(AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, Element element) {
+ String fetchString = element != null ? element.attributeValue( "fetch" ) : null;
+ if ( fetchString != null ) {
+ if ( "eager".equalsIgnoreCase( fetchString ) ) {
+ descriptor.setValue( "fetch", FetchType.EAGER );
+ }
+ else if ( "lazy".equalsIgnoreCase( fetchString ) ) {
+ descriptor.setValue( "fetch", FetchType.LAZY );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void getEmbeddedId(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ if ( "embedded-id".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
+ if ( isProcessingId( defaults ) ) {
+ Annotation annotation = getAttributeOverrides( element, defaults );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getAssociationOverrides( element, defaults );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( EmbeddedId.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+// else {
+// if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+// if ( ! properOverridingOnMetadataNonComplete ) {
+// //check that id exists on the other attribute
+// //TODO Id too?
+// if ( mirroredAttribute == null || ! mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent(
+// EmbeddedId.class
+// ) ) {
+// throw new AnnotationException(
+// "Cannot override an property with <embedded-id> not having an @EmbeddedId already"
+// );
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ Annotation annotation = getJavaAnnotation( EmbeddedId.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Column.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Columns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( GeneratedValue.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Temporal.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void preCalculateElementsForProperty(Element tree) {
+ elementsForProperty = new ArrayList<Element>();
+ Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "attributes" ) : null;
+ //put entity.attributes elements
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements() ) {
+ if ( propertyName.equals( subelement.attributeValue( "name" ) ) ) {
+ elementsForProperty.add( subelement );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //add pre-* etc from entity and pure entity listener classes
+ if (tree != null) {
+ for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) tree.elements() ) {
+ if ( propertyName.equals( subelement.attributeValue( "method-name" ) ) ) {
+ elementsForProperty.add( subelement );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void getId(List<Annotation> annotationList, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) {
+ if ( "id".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
+ boolean processId = isProcessingId( defaults );
+ if ( processId ) {
+ Annotation annotation = buildColumns( element );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = buildGeneratedValue( element );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ getTemporal( annotationList, element );
+ //FIXME: fix the priority of xml over java for generator names
+ annotation = getTableGenerator( element, defaults );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getSequenceGenerator( element, defaults );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ AnnotationDescriptor id = new AnnotationDescriptor( Id.class );
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( id ) );
+ }
+// else {
+// if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+// if ( ! properOverridingOnMetadataNonComplete ) {
+// //check that id exists on the other attribute
+// //TODO EmbeddedId too?
+// if ( mirroredAttribute == null || ! mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) ) {
+// throw new AnnotationException(
+// "Cannot override a property with <id> it does not have an @Id already"
+// );
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elementsForProperty.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ Annotation annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Id.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Column.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Columns.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( GeneratedValue.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( Temporal.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) annotationList.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean isProcessingId(XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ boolean isExplicit = defaults.getAccess() != null;
+ boolean correctAccess =
+ ( PropertyType.PROPERTY.equals( propertyType ) && "property".equals( defaults.getAccess() ) )
+ || ( PropertyType.FIELD.equals( propertyType ) && "field".equals( defaults.getAccess() ) );
+ boolean hasId = defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations()
+ && ( isJavaAnnotationPresent( Id.class ) || isJavaAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) );
+ //if ( properAccessOnMetadataComplete || properOverridingOnMetadataNonComplete ) {
+ boolean mirrorAttributeIsId = defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() &&
+ ( mirroredAttribute != null &&
+ ( mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class)
+ || mirroredAttribute.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) );
+ boolean propertyIsDefault = PropertyType.PROPERTY.equals( propertyType )
+ && ! mirrorAttributeIsId;
+ return correctAccess || ( ! isExplicit && hasId ) || ( ! isExplicit && propertyIsDefault );
+ }
+ private Columns buildColumns(Element element) {
+ List<Element> subelements = element.elements( "column" );
+ List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>( subelements.size() );
+ for ( Element subelement : subelements ) {
+ columns.add( getColumn( subelement, false, element ) );
+ }
+ if ( columns.size() > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor columnsDescr = new AnnotationDescriptor( Columns.class );
+ columnsDescr.setValue( "columns", columns.toArray( new Column[ columns.size() ] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( columnsDescr );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private GeneratedValue buildGeneratedValue(Element element) {
+ Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "generated-value" ) : null;
+ if ( subElement != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( GeneratedValue.class );
+ String strategy = subElement.attributeValue( "strategy" );
+ if ( "TABLE".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.TABLE );
+ }
+ else if ( "SEQUENCE".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.SEQUENCE );
+ }
+ else if ( "IDENTITY".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.IDENTITY );
+ }
+ else if ( "AUTO".equalsIgnoreCase( strategy ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "strategy", GenerationType.AUTO );
+ }
+ else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( strategy ) ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown GenerationType: " + strategy + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ }
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, subElement, "generator", false );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void getTemporal(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) {
+ Element subElement = element != null ? element.element( "temporal" ) : null;
+ if ( subElement != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Temporal.class );
+ String temporal = subElement.getTextTrim();
+ if ( "DATE".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.DATE );
+ }
+ else if ( "TIME".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.TIME );
+ }
+ else if ( "TIMESTAMP".equalsIgnoreCase( temporal ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "value", TemporalType.TIMESTAMP );
+ }
+ else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( temporal ) ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown TemporalType: " + temporal + ". " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ }
+ annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private AssociationOverrides getAssociationOverrides(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ List<AssociationOverride> attributes = (List<AssociationOverride>) buildAssociationOverrides( tree );
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ AssociationOverride annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverride.class );
+ addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded( annotation, attributes );
+ AssociationOverrides annotations = getJavaAnnotation( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotations != null ) {
+ for ( AssociationOverride current : annotations.value() ) {
+ addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded( current, attributes );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( attributes.size() > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AssociationOverrides.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", attributes.toArray( new AssociationOverride[ attributes.size() ] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private List<AssociationOverride> buildAssociationOverrides(Element element) {
+ List<Element> subelements = element == null ? null : element.elements( "association-override" );
+ List<AssociationOverride> overrides = new ArrayList<AssociationOverride>();
+ if ( subelements != null && subelements.size() > 0 ) {
+ for ( Element current : subelements ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor override = new AnnotationDescriptor( AssociationOverride.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( override, current, "name", true );
+ override.setValue( "joinColumns", getJoinColumns( current, false ) );
+ overrides.add( (AssociationOverride) AnnotationFactory.create( override ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return overrides;
+ }
+ private JoinColumn[] getJoinColumns(Element element, boolean isInverse) {
+ List<Element> subelements = element != null ?
+ element.elements( isInverse ? "inverse-join-column" : "join-column" ) :
+ null;
+ List<JoinColumn> joinColumns = new ArrayList<JoinColumn>();
+ if ( subelements != null ) {
+ for ( Element subelement : subelements ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( JoinColumn.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "referenced-column-name", false );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "unique" );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "nullable" );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "insertable" );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, subelement, "updatable" );
+ copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "column-definition", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( column, subelement, "table", false );
+ joinColumns.add( (JoinColumn) AnnotationFactory.create( column ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return joinColumns.toArray( new JoinColumn[ joinColumns.size() ] );
+ }
+ private void addAssociationOverrideIfNeeded(AssociationOverride annotation, List<AssociationOverride> overrides) {
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ String overrideName = annotation.name();
+ boolean present = false;
+ for ( AssociationOverride current : overrides ) {
+ if ( current.name().equals( overrideName ) ) {
+ present = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !present ) overrides.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ private AttributeOverrides getAttributeOverrides(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ List<AttributeOverride> attributes = buildAttributeOverrides( tree );
+ return mergeAttributeOverrides( defaults, attributes );
+ }
+ private AttributeOverrides getAttributeOverrides(List<Element> elements, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ List<AttributeOverride> attributes = new ArrayList<AttributeOverride>();
+ for (Element element : elements) {
+ attributes.addAll( buildAttributeOverrides( element ) );
+ }
+ return mergeAttributeOverrides( defaults, attributes );
+ }
+ private AttributeOverrides mergeAttributeOverrides(XMLContext.Default defaults,
+ List<AttributeOverride> attributes) {
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ AttributeOverride annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverride.class );
+ addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded( annotation, attributes );
+ AttributeOverrides annotations = getJavaAnnotation( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ if ( annotations != null ) {
+ for ( AttributeOverride current : annotations.value() ) {
+ addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded( current, attributes );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( attributes.size() > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AttributeOverrides.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", attributes.toArray( new AttributeOverride[ attributes.size() ] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private List<AttributeOverride> buildAttributeOverrides(Element element) {
+ List<Element> subelements = element == null ? null : element.elements( "attribute-override" );
+ return buildAttributeOverrides( subelements );
+ }
+ private List<AttributeOverride> buildAttributeOverrides(List<Element> subelements) {
+ List<AttributeOverride> overrides = new ArrayList<AttributeOverride>();
+ if ( subelements != null && subelements.size() > 0 ) {
+ for ( Element current : subelements ) {
+ if ( ! current.getName().equals( "attribute-override" ) ) continue;
+ AnnotationDescriptor override = new AnnotationDescriptor( AttributeOverride.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( override, current, "name", true );
+ Element column = current != null ? current.element( "column" ) : null;
+ override.setValue( "column", getColumn( column, true, current ) );
+ overrides.add( (AttributeOverride) AnnotationFactory.create( override ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return overrides;
+ }
+ private Column getColumn(Element element, boolean isMandatory, Element current) {
+ //Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "column" ) : null;
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( Column.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( column, element, "name", false );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "unique" );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "nullable" );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "insertable" );
+ copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "updatable" );
+ copyStringAttribute( column, element, "column-definition", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( column, element, "table", false );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "length" );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "precision" );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "scale" );
+ return (Column) AnnotationFactory.create( column );
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( isMandatory ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( current.getPath() + ".column is mandatory. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void addAttributeOverrideIfNeeded(AttributeOverride annotation, List<AttributeOverride> overrides) {
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ String overrideName = annotation.name();
+ boolean present = false;
+ for ( AttributeOverride current : overrides ) {
+ if ( current.name().equals( overrideName ) ) {
+ present = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !present ) overrides.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ private AccessType getAccessType(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ String access = tree == null ? null : tree.attributeValue( "access" );
+ if ( "FIELD".equals( access ) || "PROPERTY".equals( access ) ) {
+ access = access.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ if ( access != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AccessType.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", access );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && isJavaAnnotationPresent( AccessType.class ) ) {
+ AccessType annotation = getJavaAnnotation( AccessType.class );
+ return annotation;
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.getAccess() != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( AccessType.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", defaults.getAccess() );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private ExcludeSuperclassListeners getExcludeSuperclassListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ return (ExcludeSuperclassListeners) getMarkerAnnotation( ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class, tree, defaults );
+ }
+ private ExcludeDefaultListeners getExcludeDefaultListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ return (ExcludeDefaultListeners) getMarkerAnnotation( ExcludeDefaultListeners.class, tree, defaults );
+ }
+ private Annotation getMarkerAnnotation(
+ Class<? extends Annotation> clazz, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults
+ ) {
+ Element subelement = element == null ? null : element.element( annotationToXml.get( clazz ) );
+ if ( subelement != null ) {
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( new AnnotationDescriptor( clazz ) );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ //TODO wonder whether it should be excluded so that user can undone it
+ return getJavaAnnotation( clazz );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private SqlResultSetMappings getSqlResultSetMappings(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ List<SqlResultSetMapping> results = (List<SqlResultSetMapping>) buildSqlResultsetMappings( tree, defaults );
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ SqlResultSetMapping annotation = getJavaAnnotation( SqlResultSetMapping.class );
+ addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded( annotation, results );
+ SqlResultSetMappings annotations = getJavaAnnotation( SqlResultSetMappings.class );
+ if ( annotations != null ) {
+ for ( SqlResultSetMapping current : annotations.value() ) {
+ addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded( current, results );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( results.size() > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( SqlResultSetMappings.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", results.toArray( new SqlResultSetMapping[ results.size() ] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public static List<SqlResultSetMapping> buildSqlResultsetMappings(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ if ( element == null ) return new ArrayList<SqlResultSetMapping>();
+ List resultsetElementList = element.elements( "sql-result-set-mapping" );
+ List<SqlResultSetMapping> resultsets = new ArrayList<SqlResultSetMapping>();
+ Iterator it = resultsetElementList.listIterator();
+ while ( it.hasNext() ) {
+ Element subelement = (Element) it.next();
+ AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor( SqlResultSetMapping.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "name", true );
+ List<Element> elements = subelement.elements( "entity-result" );
+ List<EntityResult> entityResults = new ArrayList<EntityResult>( elements.size() );
+ for ( Element entityResult : elements ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor entityResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( EntityResult.class );
+ String clazzName = entityResult.attributeValue( "entity-class" );
+ if ( clazzName == null ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "<entity-result> without entity-class. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ }
+ Class clazz = null;
+ try {
+ clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
+ XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ),
+ EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.class
+ );
+ }
+ catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e );
+ }
+ entityResultDescriptor.setValue( "entityClass", clazz );
+ copyStringAttribute( entityResultDescriptor, entityResult, "discriminator-column", false );
+ List<FieldResult> fieldResults = new ArrayList<FieldResult>();
+ for ( Element fieldResult : (List<Element>) entityResult.elements( "field-result" ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor fieldResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( FieldResult.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( fieldResultDescriptor, fieldResult, "name", true );
+ copyStringAttribute( fieldResultDescriptor, fieldResult, "column", true );
+ fieldResults.add( (FieldResult) AnnotationFactory.create( fieldResultDescriptor ) );
+ }
+ entityResultDescriptor.setValue(
+ "fields", fieldResults.toArray( new FieldResult[ fieldResults.size() ] )
+ );
+ entityResults.add( (EntityResult) AnnotationFactory.create( entityResultDescriptor ) );
+ }
+ ann.setValue( "entities", entityResults.toArray( new EntityResult[ entityResults.size() ] ) );
+ elements = subelement.elements( "column-result" );
+ List<ColumnResult> columnResults = new ArrayList<ColumnResult>( elements.size() );
+ for ( Element columnResult : elements ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor columnResultDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( ColumnResult.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( columnResultDescriptor, columnResult, "name", true );
+ columnResults.add( (ColumnResult) AnnotationFactory.create( columnResultDescriptor ) );
+ }
+ ann.setValue( "columns", columnResults.toArray( new ColumnResult[ columnResults.size() ] ) );
+ //FIXME there is never such a result-class, get rid of it?
+ String clazzName = subelement.attributeValue( "result-class" );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clazzName ) ) {
+ Class clazz = null;
+ try {
+ clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
+ XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ),
+ EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.class
+ );
+ }
+ catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e );
+ }
+ ann.setValue( "resultClass", clazz );
+ }
+ copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "result-set-mapping", false );
+ resultsets.add( (SqlResultSetMapping) AnnotationFactory.create( ann ) );
+ }
+ return resultsets;
+ }
+ private void addSqlResultsetMappingIfNeeded(SqlResultSetMapping annotation, List<SqlResultSetMapping> resultsets) {
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ String resultsetName = annotation.name();
+ boolean present = false;
+ for ( SqlResultSetMapping current : resultsets ) {
+ if ( current.name().equals( resultsetName ) ) {
+ present = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !present ) resultsets.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ private NamedQueries getNamedQueries(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ //TODO avoid the Proxy Creation (@NamedQueries) when possible
+ List<NamedQuery> queries = (List<NamedQuery>) buildNamedQueries( tree, false, defaults );
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ NamedQuery annotation = getJavaAnnotation( NamedQuery.class );
+ addNamedQueryIfNeeded( annotation, queries );
+ NamedQueries annotations = getJavaAnnotation( NamedQueries.class );
+ if ( annotations != null ) {
+ for ( NamedQuery current : annotations.value() ) {
+ addNamedQueryIfNeeded( current, queries );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( queries.size() > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedQueries.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedQuery[ queries.size() ] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void addNamedQueryIfNeeded(NamedQuery annotation, List<NamedQuery> queries) {
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ String queryName = annotation.name();
+ boolean present = false;
+ for ( NamedQuery current : queries ) {
+ if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) {
+ present = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !present ) queries.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ private NamedNativeQueries getNamedNativeQueries(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ List<NamedNativeQuery> queries = (List<NamedNativeQuery>) buildNamedQueries( tree, true, defaults );
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ NamedNativeQuery annotation = getJavaAnnotation( NamedNativeQuery.class );
+ addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded( annotation, queries );
+ NamedNativeQueries annotations = getJavaAnnotation( NamedNativeQueries.class );
+ if ( annotations != null ) {
+ for ( NamedNativeQuery current : annotations.value() ) {
+ addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded( current, queries );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( queries.size() > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( NamedNativeQueries.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", queries.toArray( new NamedNativeQuery[ queries.size() ] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void addNamedNativeQueryIfNeeded(NamedNativeQuery annotation, List<NamedNativeQuery> queries) {
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ String queryName = annotation.name();
+ boolean present = false;
+ for ( NamedNativeQuery current : queries ) {
+ if ( current.name().equals( queryName ) ) {
+ present = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !present ) queries.add( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ public static List buildNamedQueries(Element element, boolean isNative, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ if ( element == null ) return new ArrayList();
+ List namedQueryElementList = isNative ?
+ element.elements( "named-native-query" ) :
+ element.elements( "named-query" );
+ List namedQueries = new ArrayList();
+ Iterator it = namedQueryElementList.listIterator();
+ while ( it.hasNext() ) {
+ Element subelement = (Element) it.next();
+ AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor(
+ isNative ? NamedNativeQuery.class : NamedQuery.class
+ );
+ copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "name", false );
+ Element queryElt = subelement.element( "query" );
+ if ( queryElt == null ) throw new AnnotationException( "No <query> element found." + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ ann.setValue( "query", queryElt.getTextTrim() );
+ List<Element> elements = subelement.elements( "hint" );
+ List<QueryHint> queryHints = new ArrayList<QueryHint>( elements.size() );
+ for ( Element hint : elements ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor hintDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( QueryHint.class );
+ String value = hint.attributeValue( "name" );
+ if ( value == null ) throw new AnnotationException( "<hint> without name. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ hintDescriptor.setValue( "name", value );
+ value = hint.attributeValue( "value" );
+ if ( value == null ) throw new AnnotationException( "<hint> without value. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ hintDescriptor.setValue( "value", value );
+ queryHints.add( (QueryHint) AnnotationFactory.create( hintDescriptor ) );
+ }
+ ann.setValue( "hints", queryHints.toArray( new QueryHint[ queryHints.size() ] ) );
+ String clazzName = subelement.attributeValue( "result-class" );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clazzName ) ) {
+ Class clazz = null;
+ try {
+ clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
+ XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( clazzName, defaults ),
+ EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.class
+ );
+ }
+ catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e );
+ }
+ ann.setValue( "resultClass", clazz );
+ }
+ copyStringAttribute( ann, subelement, "result-set-mapping", false );
+ namedQueries.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ann ) );
+ }
+ return namedQueries;
+ }
+ private TableGenerator getTableGenerator(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( annotationToXml.get( TableGenerator.class ) ) : null;
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ return buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( element, defaults );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() && isJavaAnnotationPresent( TableGenerator.class ) ) {
+ TableGenerator tableAnn = getJavaAnnotation( TableGenerator.class );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
+ || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( TableGenerator.class );
+ annotation.setValue( "name", tableAnn.name() );
+ annotation.setValue( "table", tableAnn.table() );
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", tableAnn.table() );
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", tableAnn.table() );
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ annotation.setValue( "pkColumnName", tableAnn.pkColumnName() );
+ annotation.setValue( "valueColumnName", tableAnn.valueColumnName() );
+ annotation.setValue( "pkColumnValue", tableAnn.pkColumnValue() );
+ annotation.setValue( "initialValue", tableAnn.initialValue() );
+ annotation.setValue( "allocationSize", tableAnn.allocationSize() );
+ annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", tableAnn.uniqueConstraints() );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation );
+ }
+ else {
+ return tableAnn;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public static TableGenerator buildTableGeneratorAnnotation(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( TableGenerator.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "table", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "catalog", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "schema", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "pk-column-name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "value-column-name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "pk-column-value", false );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "initial-value" );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "allocation-size" );
+ buildUniqueConstraints( ad, element );
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "schema" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) ad.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
+ ad.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ private SequenceGenerator getSequenceGenerator(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( annotationToXml.get( SequenceGenerator.class ) ) : null;
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ return buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( element );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( SequenceGenerator.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public static SequenceGenerator buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation(Element element) {
+ if (element != null) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( SequenceGenerator.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "sequence-name", false );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "initial-value" );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "allocation-size" );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private DiscriminatorColumn getDiscriminatorColumn(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "discriminator-column" ) : null;
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( DiscriminatorColumn.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( ad, element, "column-definition", false );
+ String value = element.attributeValue( "discriminator-type" );
+ DiscriminatorType type = DiscriminatorType.STRING;
+ if ( value != null ) {
+ if ( "STRING".equals( value ) ) {
+ type = DiscriminatorType.STRING;
+ }
+ else if ( "CHAR".equals( value ) ) {
+ type = DiscriminatorType.CHAR;
+ }
+ else if ( "INTEGER".equals( value ) ) {
+ type = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new AnnotationException(
+ "Unknown DiscrimiatorType in XML: " + value + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ad.setValue( "discriminatorType", type );
+ copyIntegerAttribute( ad, element, "length" );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( DiscriminatorColumn.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private DiscriminatorValue getDiscriminatorValue(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "discriminator-value" ) : null;
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( DiscriminatorValue.class );
+ copyStringElement( element, ad, "value" );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( DiscriminatorValue.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private Inheritance getInheritance(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "inheritance" ) : null;
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( Inheritance.class );
+ Attribute attr = element.attribute( "strategy" );
+ InheritanceType strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE;
+ if ( attr != null ) {
+ String value = attr.getValue();
+ if ( "SINGLE_TABLE".equals( value ) ) {
+ strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE;
+ }
+ else if ( "JOINED".equals( value ) ) {
+ strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED;
+ }
+ else if ( "TABLE_PER_CLASS".equals( value ) ) {
+ strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new AnnotationException(
+ "Unknown InheritanceType in XML: " + value + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ad.setValue( "strategy", strategy );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( Inheritance.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private IdClass getIdClass(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element element = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "id-class" );
+ if ( element != null ) {
+ Attribute attr = element.attribute( "class" );
+ if ( attr != null ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( IdClass.class );
+ Class clazz = null;
+ try {
+ clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
+ XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( attr.getValue(), defaults ),
+ this.getClass()
+ );
+ }
+ catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find id-class: " + attr.getValue(), e );
+ }
+ ad.setValue( "value", clazz );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "id-class without class. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( IdClass.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private PrimaryKeyJoinColumns getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] columns = buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element );
+ if ( columns.length == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation = getJavaAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
+ if ( annotation != null ) {
+ columns = new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[]{annotation};
+ }
+ else {
+ PrimaryKeyJoinColumns annotations = getJavaAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
+ columns = annotations != null ? annotations.value() : columns;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( columns.length > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
+ ad.setValue( "value", columns );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private Entity getEntity(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ if ( tree == null ) {
+ return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? getJavaAnnotation( Entity.class ) : null;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( "entity".equals( tree.getName() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( Entity.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( entity, tree, "name", false );
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations()
+ && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) entity.valueOf( "name" ) ) ) {
+ Entity javaAnn = getJavaAnnotation( Entity.class );
+ if ( javaAnn != null ) entity.setValue( "name", javaAnn.name() );
+ }
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( entity );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null; //this is not an entity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private MappedSuperclass getMappedSuperclass(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ if ( tree == null ) {
+ return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? getJavaAnnotation( MappedSuperclass.class ) : null;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( "mapped-superclass".equals( tree.getName() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( MappedSuperclass.class );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( entity );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null; //this is not an entity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Embeddable getEmbeddable(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ if ( tree == null ) {
+ return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? getJavaAnnotation( Embeddable.class ) : null;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( "embeddable".equals( tree.getName() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( Embeddable.class );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( entity );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null; //this is not an entity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Table getTable(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ Element subelement = tree == null ? null : tree.element( "table" );
+ if ( subelement == null ) {
+ //no element but might have some default or some annotation
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
+ || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( Table.class );
+ if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ Table table = getJavaAnnotation( Table.class );
+ if ( table != null ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "name", table.name() );
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", table.schema() );
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", table.catalog() );
+ annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", table.uniqueConstraints() );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation );
+ }
+ else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ return getJavaAnnotation( Table.class );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //ignore java annotation, an element is defined
+ AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( Table.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "catalog", false );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
+ && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, subelement, "schema", false );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
+ && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, subelement );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( annotation );
+ }
+ }
+ private SecondaryTables getSecondaryTables(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
+ List<Element> elements = tree == null ?
+ new ArrayList<Element>() :
+ (List<Element>) tree.elements( "secondary-table" );
+ List<SecondaryTable> secondaryTables = new ArrayList<SecondaryTable>( 3 );
+ for ( Element element : elements ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTable.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "catalog", false );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
+ && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "schema", false );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
+ && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, element );
+ annotation.setValue( "pkJoinColumns", buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element ) );
+ secondaryTables.add( (SecondaryTable) AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) );
+ }
+ /*
+ * You can't have both secondary table in XML and Java,
+ * since there would be no way to "remove" a secondary table
+ */
+ if ( secondaryTables.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
+ SecondaryTable secTableAnn = getJavaAnnotation( SecondaryTable.class );
+ overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( secTableAnn, defaults, secondaryTables );
+ SecondaryTables secTablesAnn = getJavaAnnotation( SecondaryTables.class );
+ if ( secTablesAnn != null ) {
+ for ( SecondaryTable table : secTablesAnn.value() ) {
+ overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( table, defaults, secondaryTables );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( secondaryTables.size() > 0 ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor descriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTables.class );
+ descriptor.setValue( "value", secondaryTables.toArray( new SecondaryTable[secondaryTables.size()] ) );
+ return AnnotationFactory.create( descriptor );
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable(
+ SecondaryTable secTableAnn, XMLContext.Default defaults, List<SecondaryTable> secondaryTables
+ ) {
+ if ( secTableAnn != null ) {
+ //handle default values
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
+ || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTable.class );
+ annotation.setValue( "name", secTableAnn.name() );
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", secTableAnn.schema() );
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", secTableAnn.catalog() );
+ annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", secTableAnn.uniqueConstraints() );
+ annotation.setValue( "pkJoinColumns", secTableAnn.pkJoinColumns() );
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
+ }
+ if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) )
+ && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() ) ) {
+ annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
+ }
+ secondaryTables.add( (SecondaryTable) AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ secondaryTables.add( secTableAnn );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void buildUniqueConstraints(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element) {
+ List uniqueConstraintElementList = element.elements( "unique-constraint" );
+ UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints = new UniqueConstraint[ uniqueConstraintElementList.size() ];
+ int ucIndex = 0;
+ Iterator ucIt = uniqueConstraintElementList.listIterator();
+ while ( ucIt.hasNext() ) {
+ Element subelement = (Element) ucIt.next();
+ List<Element> columnNamesElements = subelement.elements( "column-name" );
+ String[] columnNames = new String[columnNamesElements.size()];
+ int columnNameIndex = 0;
+ Iterator it = columnNamesElements.listIterator();
+ while ( it.hasNext() ) {
+ Element columnNameElt = (Element) it.next();
+ columnNames[columnNameIndex++] = columnNameElt.getTextTrim();
+ }
+ AnnotationDescriptor ucAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor( UniqueConstraint.class );
+ ucAnn.setValue( "columnNames", columnNames );
+ uniqueConstraints[ucIndex++] = AnnotationFactory.create( ucAnn );
+ }
+ annotation.setValue( "uniqueConstraints", uniqueConstraints );
+ }
+ private PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(Element element) {
+ if ( element == null ) return new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[]{};
+ List pkJoinColumnElementList = element.elements( "primary-key-join-column" );
+ PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] pkJoinColumns = new PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[ pkJoinColumnElementList.size() ];
+ int index = 0;
+ Iterator pkIt = pkJoinColumnElementList.listIterator();
+ while ( pkIt.hasNext() ) {
+ Element subelement = (Element) pkIt.next();
+ AnnotationDescriptor pkAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
+ copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "referenced-column-name", false );
+ copyStringAttribute( pkAnn, subelement, "column-definition", false );
+ pkJoinColumns[index++] = AnnotationFactory.create( pkAnn );
+ }
+ return pkJoinColumns;
+ }
+ private static void copyStringAttribute(
+ AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element, String attributeName, boolean mandatory
+ ) {
+ String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName );
+ if ( attribute != null ) {
+ String annotationAttributeName = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName );
+ annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute );
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( mandatory ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException(
+ element.getName() + "." + attributeName + " is mandatory in XML overring. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void copyIntegerAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element, String attributeName) {
+ String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName );
+ if ( attribute != null ) {
+ String annotationAttributeName = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName );
+ annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute );
+ try {
+ int length = Integer.parseInt( attribute );
+ annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, length );
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new AnnotationException(
+ element.getPath() + attributeName + " not parseable: " + attribute + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static String getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne(String attributeName) {
+ StringBuilder annotationAttributeName = new StringBuilder( attributeName );
+ int index = annotationAttributeName.indexOf( WORD_SEPARATOR );
+ while ( index != -1 ) {
+ annotationAttributeName.deleteCharAt( index );
+ annotationAttributeName.setCharAt(
+ index, Character.toUpperCase( annotationAttributeName.charAt( index ) )
+ );
+ index = annotationAttributeName.indexOf( WORD_SEPARATOR );
+ }
+ return annotationAttributeName.toString();
+ }
+ private static void copyStringElement(Element element, AnnotationDescriptor ad, String annotationAttribute) {
+ String discr = element.getTextTrim();
+ ad.setValue( annotationAttribute, discr );
+ }
+ private static void copyBooleanAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, Element element, String attribute) {
+ String attributeValue = element.attributeValue( attribute );
+ if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( attributeValue ) ) {
+ String javaAttribute = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attribute );
+ descriptor.setValue( javaAttribute, Boolean.parseBoolean( attributeValue ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private <T extends Annotation> T getJavaAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType) {
+ return element.getAnnotation( annotationType );
+ }
+ private <T extends Annotation> boolean isJavaAnnotationPresent(Class<T> annotationType) {
+ return element.isAnnotationPresent( annotationType );
+ }
+ private Annotation[] getJavaAnnotations() {
+ return element.getAnnotations();
+ }
Added: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/xml/EJB3ReflectionManager.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/xml/EJB3ReflectionManager.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/reflection/java/xml/EJB3ReflectionManager.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+package org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml;
+import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import javax.persistence.EntityListeners;
+import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
+import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
+import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator;
+import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
+import javax.persistence.TableGenerator;
+import org.dom4j.Element;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.AnnotationReader;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager;
+import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
+public class EJB3ReflectionManager extends JavaReflectionManager {
+ private XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext();
+ private HashMap defaults = null;
+ public EJB3ReflectionManager() {
+ System.out.println("hello");
+ }
+ public AnnotationReader buildAnnotationReader(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement) {
+ if ( xmlContext.hasContext() ) {
+ return new EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader(annotatedElement, xmlContext);
+ }
+ else {
+ return super.buildAnnotationReader(annotatedElement);
+ }
+ }
+ public Map getDefaults() {
+ if (defaults == null) {
+ defaults = new HashMap();
+ XMLContext.Default xmlDefaults = xmlContext.getDefault( null );
+ List<Class> entityListeners = new ArrayList<Class>();
+ for ( String className : xmlContext.getDefaultEntityListeners() ) {
+ try {
+ entityListeners.add( ReflectHelper.classForName( className, this.getClass() ) );
+ }
+ catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException( "Default entity listener class not found: " + className );
+ }
+ }
+ defaults.put( EntityListeners.class, entityListeners );
+ for( Element element : xmlContext.getAllDocuments() ) {
+ List<Element> elements = element.elements( "sequence-generator" );
+ List<SequenceGenerator> sequenceGenerators = (List<SequenceGenerator>) defaults.get(SequenceGenerator.class);
+ if (sequenceGenerators == null) {
+ sequenceGenerators = new ArrayList<SequenceGenerator>();
+ defaults.put( SequenceGenerator.class, sequenceGenerators );
+ }
+ for (Element subelement : elements) {
+ sequenceGenerators.add( EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildSequenceGeneratorAnnotation( subelement ) );
+ }
+ elements = element.elements( "table-generator" );
+ List<TableGenerator> tableGenerators = (List<TableGenerator>) defaults.get(TableGenerator.class);
+ if (tableGenerators == null) {
+ tableGenerators = new ArrayList<TableGenerator>();
+ defaults.put( TableGenerator.class, tableGenerators );
+ }
+ for (Element subelement : elements) {
+ tableGenerators.add( EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildTableGeneratorAnnotation( subelement, xmlDefaults ) );
+ }
+ List<NamedQuery> namedQueries = (List<NamedQuery>) defaults.get(NamedQuery.class);
+ if (namedQueries == null) {
+ namedQueries = new ArrayList<NamedQuery>();
+ defaults.put( NamedQuery.class, namedQueries );
+ }
+ List<NamedQuery> currentNamedQueries = EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildNamedQueries(element, false, xmlDefaults);
+ namedQueries.addAll( currentNamedQueries );
+ List<NamedNativeQuery> namedNativeQueries = (List<NamedNativeQuery>) defaults.get(NamedNativeQuery.class);
+ if (namedNativeQueries == null) {
+ namedNativeQueries = new ArrayList<NamedNativeQuery>();
+ defaults.put( NamedNativeQuery.class, namedNativeQueries );
+ }
+ List<NamedNativeQuery> currentNamedNativeQueries = EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildNamedQueries(element, true, xmlDefaults);
+ namedNativeQueries.addAll( currentNamedNativeQueries );
+ List<SqlResultSetMapping> sqlResultSetMappings = (List<SqlResultSetMapping>) defaults.get(SqlResultSetMapping.class);
+ if (sqlResultSetMappings == null) {
+ sqlResultSetMappings = new ArrayList<SqlResultSetMapping>();
+ defaults.put( SqlResultSetMapping.class, sqlResultSetMappings );
+ }
+ List<SqlResultSetMapping> currentSqlResultSetMappings = EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader.buildSqlResultsetMappings(element, xmlDefaults);
+ sqlResultSetMappings.addAll( currentSqlResultSetMappings );
+ }
+ }
+ return defaults;
+ }
+ public XMLContext getXMLContext() {
+ return xmlContext;
+ }
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/validator/ClassValidator.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/validator/ClassValidator.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/validator/ClassValidator.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -28,9 +28,8 @@
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
-import org.hibernate.validator.interpolator.DefaultMessageInterpolatorAggerator;
+import org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.Version;
-import org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.reflection.Filter;
@@ -39,8 +38,9 @@
import org.hibernate.reflection.XMember;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XMethod;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.EJB3ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.util.IdentitySet;
+import org.hibernate.validator.interpolator.DefaultMessageInterpolatorAggerator;
@@ -120,7 +120,8 @@
Class<T> beanClass, ResourceBundle resourceBundle, MessageInterpolator interpolator,
Map<XClass, ClassValidator> childClassValidators, ReflectionManager reflectionManager
) {
- this.reflectionManager = reflectionManager != null ? reflectionManager : new JavaXFactory();
+ // TODO
+ this.reflectionManager = reflectionManager != null ? reflectionManager : new EJB3ReflectionManager();
XClass beanXClass = this.reflectionManager.toXClass( beanClass );
this.beanClass = beanClass;
this.messageBundle = resourceBundle == null ?
@@ -651,7 +652,8 @@
this.messageBundle = rb;
this.userInterpolator = (MessageInterpolator) ois.readObject();
this.defaultMessageBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE );
- reflectionManager = new JavaXFactory();
+ // TODO
+ reflectionManager = new EJB3ReflectionManager();
initValidator( reflectionManager.toXClass( beanClass ), new HashMap<XClass, ClassValidator>() );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/validator/event/ValidateEventListener.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/validator/event/ValidateEventListener.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/java/org/hibernate/validator/event/ValidateEventListener.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -12,12 +12,8 @@
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionManager;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
-import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
-import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
+import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
-import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.event.Initializable;
import org.hibernate.event.PreInsertEvent;
import org.hibernate.event.PreInsertEventListener;
@@ -29,10 +25,14 @@
import org.hibernate.property.Getter;
import org.hibernate.property.PropertyAccessor;
import org.hibernate.property.PropertyAccessorFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionManager;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.EJB3ReflectionManager;
+import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
+import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.validator.ClassValidator;
+import org.hibernate.validator.Environment;
import org.hibernate.validator.InvalidStateException;
import org.hibernate.validator.InvalidValue;
-import org.hibernate.validator.Environment;
import org.hibernate.validator.MessageInterpolator;
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@
reflectionManager = ( (AnnotationConfiguration) cfg).getReflectionManager();
else {
- reflectionManager = new JavaXFactory();
+ // TODO
+ reflectionManager = new EJB3ReflectionManager();
while ( classes.hasNext() ) {
PersistentClass clazz = classes.next();
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaReflectionManagerTest.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaReflectionManagerTest.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaReflectionManagerTest.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager;
* @author Paolo Perrotta
public class JavaReflectionManagerTest extends TestCase {
- private ReflectionManager rm = new JavaXFactory();
+ private ReflectionManager rm = new JavaReflectionManager();
public void testReturnsAnXClassThatWrapsTheGivenClass() {
XClass xc = rm.toXClass( Integer.class );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaXClassTest.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaXClassTest.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaXClassTest.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import org.hibernate.reflection.XAnnotatedElement;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.test.reflection.java.generics.Dad;
import org.hibernate.test.reflection.java.generics.Grandpa;
import org.hibernate.test.reflection.java.generics.Language;
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
* @author Paolo Perrotta
public class JavaXClassTest extends XAnnotatedElementTestCase {
- ReflectionManager factory = new JavaXFactory();
+ ReflectionManager factory = new JavaReflectionManager();
XClass fatherAsSeenFromSon = factory.toXClass( Son.class ).getSuperclass();
XClass grandpa = factory.toXClass( Grandpa.class );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaXPropertyTest.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaXPropertyTest.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/JavaXPropertyTest.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import org.hibernate.reflection.ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.test.reflection.java.generics.Dad;
import org.hibernate.test.reflection.java.generics.Son;
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
public class JavaXPropertyTest extends XAnnotatedElementTestCase {
- private ReflectionManager factory = new JavaXFactory();
+ private ReflectionManager factory = new JavaReflectionManager();
private XClass dadAsSeenFromItself = factory.toXClass( Dad.class );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/generics/deep/DeepGenericsContainment.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/generics/deep/DeepGenericsContainment.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/generics/deep/DeepGenericsContainment.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XProperty;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager;
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
public void test2StepsGenerics() throws Exception {
- JavaXFactory factory = new JavaXFactory();
+ JavaReflectionManager factory = new JavaReflectionManager();
XClass container = factory.toXClass( Container.class );
XProperty contained = container.getDeclaredProperties( XClass.ACCESS_FIELD ).get( 0 );
assertTrue( contained.isTypeResolved() );
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
public void test2StepsGenericsCollection() throws Exception {
- JavaXFactory factory = new JavaXFactory();
+ JavaReflectionManager factory = new JavaReflectionManager();
XClass container = factory.toXClass( ContainerWithCollection.class );
XProperty collection = container.getDeclaredProperties( XClass.ACCESS_FIELD ).get( 0 );
assertTrue( collection.isTypeResolved() );
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/generics/deep/DeepGenericsInheritance.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/generics/deep/DeepGenericsInheritance.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/generics/deep/DeepGenericsInheritance.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package org.hibernate.test.reflection.java.generics.deep;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaXFactory;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.reflection.XClass;
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
public class DeepGenericsInheritance extends TestCase {
public void test2StepsGenerics() throws Exception {
- JavaXFactory factory = new JavaXFactory();
+ JavaReflectionManager factory = new JavaReflectionManager();
XClass subclass2 = factory.toXClass( Subclass2.class );
XClass dummySubclass = factory.toXClass( DummySubclass.class );
XClass superclass = subclass2.getSuperclass();
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/xml/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReaderTest.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/xml/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReaderTest.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/reflection/java/xml/EJB3OverridenAnnotationReaderTest.java 2007-01-25 03:28:33 UTC (rev 11099)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Columns;
import org.hibernate.cfg.EJB3DTDEntityResolver;
-import org.hibernate.reflection.java.EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader;
+import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.EJB3OverridenAnnotationReader;
import org.hibernate.reflection.java.xml.XMLContext;
import org.hibernate.util.XMLHelper;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11098 - trunk/HibernateExt/ejb/src/java/org/hibernate/ejb/packaging.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: epbernard
Date: 2007-01-24 16:21:14 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11098
Rollback from Bill's changes in HEAD (ported in 3.2)
Modified: trunk/HibernateExt/ejb/src/java/org/hibernate/ejb/packaging/PersistenceXmlLoader.java
--- trunk/HibernateExt/ejb/src/java/org/hibernate/ejb/packaging/PersistenceXmlLoader.java 2007-01-24 16:54:32 UTC (rev 11097)
+++ trunk/HibernateExt/ejb/src/java/org/hibernate/ejb/packaging/PersistenceXmlLoader.java 2007-01-24 21:21:14 UTC (rev 11098)
@@ -68,12 +68,8 @@
return doc;
- public static List<PersistenceMetadata> deploy(URL url, Map overrides, EntityResolver resolver) throws Exception {
- return deploy(url, overrides, resolver, PersistenceUnitTransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL);
- }
+ public static List<PersistenceMetadata> deploy(URL url, Map overrides, EntityResolver resolver) throws Exception {
- public static List<PersistenceMetadata> deploy(URL url, Map overrides, EntityResolver resolver, PersistenceUnitTransactionType defaultTransactionType) throws Exception {
Document doc = loadURL( url, resolver );
Element top = doc.getDocumentElement();
NodeList children = top.getChildNodes();
@@ -83,7 +79,7 @@
Element element = (Element) children.item( i );
String tag = element.getTagName();
if ( tag.equals( "persistence-unit" ) ) {
- PersistenceMetadata metadata = parsePersistenceUnit( element, defaultTransactionType);
+ PersistenceMetadata metadata = parsePersistenceUnit( element );
//override properties of metadata if needed
String provider = (String) overrides.get( HibernatePersistence.PROVIDER );
if ( provider != null ) {
@@ -111,7 +107,7 @@
return units;
- private static PersistenceMetadata parsePersistenceUnit(Element top, PersistenceUnitTransactionType defaultTransactionType)
+ private static PersistenceMetadata parsePersistenceUnit(Element top)
throws Exception {
PersistenceMetadata metadata = new PersistenceMetadata();
String puName = top.getAttribute( "name" );
@@ -121,7 +117,7 @@
PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType = getTransactionType( top.getAttribute( "transaction-type" ) );
//parsing a persistence.xml means we are in a JavaSE environment
- transactionType = transactionType != null ? transactionType : defaultTransactionType;
+ transactionType = transactionType != null ? transactionType : PersistenceUnitTransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL;
metadata.setTransactionType( transactionType );
NodeList children = top.getChildNodes();
for ( int i = 0; i < children.getLength() ; i++ ) {
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11097 - branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: max.andersen(a)jboss.com
Date: 2007-01-24 11:54:32 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11097
example reveng.xml used <column> where it shold be <key-column>
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/reverseengineering.xml
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/reverseengineering.xml 2007-01-24 15:52:38 UTC (rev 11096)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/reverseengineering.xml 2007-01-24 16:54:32 UTC (rev 11097)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="table">seq_table</param>
- <column name="CUSTID"/>
+ <key-column name="CUSTID"/>
<column name="NAME" property="orderName" type="string" />
<!-- control many-to-one and set names for a specific named foreign key constraint -->
@@ -415,9 +415,9 @@
- <primary-key...>
- <column...>
- <foreign-key...>
+ <primary-key.../>
+ <column.../>
+ <foreign-key.../>
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11096 - branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: epbernard
Date: 2007-01-24 10:52:38 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11096
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll/IndexedCollectionTest.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll/IndexedCollectionTest.java 2007-01-24 15:50:24 UTC (rev 11095)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll/IndexedCollectionTest.java 2007-01-24 15:52:38 UTC (rev 11096)
@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@
atm = (Atmosphere) s.get( Atmosphere.class, atm.id );
- assertTrue( ! Hibernate.isInitialized( atm.composition ) );
- assertEquals( 1, atm.composition.size() );
+ assertTrue( ! Hibernate.isInitialized( atm.composition ) );
+ assertEquals( 1, atm.composition.size() );
assertEquals( o2.name, atm.composition.keySet().iterator().next().name );
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11095 - branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: epbernard
Date: 2007-01-24 10:50:24 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11095
test syncrhonization
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll/IndexedCollectionTest.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll/IndexedCollectionTest.java 2007-01-24 15:01:00 UTC (rev 11094)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/metadata/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/indexcoll/IndexedCollectionTest.java 2007-01-24 15:50:24 UTC (rev 11095)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
+import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.test.annotations.TestCase;
@@ -434,7 +435,8 @@
atm = (Atmosphere) s.get( Atmosphere.class, atm.id );
- assertEquals( 1, atm.composition.size() );
+ assertTrue( ! Hibernate.isInitialized( atm.composition ) );
+ assertEquals( 1, atm.composition.size() );
assertEquals( o2.name, atm.composition.keySet().iterator().next().name );
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11094 - tags/v322.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: steve.ebersole(a)jboss.com
Date: 2007-01-24 10:01:00 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11094
tagged 3.2.2 release
Copied: tags/v322/Hibernate3 (from rev 11093, branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3)
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11093 - tags.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: steve.ebersole(a)jboss.com
Date: 2007-01-24 09:59:59 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11093
prep 3.2 release tag
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11092 - in branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3: doc/reference/en and 1 other directories.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: steve.ebersole(a)jboss.com
Date: 2007-01-24 09:57:21 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11092
prep 3.2.2 release
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/build.xml
--- branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/build.xml 2007-01-24 14:53:35 UTC (rev 11091)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/build.xml 2007-01-24 14:57:21 UTC (rev 11092)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<property name="name2" value="hibernate3"/>
<property name="version.major" value="3"/>
<property name="version.minor" value="2"/>
- <property name="version.micro" value="1"/>
+ <property name="version.micro" value="2"/>
<property name="version.qualifier" value="ga"/>
<property name="version.full" value="${version.major}.${version.minor}.${version.micro}.${version.qualifier}"/>
<property name="version.major_minor" value="${version.major}.${version.minor}"/>
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/doc/reference/en/master.xml
--- branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/doc/reference/en/master.xml 2007-01-24 14:53:35 UTC (rev 11091)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/doc/reference/en/master.xml 2007-01-24 14:57:21 UTC (rev 11092)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<title>HIBERNATE - Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java</title>
<subtitle>Hibernate Reference Documentation</subtitle>
- <releaseinfo>3.2.1</releaseinfo>
+ <releaseinfo>3.2.2</releaseinfo>
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/readme.txt
--- branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/readme.txt 2007-01-24 14:53:35 UTC (rev 11091)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/readme.txt 2007-01-24 14:57:21 UTC (rev 11092)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Hibernate - Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
-version 3.2.1, November 16, 2006
+version 3.2.2, January 24, 2007
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/src/org/hibernate/cfg/Environment.java
--- branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/src/org/hibernate/cfg/Environment.java 2007-01-24 14:53:35 UTC (rev 11091)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/src/org/hibernate/cfg/Environment.java 2007-01-24 14:57:21 UTC (rev 11092)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
public final class Environment {
- public static final String VERSION = "3.2.1";
+ public static final String VERSION = "3.2.2";
* <tt>ConnectionProvider</tt> implementor to use when obtaining connections
18 years, 1 month
Hibernate SVN: r11091 - branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3.
by hibernate-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: steve.ebersole(a)jboss.com
Date: 2007-01-24 09:53:35 -0500 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 11091
prep 3.2.2 release
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/changelog.txt
--- branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/changelog.txt 2007-01-24 14:53:24 UTC (rev 11090)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/Hibernate3/changelog.txt 2007-01-24 14:53:35 UTC (rev 11091)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
more about each case.
-Chages in version 3.2.2 (2007.12.24)
+Chages in version 3.2.2 (2007.01.24)
** Bug
18 years, 1 month