Author: dchannon
Date: 2006-09-17 11:25:26 -0400 (Sun, 17 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 10490
Oracle specialist rev-eng database dialect. This should avoid a few Oracle JDBC driver
bugs and provide performance improvements on large schemas.
trunk/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/reveng/dialect/ 2006-09-16
21:19:50 UTC (rev 10489)
trunk/HibernateExt/tools/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/reveng/dialect/ 2006-09-17
15:25:26 UTC (rev 10490)
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+package org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
+import java.sql.ResultSet;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.hibernate.cfg.JDBCBinderException;
+import org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider;
+import org.hibernate.exception.SQLExceptionConverter;
+import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
+ * Oracle Specialised MetaData dialect that uses standard JDBC
+ * and querys on the Data Dictionary for reading metadata.
+ *
+ * @author David Channon
+ */
+public class OracleMetaDataDialect implements MetaDataDialect {
+ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OracleMetaDataDialect.class);
+ private SQLExceptionConverter sec;
+ private ConnectionProvider provider;
+ private Connection connection;
+ private DatabaseMetaData metaData;
+ public void configure(ConnectionProvider provider, SQLExceptionConverter sec) {
+ this.provider = provider;
+ this.sec = sec;
+ }
+ public void close() {
+ metaData = null;
+ if(connection != null) {
+ try {
+ provider.closeConnection(connection);
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e) {
+ sec.convert(e, "Problem while closing connection", null);
+ }
+ }
+ provider = null;
+ sec = null;
+ }
+ protected DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws JDBCBinderException {
+ if (metaData == null) {
+ try {
+ metaData = getConnection().getMetaData();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Getting database metadata", null);
+ }
+ }
+ return metaData;
+ }
+ public Iterator getTables(final String catalog, final String schema, String table) {
+ try {
+ log.debug("getTables(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." +
table + ")");
+ // Collect both Tables and Views from the 'ALL' data dicitonary tables.
+ // Note: This will potentally collect more tables that the jdbc meta data
+ Statement stmt = this.getConnection().createStatement();
+ StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
+ query.append("select table_name, owner, 'TABLE' from all_tables
+ if (schema != null || table != null)
+ query.append("where ");
+ if (schema != null) {
+ query.append("owner='" + schema + "' ");
+ }
+ if (table != null) {
+ if (schema != null)
+ query.append("and ");
+ query.append("table_name = '" + table + "' ");
+ }
+ query.append("union all ");
+ query.append("select view_name, owner, 'VIEW' from all_views ");
+ if (schema != null || table != null)
+ query.append("where ");
+ if (schema != null) {
+ query.append("owner='" + schema + "' ");
+ }
+ if (table != null) {
+ if (schema != null)
+ query.append("and ");
+ query.append("view_name = '" + table + "' ");
+ }
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled())
+ log.debug("getTables Query:" + query.toString());
+ ResultSet tableRs = stmt.executeQuery(query.toString());
+ return new ResultSetIterator(tableRs, sec) {
+ Map element = new HashMap();
+ protected Object convertRow(ResultSet tableRs) throws SQLException {
+ element.clear();
+ element.put("TABLE_NAME", tableRs.getString(1));
+ element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", tableRs.getString(2));
+ element.put("TABLE_CAT", null);
+ element.put("TABLE_TYPE", tableRs.getString(3));
+ element.put("REMARKS", null);
+ return element;
+ }
+ protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
+ // schemaRs and catalogRs are only used for error reporting if
+ // we get an exception
+ String databaseStructure = getDatabaseStructure( catalog, schema );
+ throw sec.convert( e,
+ "Could not get list of tables from database. Probably a JDBC driver problem.
+ + databaseStructure, null );
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // schemaRs and catalogRs are only used for error reporting if we get an exception
+ String databaseStructure = getDatabaseStructure(catalog,schema);
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Could not get list of tables from database. Probably a JDBC
driver problem. " + databaseStructure, null);
+ }
+ }
+ private String getDatabaseStructure(String catalog, String schema) {
+ ResultSet schemaRs = null;
+ ResultSet catalogRs = null;
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(nl);
+ // Let's give the user some feedback. The exception
+ // is probably related to incorrect schema configuration.
+ sb.append("Configured schema:").append(schema).append(nl);
+ sb.append("Configured catalog:").append(catalog ).append(nl);
+ try {
+ schemaRs = getMetaData().getSchemas();
+ sb.append("Available schemas:").append(nl);
+ while ( ) {
+ sb.append(" ").append(schemaRs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM")
+ }
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e2) {
+ log.warn("Could not get schemas", e2);
+ sb.append(" <SQLException while getting
+ }
+ finally {
+ try {
+ schemaRs.close();
+ }
+ catch (Exception ignore) {
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ catalogRs = getMetaData().getCatalogs();
+ sb.append("Available catalogs:").append(nl);
+ while ( ) {
+ sb.append(" ").append(catalogRs.getString("TABLE_CAT")
+ }
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e2) {
+ log.warn("Could not get catalogs", e2);
+ sb.append(" <SQLException while getting
+ }
+ finally {
+ try {
+ catalogRs.close();
+ }
+ catch (Exception ignore) {
+ }
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ public void close(Iterator iterator) {
+ if(iterator instanceof ResultSetIterator) {
+ ((ResultSetIterator)iterator).close();
+ }
+ }
+ public Iterator getIndexInfo(final String catalog, final String schema, final String
table) {
+ try {
+ log.debug("getIndexInfo(" + catalog + "." + schema + "."
+ table + ")");
+ // Collect both Indexes from the 'ALL' data dicitonary table.
+ // It is assumed that atleast the TABLE name is supplied.
+ Statement stmt = this.getConnection().createStatement();
+ StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
+ query.append("select a.column_name,
decode(b.uniqueness,'UNIQUE','false','true'), a.index_owner,
a.index_name, a.table_name ");
+ query.append("from all_ind_columns a, all_indexes b ");
+ query.append("where a.table_name = b.table_name ");
+ query.append("AND a.table_owner = b.table_owner ");
+ query.append("AND a.index_name = b.index_name ");
+ if (schema != null) {
+ query.append("AND a.table_owner='" + schema + "' ");
+ }
+ query.append("AND a.table_name = '" + table + "' ");
+ query.append("order by a.table_name, a.column_position ");
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled())
+ log.debug("getIndexInfo Query:" + query.toString());
+ ResultSet indexRs = stmt.executeQuery(query.toString());
+ return new ResultSetIterator(indexRs, sec) {
+ Map element = new HashMap();
+ protected Object convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
+ element.clear();
+ element.put("COLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(1));
+ element.put("TYPE", new Short((short)1)); // CLUSTERED INDEX
+ element.put("NON_UNIQUE", rs.getString(2));
+ element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(3));
+ element.put("INDEX_NAME", rs.getString(4));
+ element.put("TABLE_CAT", null);
+ element.put("TABLE_NAME", rs.getString(5));
+ return element;
+ }
+ protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Exception while getting index info for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Exception while getting index info for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ }
+ public Iterator getColumns(final String catalog, final String schema, final String
table, String column) {
+ try {
+ log.debug("getColumns(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." +
table + "." + column + ")");
+ // Collect Columns from the 'ALL' data dicitonary table.
+ // A decode is used to map the type name to the JDBC Type ID
+ Statement stmt = this.getConnection().createStatement();
+ StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
+ query.append("select column_name, owner, decode(nullable,'N',0,1),
+ query.append("decode(data_type, 'FLOAT',decode(data_precision,null,
data_length, data_precision), 'NUMBER', decode(data_precision,null, data_length,
data_precision), data_length), ");
+ query.append("decode(data_type,'CHAR',1, 'DATE',91,
'FLOAT',6, 'LONG',-1, 'NUMBER',2, 'VARCHAR2',12,
'BFILE',-13, ");
+ query.append("'BLOB',2004, 'CLOB',2005,
'MLSLABEL',1111, 'NCHAR',1, 'NCLOB',2005, 'NVARCHAR2',12,
+ query.append("'RAW',-3, 'ROWID',1111,
'UROWID',1111, 'LONG RAW', -4, 'TIMESTAMP', 93,
'XMLTYPE',2005, 1111), ");
+ query.append("table_name, data_type, decode(data_scale, null, 0
,data_scale) ");
+ query.append("from all_tab_columns ");
+ if (schema != null || table != null || column != null)
+ query.append("where ");
+ if (schema != null) {
+ query.append("owner='" + schema + "' ");
+ }
+ if (table != null) {
+ if (schema != null)
+ query.append("and ");
+ query.append("table_name = '" + table + "' ");
+ }
+ if (column != null) {
+ if (schema != null || table != null)
+ query.append("and ");
+ query.append("column_name = '" + column + "' ");
+ }
+ query.append("order by column_id ");
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled())
+ log.debug("getIndexInfo Query:" + query.toString());
+ ResultSet columnRs = stmt.executeQuery(query.toString());
+ return new ResultSetIterator(columnRs, sec) {
+ Map element = new HashMap();
+ protected Object convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
+ element.clear();
+ element.put("COLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(1));
+ element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(2));
+ element.put("NULLABLE", new Integer(rs.getInt(3)));
+ element.put("COLUMN_SIZE", new Integer(rs.getInt(4)));
+ element.put("DATA_TYPE", new Integer(rs.getInt(5)));
+ element.put("TABLE_NAME", rs.getString(6));
+ element.put("TYPE_NAME", rs.getString(7));
+ element.put("DECIMAL_DIGITS", new Integer(rs.getInt(8)));
+ element.put("TABLE_CAT", null);
+ element.put("REMARKS", null);
+ return element;
+ }
+ protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Error while reading column meta data for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Error while reading column meta data for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ }
+ public Iterator getPrimaryKeys(final String catalog, final String schema, final String
table) {
+ try {
+ log.debug("getPrimaryKeys(" + catalog + "." + schema +
"." + table + ")");
+ // Collect PrimaryKeys from the 'ALL' data dicitonary tables.
+ Statement stmt = this.getConnection().createStatement();
+ StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
+ query.append("select c.table_name, c.column_name, c.position,
c.constraint_name, c.owner ");
+ query.append("from all_cons_columns c, all_constraints k ");
+ query.append("where k.constraint_type = 'P' ");
+ query.append("AND k.constraint_name = c.constraint_name ");
+ query.append("AND k.table_name = c.table_name ");
+ query.append("AND k.owner = c.owner ");
+ if (schema != null) {
+ query.append("AND k.owner='" + schema + "' ");
+ }
+ if (table != null) {
+ query.append("AND k.table_name = '" + table + "' ");
+ }
+ query.append("order by c.table_name, c.constraint_name, c.position desc ");
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled())
+ log.debug("getPrimaryKeys Query:" + query.toString());
+ ResultSet pkeyRs = stmt.executeQuery(query.toString());
+ return new ResultSetIterator(pkeyRs, sec) {
+ Map element = new HashMap();
+ protected Object convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
+ element.clear();
+ element.put("TABLE_NAME", rs.getString(1));
+ element.put("COLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(2));
+ element.put("KEY_SEQ", new Short(rs.getShort(3)));
+ element.put("PK_NAME", rs.getString(4));
+ element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(5));
+ element.put("TABLE_CAT", null);
+ return element;
+ }
+ protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Error while reading primary key meta data for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Error while reading primary key meta data for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ }
+ public Iterator getExportedKeys(final String catalog, final String schema, final String
table) {
+ try {
+ log.debug("getExportedKeys(" + catalog + "." + schema +
"." + table + ")");
+ // Collect ExportedKeys from the 'ALL' data dicitonary tables.
+ Statement stmt = this.getConnection().createStatement();
+ StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
+ query.append("select p.table_name, p.owner, f.owner, f.table_name,
fc.column_name, pc.column_name, f.constraint_name, fc.position ");
+ query.append("from all_cons_columns pc, all_constraints p, all_cons_columns
fc, all_constraints f ");
+ query.append("where f.constraint_type = 'R' ");
+ query.append("AND p.owner = f.r_owner ");
+ query.append("AND p.constraint_name = f.r_constraint_name ");
+ query.append("AND p.constraint_type = 'P' ");
+ query.append("AND pc.owner = p.owner ");
+ query.append("AND pc.constraint_name = p.constraint_name ");
+ query.append("AND pc.table_name = p.table_name ");
+ query.append("AND fc.owner = f.owner ");
+ query.append("AND fc.constraint_name = f.constraint_name ");
+ query.append("AND fc.table_name = f.table_name ");
+ query.append("AND fc.position = pc.position ");
+ if (schema != null) {
+ query.append("AND p.owner='" + schema + "' ");
+ }
+ if (table != null) {
+ query.append("AND p.table_name = '" + table + "' ");
+ }
+ query.append("order by f.table_name, f.constraint_name, fc.position ");
+ if (log.isDebugEnabled())
+ log.debug("getExportedKeys Query:" + query.toString());
+ ResultSet pExportRs = stmt.executeQuery(query.toString());
+ return new ResultSetIterator(pExportRs, sec) {
+ Map element = new HashMap();
+ protected Object convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
+ element.clear();
+ element.put( "PKTABLE_NAME", rs.getString(1));
+ element.put( "PKTABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(2));
+ element.put( "PKTABLE_CAT", null);
+ element.put( "FKTABLE_CAT", null);
+ element.put( "FKTABLE_SCHEM",rs.getString(3));
+ element.put( "FKTABLE_NAME", rs.getString(4));
+ element.put( "FKCOLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(5));
+ element.put( "PKCOLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(6));
+ element.put( "FK_NAME", rs.getString(7));
+ element.put( "KEY_SEQ", new Short(rs.getShort(8)));
+ return element;
+ }
+ protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Error while reading exported keys meta data for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw sec.convert(e, "Error while reading exported keys meta data for " +
Table.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null);
+ }
+ }
+ protected Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
+ if(connection==null) {
+ connection = provider.getConnection();
+ }
+ return connection;
+ }
+ public boolean needQuote(String name) {
+ // TODO: use jdbc metadata to decide on this. but for now we just handle the most
typical cases.
+ if(name.indexOf('-')>0) return true;
+ if(name.indexOf(' ')>0) return true;
+ return false;
+ }