Author: epbernard
Date: 2008-03-03 22:37:29 -0500 (Mon, 03 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 14385
ANN-698 ignore unbound property if default field access is used.
Modified: annotations/trunk/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/
--- annotations/trunk/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/ 2008-03-04 02:07:51
UTC (rev 14384)
+++ annotations/trunk/src/java/org/hibernate/cfg/ 2008-03-04 03:37:29
UTC (rev 14385)
@@ -848,19 +848,32 @@
String accessType = explicitAccessType != null ?
explicitAccessType :
+ /*
+ * delay the exception in case field access is used
+ */
+ AnnotationException exceptionWhileWalkingElements = null;
+ try {
+ for (int index = 0; index < deep; index++) {
+ XClass clazz = classesToProcess.get( index );
- for (int index = 0; index < deep; index++) {
- XClass clazz = classesToProcess.get( index );
- boolean currentHasIdentifier = addElementsOfAClass(
- elements, propertyHolder, isPropertyAnnotated,
- accessType, clazz, mappings
- );
- hasIdentifier = hasIdentifier || currentHasIdentifier;
+ boolean currentHasIdentifier = addElementsOfAClass(
+ elements, propertyHolder, isPropertyAnnotated,
+ accessType, clazz, mappings
+ );
+ hasIdentifier = hasIdentifier || currentHasIdentifier;
+ }
+ catch ( AnnotationException e ) {
+ exceptionWhileWalkingElements = e;
+ }
+ //TODO remember why it should be !inheritanceState.hasParents
if ( !hasIdentifier && !inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
- if ( isExplicitPropertyAnnotated != null ) return null; //explicit but no @Id
+ if ( isExplicitPropertyAnnotated != null ) {
+ //the original exception is legitimate
+ if ( exceptionWhileWalkingElements != null) throw exceptionWhileWalkingElements;
+ return null; //explicit but no @Id: the upper layer will raise an exception
+ }
isPropertyAnnotated = !isPropertyAnnotated;
accessType = "field";
@@ -873,6 +886,10 @@
hasIdentifier = hasIdentifier || currentHasIdentifier;
+ //the field show no id, fallback tot he original exception
+ if (!hasIdentifier && exceptionWhileWalkingElements != null) throw
//TODO set the access type here?
entityBinder.setPropertyAnnotated( isPropertyAnnotated );
entityBinder.setPropertyAccessor( accessType );
@@ -1004,7 +1021,7 @@
log.debug( "Processing " + propertyHolder.getEntityName() + " " +
accessType + " annotation" );
List<XProperty> properties = annotatedClass.getDeclaredProperties( accessType );
- //order so that property are used int he same order when binding native query
+ //order so that property are used in the same order when binding native query
Collections.sort( properties, new Comparator<XProperty>() {
public int compare(XProperty property1, XProperty property2) {
return property1.getName().compareTo( property2.getName() );
Added: annotations/trunk/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/generics/
--- annotations/trunk/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/generics/
(rev 0)
annotations/trunk/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/generics/ 2008-03-04
03:37:29 UTC (rev 14385)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.hibernate.test.annotations.generics;
+import javax.persistence.Transient;
+import javax.persistence.Id;
+import javax.persistence.Entity;
+ * @author Emmanuel Bernard
+ */
+public class Dummy<K> {
+ @Id
+ private Long id;
+ @Transient
+ transient private K dummyField;
+ public Long getId() {
+ return id;
+ }
+ public void setId(Long id) {
+ = id;
+ }
+ public K getDummyField() {
+ return dummyField;
+ }
+ public void setDummyField(K dummyField) {
+ this.dummyField = dummyField;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
annotations/trunk/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/generics/ 2008-03-04
02:07:51 UTC (rev 14384)
annotations/trunk/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/generics/ 2008-03-04
03:37:29 UTC (rev 14385)
@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@
- WildEntity.class
+ WildEntity.class,
+ //test at deployment only test unbound property when default field access is used
+ Dummy.class
annotations/trunk/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/idmanytoone/ 2008-03-04
02:07:51 UTC (rev 14384)
annotations/trunk/src/test/org/hibernate/test/annotations/idmanytoone/ 2008-03-04
03:37:29 UTC (rev 14385)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-//$Id: $
-package org.hibernate.test.annotations.idmanytoone;
-import org.hibernate.Session;
-import org.hibernate.Transaction;
-import org.hibernate.test.annotations.TestCase;
- * @author Emmanuel Bernard
- */
-public class IdManyToOne extends TestCase {
- public void testFkCreationOrdering() throws Exception {
- //no real test case, the sessionFactory building is tested
- Session s = openSession();
- s.close();
- }
- public void getBiDirOneToManyInId() throws Exception {
- Session s = openSession();
- Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction();
- CardKey key = new CardKey();
- s.persist( key );
- Project project = new Project();
- s.persist( project );
- Card card = new Card();
- card.getPrimaryKey().setProject( project );
- s.persist( card );
- CardField field = new CardField();
- field.getPrimaryKey().setKey( key );
- field.getPrimaryKey().setCard( card );
- s.persist( field );
- card.setMainCardField( field );
- s.flush();
- s.clear();
- card = (Card) s.createQuery( "from Card c").list().get(0);
- assertEquals( 1, card.getFields().size() );
- assertEquals( card.getMainCardField(), card.getFields().iterator().next() );
- tx.rollback();
- s.close();
- }
- public void testIdClassManyToOne() {
- Session s = openSession();
- Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction();
- Store store = new Store();
- Customer customer = new Customer();
- s.persist( store );
- s.persist( customer );
- StoreCustomer sc = new StoreCustomer( store, customer );
- s.persist( sc );
- s.flush();
- s.clear();
- store = (Store) s.get(Store.class, );
- assertEquals( 1, store.customers.size() );
- assertEquals(, store.customers.iterator().next() );
- tx.rollback();
- s.close();
- }
- protected Class[] getMappings() {
- return new Class[] {
- Store.class,
- Customer.class,
- StoreCustomer.class,
- CardKey.class,
- CardField.class,
- Card.class,
- Project.class
- };
- }
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