Author: epbernard
Date: 2010-05-26 12:20:43 -0400 (Wed, 26 May 2010)
New Revision: 19619
HHH-5149 Merge embedded object / component documentations
core/trunk/documentation/manual/src/main/docbook/en-US/content/basic_mapping.xml 2010-05-26
16:20:08 UTC (rev 19618)
core/trunk/documentation/manual/src/main/docbook/en-US/content/basic_mapping.xml 2010-05-26
16:20:43 UTC (rev 19619)
@@ -4572,14 +4572,115 @@
- <section id="mapping-declaration-component" revision="2">
- <title>Component and dynamic-component</title>
+ <section id="mapping-declaration-component">
+ <title>Embedded objects (aka components)</title>
- <para>The <literal><component></literal> element
maps properties
- of a child object to columns of the table of a parent class. Components
- can, in turn, declare their own properties, components or collections.
- See the "Component" examples below:</para>
+ <para>Embeddable objects (or components) are objects whose properties
+ are mapped to the same table as the owning entity's table. Components
+ can, in turn, declare their own properties, components or
+ collections</para>
+ <para>It is possible to declare an embedded component inside an entity
+ and even override its column mapping. Component classes have to be
+ annotated at the class level with the <literal>@Embeddable</literal>
+ annotation. It is possible to override the column mapping of an embedded
+ object for a particular entity using the <literal>@Embedded</literal>
+ and <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal> annotation in the associated
+ property:</para>
+ <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
+public class Person implements Serializable {
+ // Persistent component using defaults
+ Address homeAddress;
+ @Embedded
+ @AttributeOverrides( {
+ @AttributeOverride(name="iso2", column =
@Column(name="bornIso2") ),
+ @AttributeOverride(name="name", column =
@Column(name="bornCountryName") )
+ } )
+ Country bornIn;
+ ...
+} </programlisting>
+ <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
+public class Address implements Serializable {
+ String city;
+ Country nationality; //no overriding here
+} </programlisting>
+ <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
+public class Country implements Serializable {
+ private String iso2;
+ @Column(name="countryName") private String name;
+ public String getIso2() { return iso2; }
+ public void setIso2(String iso2) { this.iso2 = iso2; }
+ public String getName() { return name; }
+ public void setName(String name) { = name; }
+ ...
+} </programlisting>
+ <para>An embeddable object inherits the access type of its owning entity
+ (note that you can override that using the <literal>@Access</literal>
+ annotation).</para>
+ <para>The <literal>Person</literal> entity has two component
+ <literal>homeAddress</literal> and
+ <literal>homeAddress</literal> property has not been annotated, but
+ Hibernate will guess that it is a persistent component by looking for
+ the <literal>@Embeddable</literal> annotation in the Address class. We
+ also override the mapping of a column name (to
+ <literal>bornCountryName</literal>) with the
+ <literal>@Embedded</literal> and <literal>@AttributeOverride
+ </literal>annotations for each mapped attribute of
+ <literal>Country</literal>. As you can see, <literal>Country
+ </literal>is also a nested component of
+ again using auto-detection by Hibernate and JPA defaults. Overriding
+ columns of embedded objects of embedded objects is through dotted
+ expressions.</para>
+ <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">
+ @AttributeOverrides( {
+ @AttributeOverride(name="city", column =
@Column(name="fld_city") ),
+ @AttributeOverride(name="nationality.iso2", column =
@Column(name="nat_Iso2") ),
+ @AttributeOverride(name="", column =
@Column(name="nat_CountryName") )
+ //nationality columns in homeAddress are overridden
+ } )
+ Address homeAddress;</programlisting>
+ <para>Hibernate Annotations supports something that is not explicitly
+ supported by the JPA specification. You can annotate a embedded object
+ with the <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> annotation to make the
+ superclass properties persistent (see
+ <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> for more
+ <para>You can also use association annotations in an embeddable object
+ (ie <literal>@OneToOne</literal>,
+ <classname>@OneToMany</classname> or
<literal>@ManyToMany</literal>). To
+ override the association columns you can use
+ <literal>(a)AssociationOverride</literal>.</para>
+ <para>If you want to have the same embeddable object type twice in the
+ same entity, the column name defaulting will not work as several
+ embedded objects would share the same set of columns. In plain JPA, you
+ need to override at least one set of columns. Hibernate, however, allows
+ you to enhance the default naming mechanism through the
+ <classname>NamingStrategy</classname> interface. You can write a
+ strategy that prevent name clashing in such a situation.
+ <classname>DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy</classname> is an
+ of this.</para>
+ <para>If a property of the embedded object points back to the owning
+ entity, annotate it with the <classname>@Parent</classname>
+ Hibernate will make sure this property is properly loaded with the
+ entity reference.</para>
+ <para>In XML, use the
+ element.</para>
<programlistingco role="XML">
<area coords="2" id="component1" />
@@ -4676,7 +4777,8 @@
<para>The <literal><dynamic-component></literal>
element allows a
<literal>Map</literal> to be mapped as a component, where the property
names refer to keys of the map. See <xref
- linkend="components-dynamic" /> for more information.</para>
+ linkend="components-dynamic" /> for more information. This feature is
+ not supported in annotations.</para>
<section id="mapping-declaration-properties" revision="2">
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