
  • 2 participants
  • 125 discussions
[hibernate/hibernate-search] 768244: HSEARCH-3989 Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.21.Final
by Yoann Rodière
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] 3d46fa: HHH-14191 - ANY mapping support
by Steve Ebersole
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] 97a88e: HHH-14191 - ANY mapping support
by Steve Ebersole
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-search] f410b2: HSEARCH-3988 Preserve the type of loading options ...
by Yoann Rodière
4 years, 5 months
by Bot for Hibernate continuous integration
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] 31f8d9: 5.4.21.Final
by Bot for Hibernate continuous integration
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] 564c05: HHH-14153 optimize away temp table for single-tabl...
by Gavin King
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] d1119d: HHH-14153 optimize away temp table for single-tabl...
by Gavin King
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] 59d40c: HHH-14193 MultipleLinesSqlCommandExtractor should ...
by Sanne Grinovero
4 years, 5 months
[hibernate/hibernate-orm] b1dea1: HHH-14193 MultipleLinesSqlCommandExtractor should ...
by Sanne Grinovero
4 years, 5 months
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