Author: hardy.ferentschik
Date: 2009-06-30 06:17:17 -0400 (Tue, 30 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 16975
Modified: beanvalidation/trunk/validation-tck/src/main/resources/tck-audit.xml
--- beanvalidation/trunk/validation-tck/src/main/resources/tck-audit.xml 2009-06-30
09:16:27 UTC (rev 16974)
+++ beanvalidation/trunk/validation-tck/src/main/resources/tck-audit.xml 2009-06-30
10:17:17 UTC (rev 16975)
@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
<text>If no group is specified when declaring the constraint on an
element, the Default
group is considered declared.</text>
+ <assertion id="g">
+ <text>Every constraint annotation must define a payload element that
specifies which
+ payload the constraint declaration is associated with. </text>
+ </assertion>
+ <assertion id="h">
+ <text>The default value for the payload parameter must be an empty
array. </text>
+ </assertion>
+ <assertion id="h">
+ <text>Each attachable payload extends ConstraintPayload. </text>
+ </assertion>
<section id="2.2" title="Applying multiple constraints of the same
@@ -625,8 +635,8 @@
<section id="" title="Default message interpolation
<assertion id="a">
- <text>Message parameters are extracted from the message string and used
as keys to search the ResourceBundle
- named ValidationMessages (step1)</text>
+ <text>Message parameters are extracted from the message string and used
as keys to
+ search the ResourceBundle named ValidationMessages (step1)</text>
<assertion id="b">
<text>Step 1 is applied recursively until no replacement is
@@ -634,8 +644,8 @@
<assertion id="c">
<text>Message parameters are extracted from the message string and used
as keys to
search the Bean Validation provider's built-in ResourceBundle using
the defined
- locale. If a property is found, the message parameter is replaced with
- the property value in the message string (step 2)</text>
+ locale. If a property is found, the message parameter is replaced with
the property
+ value in the message string (step 2)</text>
<assertion id="e">
<text>Contrary to step 1, step 2 is not processed
@@ -644,8 +654,9 @@
<text>If step 2 triggers a replacement, then step 1 is applied
<assertion id="g">
- <text>As last step message parameters are extracted from the message
string. Those matching the name
- of an attribute of the constraint declaration are replaced by the value
of that attribute.</text>
+ <text>As last step message parameters are extracted from the message
string. Those
+ matching the name of an attribute of the constraint declaration are
replaced by the
+ value of that attribute.</text>
<assertion id="h">
<text>if the locale is passed to the interpolator method