Author: max.andersen(a)
Date: 2006-12-18 15:58:17 -0500 (Mon, 18 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 10999
HBX-842 add control to hbmtemplate about what model parts should be processed
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-15
16:30:55 UTC (rev 10998)
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
String templateName;
String exporterClass;
String filePattern;
+ String forEach;
* The FilePattern defines the pattern used to generate files.
@@ -31,6 +32,10 @@
this.filePattern = filePattern;
+ public void setForEach(String forEach) {
+ this.forEach = forEach;
+ }
public void setTemplate(String templateName) {
this.templateName = templateName;
@@ -62,7 +67,8 @@
if(exp instanceof GenericExporter) {
GenericExporter exporter = (GenericExporter) exp;
if(filePattern!=null) exporter.setFilePattern(filePattern);
- if(templateName!=null) exporter.setTemplateName(templateName);
+ if(templateName!=null) exporter.setTemplateName(templateName);
+ if(forEach!=null) exporter.setForEach(forEach);
return exp;
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-15
16:30:55 UTC (rev 10998)
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@
public void setClasspath(Path s) {
classPath = s;
* Adds a path to the classpath.
@@ -324,4 +325,5 @@
properties.put(property.getKey(), property.getValue());
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/ 2006-12-15
16:30:55 UTC (rev 10998)
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/ 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
package org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
+import org.hibernate.engine.CascadeStyle;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.pojo.ComponentPOJOClass;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.pojo.POJOClass;
@@ -14,8 +18,56 @@
public class GenericExporter extends AbstractExporter {
+ static abstract class ModelIterator {
+ abstract void process(GenericExporter ge);
+ }
+ static Map modelIterators = new HashMap();
+ static {
+ modelIterators.put( "configuration", new ModelIterator() {
+ void process(GenericExporter ge) {
+ TemplateProducer producer = new
+ producer.produce(new HashMap(), ge.getTemplateName(), new
File(ge.getOutputDirectory(),ge.filePattern), ge.templateName);
+ }
+ });
+ modelIterators.put("entity", new ModelIterator() {
+ void process(GenericExporter ge) {
+ Iterator iterator =
+ Map additionalContext = new HashMap();
+ while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
+ POJOClass element = (POJOClass);
+ ge.exportPersistentClass( additionalContext, element );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modelIterators.put("component", new ModelIterator() {
+ void process(GenericExporter ge) {
+ Map components = new HashMap();
+ Iterator iterator =
+ Map additionalContext = new HashMap();
+ while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
+ POJOClass element = (POJOClass);
+ ConfigurationNavigator.collectComponents(components, element);
+ }
+ iterator = components.values().iterator();
+ while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
+ Component component = (Component);
+ ComponentPOJOClass element = new
+ ge.exportComponent( additionalContext, element );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
private String templateName;
private String filePattern;
+ private String forEach;
public GenericExporter(Configuration cfg, File outputdir) {
@@ -31,38 +83,49 @@
public void setTemplateName(String templateName) {
this.templateName = templateName;
+ public void setForEach(String foreach) {
+ this.forEach = foreach;
+ }
protected void doStart() {
- if(filePattern==null) throw new ExporterException("File pattern not set on "
+ this.getClass());
- if(templateName==null) throw new ExporterException("Template name not set on
" + this.getClass());
+ if(filePattern==null) {
+ throw new ExporterException("File pattern not set on " + this.getClass());
+ }
+ if(templateName==null) {
+ throw new ExporterException("Template name not set on " + this.getClass());
+ }
- if(filePattern.indexOf("{class-name}")>=0) {
- exportClasses();
+ List exporters = new ArrayList();
+ if(StringHelper.isEmpty( forEach )) {
+ if(filePattern.indexOf("{class-name}")>=0) {
+ exporters.add( modelIterators.get( "entity" ) );
+ exporters.add( modelIterators.get( "component") );
+ } else {
+ exporters.add( modelIterators.get( "configuration" ));
+ }
} else {
- TemplateProducer producer = new
- producer.produce(new HashMap(), getTemplateName(), new
File(getOutputDirectory(),filePattern), templateName);
+ StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(forEach, ",");
+ while ( tokens.hasMoreTokens() ) {
+ String nextToken = tokens.nextToken();
+ Object object = modelIterators.get(nextToken);
+ if(object==null) {
+ throw new ExporterException("for-each does not support [" + nextToken +
+ }
+ exporters.add( object );
+ }
- }
- private void exportClasses() {
- Map components = new HashMap();
- Iterator iterator =
- Map additionalContext = new HashMap();
- while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
- POJOClass element = (POJOClass);
- ConfigurationNavigator.collectComponents(components, element);
- exportPersistentClass( additionalContext, element );
+ Iterator it = exporters.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ ModelIterator mit = (ModelIterator);
+ mit.process( this );
- iterator = components.values().iterator();
- while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
- Component component = (Component);
- ComponentPOJOClass element = new ComponentPOJOClass(component,getCfg2JavaTool());
- exportComponent( additionalContext, element );
- }
protected void exportComponent(Map additionalContext, POJOClass element) {
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-15
16:30:55 UTC (rev 10998)
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Test for org.hibernate.tool.ant");
- suite.addTestSuite(HibernateToolTest.class);
+ suite.addTestSuite(AntHibernateToolTest.class);
(from rev 10966,
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-09
12:10:27 UTC (rev 10966)
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ * Created on 13-Feb-2005
+ *
+ */
+package org.hibernate.tool.ant;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+import org.hibernate.tool.test.TestHelper;
+ * @author max
+ *
+ */
+public class AntHibernateToolTest extends BuildFileTestCase {
+ private String property;
+ public AntHibernateToolTest(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+ executeTarget("cleanup");
+ System.out.println(getLog());
+ super.tearDown();
+ }
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ configureProject("src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml");
+ }
+ public void testHbm2DDLLogic() {
+ executeTarget("testantcfg");
+ File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
+ File onlyCreate = new File(baseDir, "onlycreate.sql");
+ File onlyDrop = new File(baseDir, "onlydrop.sql");
+ File dropAndCreate = new File(baseDir, "dropandcreate.sql");
+ assertTrue(onlyCreate.exists());
+ assertTrue(onlyDrop.exists());
+ assertTrue(dropAndCreate.exists());
+ assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", dropAndCreate));
+ assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("create", dropAndCreate));
+ assertEquals(null, TestHelper.findFirstString("create", onlyDrop));
+ assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", onlyDrop));
+ assertEquals(null, TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", onlyCreate));
+ assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("create", onlyCreate));
+ }
+ public void testJDBCConfiguration() {
+ executeTarget("testantjdbccfg");
+ }
+ public void testAnnotationConfigurationFailureExpected() {
+ executeTarget("testantannotationcfg");
+ }
+ public void testEJB3ConfigurationFailureExpected() {
+ executeTarget("testantejb3cfg");
+ File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"));
+ File ejb3 = new File(baseDir, "ejb3.sql");
+ assertTrue(ejb3.exists());
+ assertEquals(null, TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", ejb3));
+ assertTrue(getLog().indexOf("<ejb3configuration> is
+ }
+ public void testJPABogusPUnit() {
+ try {
+ executeTarget("jpa-bogusunit");
+ fail("Bogus unit accepted");
+ } catch(BuildException be) {
+ // should happen
+ }
+ }
+ public void testJPAPUnit() {
+ executeTarget("jpa-punit");
+ }
+ public void testHbm2JavaConfiguration() {
+ executeTarget("testanthbm2java");
+ }
+ public void testHbm2JavaEJB3Configuration() {
+ executeTarget("testantejb3hbm2java");
+ }
+ public void testCfg2HbmNoError() {
+ executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm1");
+ }
+ public void testCfg2HbmWithCustomReverseNamingStrategy() {
+ executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm2");
+ }
+ public void testCfg2HbmWithInvalidReverseNamingStrategy() {
+ expectSpecificBuildException("testantcfg2hbm3",
+ "namingStrategy attribute should not be loaded",
+ "Could not create or find invalid.classname with one argument
delegate constructor");
+ }
+ public void testCfg2HbmWithPackageName() {
+ executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm4");
+ }
+ public void testCfg2HbmWithPackageNameAndReverseNamingStrategy() {
+ executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm5");
+ }
+ public void testJDBCConfigWithRevEngXml() {
+ executeTarget("testantjdbccfgoverrides");
+ }
+ public void testProperties() {
+ executeTarget("testproperties");
+ }
+ public void testGenericExport() {
+ executeTarget("testgeneric");
+ property = project.getProperty("build.dir");
+ assertTrue(new File(property, "generic").exists());
+ assertTrue(new File(property,
+ }
+ public void testNoConnInfoExport() {
+ executeTarget("noconinfoexport");
+ File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
+ File onlyCreate = new File(baseDir, "noconinfo.sql");
+ assertTrue(onlyCreate.toString() + " should exist", onlyCreate.exists());
+ assertTrue(onlyCreate.length()>0);
+ assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("create", onlyCreate));
+ }
+ public void testNoExporters() {
+ try {
+ executeTarget("testnoexporters");
+ fail("should have failed with no exporters!");
+ } catch(BuildException be) {
+ // should happen!
+ assertTrue(be.getMessage().indexOf("No exporters specified")>=0);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testException() {
+ try {
+ executeTarget("testexceptions");
+ fail("should have failed with an exception!");
+ } catch(BuildException be) {
+ // should happen!
+ }
+ }
+ public void testQuery() {
+ executeTarget("testquery");
+ File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
+ assertTrue(new File(baseDir, "queryresult.txt").exists());
+ }
+ public void testHbmLint() {
+ executeTarget("testhbmlint");
+ File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
+ assertTrue(new File(baseDir, "hbmlint-result.txt").exists());
+ }
+ public void testNoConfig() {
+ try {
+ executeTarget("noconfig-shoulderror");
+ } catch(BuildException e) {
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("No configuration specified")>=0);
+ }
+ }
+ public static Test suite() {
+ return new TestSuite(AntHibernateToolTest.class);
+ }
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-15
16:30:55 UTC (rev 10998)
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/ant/ 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
- * Created on 13-Feb-2005
- *
- */
-package org.hibernate.tool.ant;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.hibernate.tool.test.TestHelper;
- * @author max
- *
- */
-public class HibernateToolTest extends BuildFileTestCase {
- private String property;
- public HibernateToolTest(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- executeTarget("cleanup");
- System.out.println(getLog());
- super.tearDown();
- }
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- configureProject("src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml");
- }
- public void testHbm2DDLLogic() {
- executeTarget("testantcfg");
- File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
- File onlyCreate = new File(baseDir, "onlycreate.sql");
- File onlyDrop = new File(baseDir, "onlydrop.sql");
- File dropAndCreate = new File(baseDir, "dropandcreate.sql");
- assertTrue(onlyCreate.exists());
- assertTrue(onlyDrop.exists());
- assertTrue(dropAndCreate.exists());
- assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", dropAndCreate));
- assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("create", dropAndCreate));
- assertEquals(null, TestHelper.findFirstString("create", onlyDrop));
- assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", onlyDrop));
- assertEquals(null, TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", onlyCreate));
- assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("create", onlyCreate));
- }
- public void testJDBCConfiguration() {
- executeTarget("testantjdbccfg");
- }
- public void testAnnotationConfigurationFailureExpected() {
- executeTarget("testantannotationcfg");
- }
- public void testEJB3ConfigurationFailureExpected() {
- executeTarget("testantejb3cfg");
- File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"));
- File ejb3 = new File(baseDir, "ejb3.sql");
- assertTrue(ejb3.exists());
- assertEquals(null, TestHelper.findFirstString("drop", ejb3));
- assertTrue(getLog().indexOf("<ejb3configuration> is
- }
- public void testJPABogusPUnit() {
- try {
- executeTarget("jpa-bogusunit");
- fail("Bogus unit accepted");
- } catch(BuildException be) {
- // should happen
- }
- }
- public void testJPAPUnit() {
- executeTarget("jpa-punit");
- }
- public void testHbm2JavaConfiguration() {
- executeTarget("testanthbm2java");
- }
- public void testHbm2JavaEJB3Configuration() {
- executeTarget("testantejb3hbm2java");
- }
- public void testCfg2HbmNoError() {
- executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm1");
- }
- public void testCfg2HbmWithCustomReverseNamingStrategy() {
- executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm2");
- }
- public void testCfg2HbmWithInvalidReverseNamingStrategy() {
- expectSpecificBuildException("testantcfg2hbm3",
- "namingStrategy attribute should not be loaded",
- "Could not create or find invalid.classname with one argument
delegate constructor");
- }
- public void testCfg2HbmWithPackageName() {
- executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm4");
- }
- public void testCfg2HbmWithPackageNameAndReverseNamingStrategy() {
- executeTarget("testantcfg2hbm5");
- }
- public void testJDBCConfigWithRevEngXml() {
- executeTarget("testantjdbccfgoverrides");
- }
- public void testProperties() {
- executeTarget("testproperties");
- }
- public void testGenericExport() {
- executeTarget("testgeneric");
- property = project.getProperty("build.dir");
- assertTrue(new File(property, "generic").exists());
- assertTrue(new File(property,
- }
- public void testNoConnInfoExport() {
- executeTarget("noconinfoexport");
- File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
- File onlyCreate = new File(baseDir, "noconinfo.sql");
- assertTrue(onlyCreate.toString() + " should exist", onlyCreate.exists());
- assertTrue(onlyCreate.length()>0);
- assertNotNull(TestHelper.findFirstString("create", onlyCreate));
- }
- public void testNoExporters() {
- try {
- executeTarget("testnoexporters");
- fail("should have failed with no exporters!");
- } catch(BuildException be) {
- // should happen!
- assertTrue(be.getMessage().indexOf("No exporters specified")>=0);
- }
- }
- public void testException() {
- try {
- executeTarget("testexceptions");
- fail("should have failed with an exception!");
- } catch(BuildException be) {
- // should happen!
- }
- }
- public void testQuery() {
- executeTarget("testquery");
- File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
- assertTrue(new File(baseDir, "queryresult.txt").exists());
- }
- public void testHbmLint() {
- executeTarget("testhbmlint");
- File baseDir = new File(project.getProperty("build.dir"),
- assertTrue(new File(baseDir, "hbmlint-result.txt").exists());
- }
- public void testNoConfig() {
- try {
- executeTarget("noconfig-shoulderror");
- } catch(BuildException e) {
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("No configuration specified")>=0);
- }
- }
- public static Test suite() {
- return new TestSuite(HibernateToolTest.class);
- }
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/ 2006-12-15
16:30:55 UTC (rev 10998)
branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/test/org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/ 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -101,6 +101,41 @@
"genericHelloUniverse.txt" ) );
+ public void testForEachGeneration() {
+ GenericExporter ge = new GenericExporter();
+ ge.setConfiguration(getCfg());
+ ge.setOutputDirectory(getOutputDir());
+ ge.setTemplateName("generictemplates/pojo/generic-class.ftl");
+ ge.setFilePattern("{package-name}/generic{class-name}.txt");
+ ge.setForEach("entity");
+ ge.start();
+ assertFileAndExists( new File( getOutputDir(),
+ "org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/genericAuthor.txt" ) );
+ assertFileAndExists( new File( getOutputDir(),
+ "org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/genericArticle.txt" ) );
+ assertFileAndExists( new File( getOutputDir(),
+ "org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/genericArticle.txt" ) );
+ assertFalse("component file should not exist", new File( getOutputDir(),
"genericUniversalAddress.txt" ).exists());
+ assertFileAndExists( new File( getOutputDir(),
+ "genericHelloUniverse.txt" ) );
+ try {
+ ge.setForEach( "does, not, exist" );
+ ge.start();
+ fail();
+ } catch(Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
public void testPropertySet() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
GenericExporter ge = new GenericExporter();
Modified: branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml
--- branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml 2006-12-15
16:30:55 UTC (rev 10998)
+++ branches/Branch_3_2/HibernateExt/tools/src/testsupport/anttest-build.xml 2006-12-18
20:58:17 UTC (rev 10999)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
- <hbmtemplate templateprefix="pojo/" template="pojo/Pojo.ftl"
+ <hbmtemplate templateprefix="pojo/" template="pojo/Pojo.ftl"
filepattern="X{package-name}/{class-name}.java" foreach="entity">
<property key="jdk5" value="false" />
<property key="ejb3" value="false" />