Author: epbernard
Date: 2010-01-27 13:58:28 -0500 (Wed, 27 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 18656
HHH-4858 add implicit PERSIST cascade when @MapsId is present
Modified: core/trunk/annotations/src/main/java/org/hibernate/cfg/
core/trunk/annotations/src/main/java/org/hibernate/cfg/ 2010-01-27
18:46:51 UTC (rev 18655)
core/trunk/annotations/src/main/java/org/hibernate/cfg/ 2010-01-27
18:58:28 UTC (rev 18656)
@@ -1328,479 +1328,482 @@
( (SimpleValue) rootClass.getVersion().getValue() ).getNullValue()
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToOne.class ) ) {
- ManyToOne ann = property.getAnnotation( ManyToOne.class );
+ else {
+ final boolean isMapsId = property.isAnnotationPresent( MapsId.class );
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToOne.class ) ) {
+ ManyToOne ann = property.getAnnotation( ManyToOne.class );
- //check validity
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @ManyToOne property:
- + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
- }
+ //check validity
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @ManyToOne
property: "
+ + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
+ }
- Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
- NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
- boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals(
NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
- OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
- boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
- JoinTable assocTable = propertyHolder.getJoinTable( property );
- if ( assocTable != null ) {
- Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
- for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
- joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
+ Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
+ NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
+ boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals(
NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
+ OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
+ boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
+ JoinTable assocTable = propertyHolder.getJoinTable( property );
+ if ( assocTable != null ) {
+ Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
+ for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
+ joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
+ }
+ final boolean mandatory = !ann.optional() || isMapsId;
+ bindManyToOne(
+ getCascadeStrategy( ann.cascade(), hibernateCascade, false, isMapsId),
+ joinColumns,
+ !mandatory,
+ ignoreNotFound, onDeleteCascade,
+ ToOneBinder.getTargetEntity( inferredData, mappings ),
+ propertyHolder,
+ inferredData, false, isIdentifierMapper,
+ inSecondPass, propertyBinder, mappings
+ );
- final boolean mandatory = !ann.optional() || property.isAnnotationPresent(
MapsId.class );
- bindManyToOne(
- getCascadeStrategy( ann.cascade(), hibernateCascade, false),
- joinColumns,
- !mandatory,
- ignoreNotFound, onDeleteCascade,
- ToOneBinder.getTargetEntity( inferredData, mappings ),
- propertyHolder,
- inferredData, false, isIdentifierMapper,
- inSecondPass, propertyBinder, mappings
- );
- }
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToOne.class ) ) {
- OneToOne ann = property.getAnnotation( OneToOne.class );
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToOne.class ) ) {
+ OneToOne ann = property.getAnnotation( OneToOne.class );
- //check validity
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @OneToOne property:
- + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
- }
- //FIXME support a proper PKJCs
- boolean trueOneToOne = property.isAnnotationPresent( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
- Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
- NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
- boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals(
NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
- OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
- boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
- JoinTable assocTable = propertyHolder.getJoinTable( property );
- if ( assocTable != null ) {
- Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
- for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
- joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
+ //check validity
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @OneToOne property:
+ + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
- }
- //MapsId means the columns belong to the pk => not null
- final boolean mandatory = !ann.optional() || property.isAnnotationPresent(
MapsId.class );
- bindOneToOne(
- getCascadeStrategy( ann.cascade(), hibernateCascade, ann.orphanRemoval()),
- joinColumns,
- !mandatory,
- getFetchMode( ann.fetch() ),
- ignoreNotFound, onDeleteCascade,
- ToOneBinder.getTargetEntity( inferredData, mappings ),
- propertyHolder,
- inferredData,
- ann.mappedBy(),
- trueOneToOne,
- isIdentifierMapper,
- inSecondPass,
- propertyBinder,
- mappings
- );
- }
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.Any.class ) ) {
- //check validity
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @Any property:
- + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
- }
- Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
- OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
- boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
- JoinTable assocTable = propertyHolder.getJoinTable( property );
- if ( assocTable != null ) {
- Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
- for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
- joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
+ //FIXME support a proper PKJCs
+ boolean trueOneToOne = property.isAnnotationPresent( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
+ Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
+ NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
+ boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals(
NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
+ OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
+ boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
+ JoinTable assocTable = propertyHolder.getJoinTable( property );
+ if ( assocTable != null ) {
+ Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
+ for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
+ joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
+ }
- }
- bindAny( getCascadeStrategy( null, hibernateCascade, false), //@Any has not cascade
- joinColumns, onDeleteCascade, nullability,
- propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder,
- isIdentifierMapper, mappings );
- }
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToMany.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToMany.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class ) //legacy Hibernate
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToAny.class ) ) {
- OneToMany oneToManyAnn = property.getAnnotation( OneToMany.class );
- ManyToMany manyToManyAnn = property.getAnnotation( ManyToMany.class );
- ElementCollection elementCollectionAnn = property.getAnnotation(
ElementCollection.class );
- CollectionOfElements collectionOfElementsAnn = property.getAnnotation(
CollectionOfElements.class ); //legacy hibernate
- final IndexColumn indexColumn;
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OrderColumn.class ) ) {
- indexColumn = IndexColumn.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
- property.getAnnotation(OrderColumn.class),
+ //MapsId means the columns belong to the pk => not null
+ final boolean mandatory = !ann.optional() || isMapsId;
+ bindOneToOne(
+ getCascadeStrategy( ann.cascade(), hibernateCascade, ann.orphanRemoval(),
+ joinColumns,
+ !mandatory,
+ getFetchMode( ann.fetch() ),
+ ignoreNotFound, onDeleteCascade,
+ ToOneBinder.getTargetEntity( inferredData, mappings ),
- entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
+ ann.mappedBy(),
+ trueOneToOne,
+ isIdentifierMapper,
+ inSecondPass,
+ propertyBinder,
- else {
- //if @IndexColumn is not there, the generated IndexColumn is an implicit column and
not used.
- //so we can leave the legacy processing as the default
- indexColumn = IndexColumn.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
- property.getAnnotation(org.hibernate.annotations.IndexColumn.class),
- propertyHolder,
- inferredData,
- mappings
- );
- }
- CollectionBinder collectionBinder = CollectionBinder.getCollectionBinder(
- propertyHolder.getEntityName(),
- property,
- !indexColumn.isImplicit(),
- property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.MapKey.class )
- // || property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToAny.class )
- );
- collectionBinder.setIndexColumn( indexColumn );
- MapKey mapKeyAnn = property.getAnnotation( MapKey.class );
- collectionBinder.setMapKey( mapKeyAnn );
- collectionBinder.setPropertyName( inferredData.getPropertyName() );
- BatchSize batchAnn = property.getAnnotation( BatchSize.class );
- collectionBinder.setBatchSize( batchAnn );
- javax.persistence.OrderBy ejb3OrderByAnn = property.getAnnotation(
javax.persistence.OrderBy.class );
- OrderBy orderByAnn = property.getAnnotation( OrderBy.class );
- collectionBinder.setEjb3OrderBy( ejb3OrderByAnn );
- collectionBinder.setSqlOrderBy( orderByAnn );
- Sort sortAnn = property.getAnnotation( Sort.class );
- collectionBinder.setSort( sortAnn );
- Cache cachAnn = property.getAnnotation( Cache.class );
- collectionBinder.setCache( cachAnn );
- collectionBinder.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder );
- Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
- NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
- boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals(
NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
- collectionBinder.setIgnoreNotFound( ignoreNotFound );
- collectionBinder.setCollectionType( inferredData.getProperty().getElementClass() );
- collectionBinder.setMappings( mappings );
- collectionBinder.setAccessType( inferredData.getDefaultAccess() );
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.Any.class ) ) {
- Ejb3Column[] elementColumns;
- //do not use "element" if you are a JPA 2 @ElementCollection only for legacy
Hibernate mappings
- boolean isJPA2ForValueMapping = property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class
- PropertyData virtualProperty = isJPA2ForValueMapping ? inferredData : new
WrappedInferredData( inferredData, "element" );
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent(
- Formula.class
- ) ) {
- Column ann = property.getAnnotation( Column.class );
- Formula formulaAnn = property.getAnnotation( Formula.class );
- elementColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
- new Column[] { ann },
- formulaAnn,
- nullability,
- propertyHolder,
- virtualProperty,
- entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
- mappings
- );
- }
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
- Columns anns = property.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
- elementColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
- anns.columns(), null, nullability, propertyHolder, virtualProperty,
- entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), mappings
- );
- }
- else {
- elementColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
- null,
- null,
- nullability,
- propertyHolder,
- virtualProperty,
- entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
- mappings
- );
- }
- {
- Column[] keyColumns = null;
- //JPA 2 has priority and has different default column values, differenciate legacy
from JPA 2
- Boolean isJPA2 = null;
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyColumn.class ) ) {
- isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
- keyColumns = new Column[] { new MapKeyColumnDelegator( property.getAnnotation(
MapKeyColumn.class ) ) };
+ //check validity
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @Any property:
+ + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.MapKey.class ) ) {
- if ( isJPA2 == null) {
- isJPA2 = Boolean.FALSE;
+ Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
+ OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
+ boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
+ JoinTable assocTable = propertyHolder.getJoinTable( property );
+ if ( assocTable != null ) {
+ Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
+ for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
+ joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
- keyColumns = property.getAnnotation( org.hibernate.annotations.MapKey.class
+ bindAny( getCascadeStrategy( null, hibernateCascade, false, isMapsId), //@Any has not
cascade attribute
+ joinColumns, onDeleteCascade, nullability,
+ propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder,
+ isIdentifierMapper, mappings );
+ }
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToMany.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToMany.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class ) //legacy Hibernate
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToAny.class ) ) {
+ OneToMany oneToManyAnn = property.getAnnotation( OneToMany.class );
+ ManyToMany manyToManyAnn = property.getAnnotation( ManyToMany.class );
+ ElementCollection elementCollectionAnn = property.getAnnotation(
ElementCollection.class );
+ CollectionOfElements collectionOfElementsAnn = property.getAnnotation(
CollectionOfElements.class ); //legacy hibernate
- //not explicitly legacy
- if ( isJPA2 == null) {
- isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
+ final IndexColumn indexColumn;
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OrderColumn.class ) ) {
+ indexColumn = IndexColumn.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
+ property.getAnnotation(OrderColumn.class),
+ propertyHolder,
+ inferredData,
+ entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
+ mappings
+ );
+ else {
+ //if @IndexColumn is not there, the generated IndexColumn is an implicit column and
not used.
+ //so we can leave the legacy processing as the default
+ indexColumn = IndexColumn.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
+ property.getAnnotation(org.hibernate.annotations.IndexColumn.class),
+ propertyHolder,
+ inferredData,
+ mappings
+ );
+ }
+ CollectionBinder collectionBinder = CollectionBinder.getCollectionBinder(
+ propertyHolder.getEntityName(),
+ property,
+ !indexColumn.isImplicit(),
+ property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.MapKey.class )
+ // || property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToAny.class )
+ );
+ collectionBinder.setIndexColumn( indexColumn );
+ MapKey mapKeyAnn = property.getAnnotation( MapKey.class );
+ collectionBinder.setMapKey( mapKeyAnn );
+ collectionBinder.setPropertyName( inferredData.getPropertyName() );
+ BatchSize batchAnn = property.getAnnotation( BatchSize.class );
+ collectionBinder.setBatchSize( batchAnn );
+ javax.persistence.OrderBy ejb3OrderByAnn = property.getAnnotation(
javax.persistence.OrderBy.class );
+ OrderBy orderByAnn = property.getAnnotation( OrderBy.class );
+ collectionBinder.setEjb3OrderBy( ejb3OrderByAnn );
+ collectionBinder.setSqlOrderBy( orderByAnn );
+ Sort sortAnn = property.getAnnotation( Sort.class );
+ collectionBinder.setSort( sortAnn );
+ Cache cachAnn = property.getAnnotation( Cache.class );
+ collectionBinder.setCache( cachAnn );
+ collectionBinder.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder );
+ Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
+ NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
+ boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals(
NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
+ collectionBinder.setIgnoreNotFound( ignoreNotFound );
+ collectionBinder.setCollectionType( inferredData.getProperty().getElementClass() );
+ collectionBinder.setMappings( mappings );
+ collectionBinder.setAccessType( inferredData.getDefaultAccess() );
- //nullify empty array
- keyColumns = keyColumns != null && keyColumns.length > 0 ? keyColumns :
- //"mapkey" is the legacy column name of the key column pre JPA 2
- PropertyData mapKeyVirtualProperty = new WrappedInferredData( inferredData,
"mapkey" );
- Ejb3Column[] mapColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
- keyColumns,
- null,
- Nullability.FORCED_NOT_NULL,
- propertyHolder,
- isJPA2 ? inferredData : mapKeyVirtualProperty,
- isJPA2 ? "_KEY" : null,
- entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
- mappings
- );
- collectionBinder.setMapKeyColumns( mapColumns );
- }
- {
- JoinColumn[] joinKeyColumns = null;
- //JPA 2 has priority and has different default column values, differenciate legacy
from JPA 2
- Boolean isJPA2 = null;
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyJoinColumns.class ) ) {
- isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
- final MapKeyJoinColumn[] mapKeyJoinColumns = property.getAnnotation(
MapKeyJoinColumns.class ).value();
- joinKeyColumns = new JoinColumn[mapKeyJoinColumns.length];
- int index = 0;
- for ( MapKeyJoinColumn joinColumn : mapKeyJoinColumns ) {
- joinKeyColumns[index] = new MapKeyJoinColumnDelegator( joinColumn );
- index++;
+ Ejb3Column[] elementColumns;
+ //do not use "element" if you are a JPA 2 @ElementCollection only for
legacy Hibernate mappings
+ boolean isJPA2ForValueMapping = property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class
+ PropertyData virtualProperty = isJPA2ForValueMapping ? inferredData : new
WrappedInferredData( inferredData, "element" );
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent(
+ Formula.class
+ ) ) {
+ Column ann = property.getAnnotation( Column.class );
+ Formula formulaAnn = property.getAnnotation( Formula.class );
+ elementColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
+ new Column[] { ann },
+ formulaAnn,
+ nullability,
+ propertyHolder,
+ virtualProperty,
+ entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
+ mappings
+ );
+ }
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
+ Columns anns = property.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
+ elementColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
+ anns.columns(), null, nullability, propertyHolder, virtualProperty,
+ entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), mappings
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ elementColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
+ null,
+ null,
+ nullability,
+ propertyHolder,
+ virtualProperty,
+ entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
+ mappings
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ Column[] keyColumns = null;
+ //JPA 2 has priority and has different default column values, differenciate legacy
from JPA 2
+ Boolean isJPA2 = null;
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyColumn.class ) ) {
+ isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
+ keyColumns = new Column[] { new MapKeyColumnDelegator( property.getAnnotation(
MapKeyColumn.class ) ) };
- if ( joinKeyColumns != null ) {
- throw new AnnotationException( "@MapKeyJoinColumn and @MapKeyJoinColumns used
on the same property: "
- + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.MapKey.class ) )
+ if ( isJPA2 == null) {
+ isJPA2 = Boolean.FALSE;
+ }
+ keyColumns = property.getAnnotation( org.hibernate.annotations.MapKey.class
- }
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyJoinColumn.class ) ) {
- isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
- joinKeyColumns = new JoinColumn[] { new MapKeyJoinColumnDelegator(
property.getAnnotation( MapKeyJoinColumn.class ) ) };
- }
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent(
org.hibernate.annotations.MapKeyManyToMany.class ) ) {
+ //not explicitly legacy
if ( isJPA2 == null) {
- isJPA2 = Boolean.FALSE;
+ isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
- joinKeyColumns = property.getAnnotation(
org.hibernate.annotations.MapKeyManyToMany.class ).joinColumns();
- }
- //not explicitly legacy
- if ( isJPA2 == null) {
- isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
- }
+ //nullify empty array
+ keyColumns = keyColumns != null && keyColumns.length > 0 ? keyColumns :
- PropertyData mapKeyVirtualProperty = new WrappedInferredData( inferredData,
"mapkey" );
- Ejb3JoinColumn[] mapJoinColumns =
- joinKeyColumns,
- null,
- entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
- propertyHolder,
- isJPA2 ? inferredData.getPropertyName() : mapKeyVirtualProperty.getPropertyName(),
- isJPA2 ? "_KEY" : null,
- mappings
- );
- collectionBinder.setMapKeyManyToManyColumns( mapJoinColumns );
- }
- //potential element
- collectionBinder.setEmbedded( property.isAnnotationPresent( Embedded.class ) );
- collectionBinder.setElementColumns( elementColumns );
- collectionBinder.setProperty( property );
- //TODO enhance exception with @ManyToAny and @CollectionOfElements
- if ( oneToManyAnn != null && manyToManyAnn != null ) {
- throw new AnnotationException(
- "@OneToMany and @ManyToMany on the same property is not allowed: "
- + propertyHolder.getEntityName() + "." +
- );
- }
- String mappedBy = null;
- if ( oneToManyAnn != null ) {
- for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : joinColumns) {
- if ( column.isSecondary() ) {
- throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Collections having FK in secondary
table" );
- }
+ //"mapkey" is the legacy column name of the key column pre JPA 2
+ PropertyData mapKeyVirtualProperty = new WrappedInferredData( inferredData,
"mapkey" );
+ Ejb3Column[] mapColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
+ keyColumns,
+ null,
+ Nullability.FORCED_NOT_NULL,
+ propertyHolder,
+ isJPA2 ? inferredData : mapKeyVirtualProperty,
+ isJPA2 ? "_KEY" : null,
+ entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
+ mappings
+ );
+ collectionBinder.setMapKeyColumns( mapColumns );
- collectionBinder.setFkJoinColumns( joinColumns );
- mappedBy = oneToManyAnn.mappedBy();
- collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
- mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( oneToManyAnn.targetEntity() )
- );
- collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy(
- getCascadeStrategy( oneToManyAnn.cascade(), hibernateCascade,
oneToManyAnn.orphanRemoval()) );
- collectionBinder.setOneToMany( true );
- }
- else if ( elementCollectionAnn != null
- || collectionOfElementsAnn != null //Hibernate legacy
- ) {
- for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : joinColumns) {
- if ( column.isSecondary() ) {
- throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Collections having FK in secondary
table" );
+ {
+ JoinColumn[] joinKeyColumns = null;
+ //JPA 2 has priority and has different default column values, differenciate legacy
from JPA 2
+ Boolean isJPA2 = null;
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyJoinColumns.class ) ) {
+ isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
+ final MapKeyJoinColumn[] mapKeyJoinColumns = property.getAnnotation(
MapKeyJoinColumns.class ).value();
+ joinKeyColumns = new JoinColumn[mapKeyJoinColumns.length];
+ int index = 0;
+ for ( MapKeyJoinColumn joinColumn : mapKeyJoinColumns ) {
+ joinKeyColumns[index] = new MapKeyJoinColumnDelegator( joinColumn );
+ index++;
+ }
+ if ( joinKeyColumns != null ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException( "@MapKeyJoinColumn and @MapKeyJoinColumns used
on the same property: "
+ + BinderHelper.getPath( propertyHolder, inferredData ) );
+ }
- }
- collectionBinder.setFkJoinColumns( joinColumns );
- mappedBy = "";
- final Class<?> targetElement = elementCollectionAnn != null ?
- elementCollectionAnn.targetClass() :
- collectionOfElementsAnn.targetElement();
- collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
- mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( targetElement )
- );
- //collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy( getCascadeStrategy(
embeddedCollectionAnn.cascade(), hibernateCascade ) );
- collectionBinder.setOneToMany( true );
- }
- else if ( manyToManyAnn != null ) {
- mappedBy = manyToManyAnn.mappedBy();
- collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
- mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( manyToManyAnn.targetEntity() )
- );
- collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy( getCascadeStrategy( manyToManyAnn.cascade(),
hibernateCascade, false) );
- collectionBinder.setOneToMany( false );
- }
- else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToAny.class ) ) {
- mappedBy = "";
- collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
- mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( void.class )
- );
- collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy( getCascadeStrategy( null, hibernateCascade,
false) );
- collectionBinder.setOneToMany( false );
- }
- collectionBinder.setMappedBy( mappedBy );
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyJoinColumn.class ) ) {
+ isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
+ joinKeyColumns = new JoinColumn[] { new MapKeyJoinColumnDelegator(
property.getAnnotation( MapKeyJoinColumn.class ) ) };
+ }
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent(
org.hibernate.annotations.MapKeyManyToMany.class ) ) {
+ if ( isJPA2 == null) {
+ isJPA2 = Boolean.FALSE;
+ }
+ joinKeyColumns = property.getAnnotation(
org.hibernate.annotations.MapKeyManyToMany.class ).joinColumns();
+ }
- bindJoinedTableAssociation(
- property, mappings, entityBinder, collectionBinder, propertyHolder, inferredData,
- );
+ //not explicitly legacy
+ if ( isJPA2 == null) {
+ isJPA2 = Boolean.TRUE;
+ }
- OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
- boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
- collectionBinder.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( onDeleteCascade );
- if ( isIdentifierMapper ) {
- collectionBinder.setInsertable( false );
- collectionBinder.setUpdatable( false );
- }
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { //do not compute the
generators unless necessary
- HashMap<String, IdGenerator> localGenerators = (HashMap<String,
IdGenerator>) classGenerators.clone();
- localGenerators.putAll( buildLocalGenerators( property, mappings ) );
- collectionBinder.setLocalGenerators( localGenerators );
+ PropertyData mapKeyVirtualProperty = new WrappedInferredData( inferredData,
"mapkey" );
+ Ejb3JoinColumn[] mapJoinColumns =
+ joinKeyColumns,
+ null,
+ entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
+ propertyHolder,
+ isJPA2 ? inferredData.getPropertyName() :
+ isJPA2 ? "_KEY" : null,
+ mappings
+ );
+ collectionBinder.setMapKeyManyToManyColumns( mapJoinColumns );
+ }
- }
- collectionBinder.setInheritanceStatePerClass( inheritanceStatePerClass );
- collectionBinder.setDeclaringClass( inferredData.getDeclaringClass() );
- collectionBinder.bind();
+ //potential element
+ collectionBinder.setEmbedded( property.isAnnotationPresent( Embedded.class ) );
+ collectionBinder.setElementColumns( elementColumns );
+ collectionBinder.setProperty( property );
- }
- //Either a regular property or a basic @Id or @EmbeddedId while not ignoring id
- else if ( !isId || !entityBinder.isIgnoreIdAnnotations() ) {
- //define whether the type is a component or not
- boolean isComponent;
- isComponent = property.isAnnotationPresent( Embedded.class )
- || property.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class )
- || returnedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Embeddable.class );
- //FIXME do the overrideColumnFromMapsIdProperty here and force the idclass type to
look like an @embedded
- //Overrides from @MapsId if needed
- boolean isOverridden = false;
- if ( isId || propertyHolder.isOrWithinEmbeddedId() ) {
- Ejb3Column[] oldColumns = columns;
- columns = columnsBuilder.overrideColumnFromMapsIdProperty(isId);
- isOverridden = oldColumns != columns;
- }
- if ( isComponent ) {
- String referencedEntityName = null;
- if (isOverridden) {
- final PropertyData mapsIdProperty = BinderHelper.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(
- isId, propertyHolder, property.getName(), mappings
+ //TODO enhance exception with @ManyToAny and @CollectionOfElements
+ if ( oneToManyAnn != null && manyToManyAnn != null ) {
+ throw new AnnotationException(
+ "@OneToMany and @ManyToMany on the same property is not allowed: "
+ + propertyHolder.getEntityName() + "." +
- referencedEntityName = mapsIdProperty.getClassOrElementName();
- AccessType propertyAccessor = entityBinder.getPropertyAccessor( property );
- propertyBinder = bindComponent(
- inferredData,
- propertyHolder,
- propertyAccessor,
- entityBinder,
- isIdentifierMapper,
- mappings,
- isComponentEmbedded,
- isId,
- inheritanceStatePerClass,
- referencedEntityName,
- isOverridden ? (Ejb3JoinColumn[]) columns : null
- );
- }
- else {
- //provide the basic property mapping
- boolean optional = true;
- boolean lazy = false;
- if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Basic.class ) ) {
- Basic ann = property.getAnnotation( Basic.class );
- optional = ann.optional();
- lazy = ann.fetch() == FetchType.LAZY;
+ String mappedBy = null;
+ if ( oneToManyAnn != null ) {
+ for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : joinColumns) {
+ if ( column.isSecondary() ) {
+ throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Collections having FK in secondary
table" );
+ }
+ }
+ collectionBinder.setFkJoinColumns( joinColumns );
+ mappedBy = oneToManyAnn.mappedBy();
+ collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
+ mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( oneToManyAnn.targetEntity() )
+ );
+ collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy(
+ getCascadeStrategy( oneToManyAnn.cascade(), hibernateCascade,
oneToManyAnn.orphanRemoval(), false) );
+ collectionBinder.setOneToMany( true );
- //implicit type will check basic types and Serializable classes
- if ( isId || ( !optional && nullability != Nullability.FORCED_NULL ) ) {
- //force columns to not null
- for (Ejb3Column col : columns) {
- col.forceNotNull();
+ else if ( elementCollectionAnn != null
+ || collectionOfElementsAnn != null //Hibernate legacy
+ ) {
+ for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : joinColumns) {
+ if ( column.isSecondary() ) {
+ throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Collections having FK in secondary
table" );
+ }
+ collectionBinder.setFkJoinColumns( joinColumns );
+ mappedBy = "";
+ final Class<?> targetElement = elementCollectionAnn != null ?
+ elementCollectionAnn.targetClass() :
+ collectionOfElementsAnn.targetElement();
+ collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
+ mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( targetElement )
+ );
+ //collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy( getCascadeStrategy(
embeddedCollectionAnn.cascade(), hibernateCascade ) );
+ collectionBinder.setOneToMany( true );
- propertyBinder.setLazy( lazy );
- propertyBinder.setColumns( columns );
- if (isOverridden) {
- final PropertyData mapsIdProperty = BinderHelper.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(
- isId, propertyHolder, property.getName(), mappings
+ else if ( manyToManyAnn != null ) {
+ mappedBy = manyToManyAnn.mappedBy();
+ collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
+ mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( manyToManyAnn.targetEntity() )
- propertyBinder.setReferencedEntityName( mapsIdProperty.getClassOrElementName() );
+ collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy( getCascadeStrategy( manyToManyAnn.cascade(),
hibernateCascade, false, false) );
+ collectionBinder.setOneToMany( false );
+ else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToAny.class ) ) {
+ mappedBy = "";
+ collectionBinder.setTargetEntity(
+ mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( void.class )
+ );
+ collectionBinder.setCascadeStrategy( getCascadeStrategy( null, hibernateCascade,
false, false) );
+ collectionBinder.setOneToMany( false );
+ }
+ collectionBinder.setMappedBy( mappedBy );
- propertyBinder.makePropertyValueAndBind();
+ bindJoinedTableAssociation(
+ property, mappings, entityBinder, collectionBinder, propertyHolder, inferredData,
+ );
- }
- if (isOverridden) {
- final PropertyData mapsIdProperty = BinderHelper.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(
- isId, propertyHolder, property.getName(), mappings
- );
+ OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
+ boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null &&
OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
+ collectionBinder.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( onDeleteCascade );
+ if ( isIdentifierMapper ) {
+ collectionBinder.setInsertable( false );
+ collectionBinder.setUpdatable( false );
+ }
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { //do not compute the
generators unless necessary
HashMap<String, IdGenerator> localGenerators = (HashMap<String,
IdGenerator>) classGenerators.clone();
- final IdGenerator foreignGenerator = new IdGenerator();
- foreignGenerator.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy( "assigned" );
- foreignGenerator.setName( "Hibernate-local--foreign generator" );
- foreignGenerator.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy( "foreign" );
- foreignGenerator.addParam( "property", mapsIdProperty.getPropertyName()
- localGenerators.put( foreignGenerator.getName(), foreignGenerator );
+ localGenerators.putAll( buildLocalGenerators( property, mappings ) );
+ collectionBinder.setLocalGenerators( localGenerators );
- BinderHelper.makeIdGenerator(
- (SimpleValue) propertyBinder.getValue(),
- foreignGenerator.getIdentifierGeneratorStrategy(),
- foreignGenerator.getName(),
- mappings,
- localGenerators
- );
- if (isId) {
- //components and regular basic types create SimpleValue objects
- final SimpleValue value = ( SimpleValue ) propertyBinder.getValue();
- if ( !isOverridden ) {
- processId(
+ collectionBinder.setInheritanceStatePerClass( inheritanceStatePerClass );
+ collectionBinder.setDeclaringClass( inferredData.getDeclaringClass() );
+ collectionBinder.bind();
+ }
+ //Either a regular property or a basic @Id or @EmbeddedId while not ignoring id
+ else if ( !isId || !entityBinder.isIgnoreIdAnnotations() ) {
+ //define whether the type is a component or not
+ boolean isComponent;
+ isComponent = property.isAnnotationPresent( Embedded.class )
+ || property.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class )
+ || returnedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Embeddable.class );
+ //FIXME do the overrideColumnFromMapsIdProperty here and force the idclass type to
look like an @embedded
+ //Overrides from @MapsId if needed
+ boolean isOverridden = false;
+ if ( isId || propertyHolder.isOrWithinEmbeddedId() ) {
+ Ejb3Column[] oldColumns = columns;
+ columns = columnsBuilder.overrideColumnFromMapsIdProperty(isId);
+ isOverridden = oldColumns != columns;
+ }
+ if ( isComponent ) {
+ String referencedEntityName = null;
+ if (isOverridden) {
+ final PropertyData mapsIdProperty = BinderHelper.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(
+ isId, propertyHolder, property.getName(), mappings
+ );
+ referencedEntityName = mapsIdProperty.getClassOrElementName();
+ }
+ AccessType propertyAccessor = entityBinder.getPropertyAccessor( property );
+ propertyBinder = bindComponent(
+ inferredData,
- inferredData,
- value,
- classGenerators,
+ propertyAccessor,
+ entityBinder,
- mappings
+ mappings,
+ isComponentEmbedded,
+ isId,
+ inheritanceStatePerClass,
+ referencedEntityName,
+ isOverridden ? (Ejb3JoinColumn[]) columns : null
+ else {
+ //provide the basic property mapping
+ boolean optional = true;
+ boolean lazy = false;
+ if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Basic.class ) ) {
+ Basic ann = property.getAnnotation( Basic.class );
+ optional = ann.optional();
+ lazy = ann.fetch() == FetchType.LAZY;
+ }
+ //implicit type will check basic types and Serializable classes
+ if ( isId || ( !optional && nullability != Nullability.FORCED_NULL ) ) {
+ //force columns to not null
+ for (Ejb3Column col : columns) {
+ col.forceNotNull();
+ }
+ }
+ propertyBinder.setLazy( lazy );
+ propertyBinder.setColumns( columns );
+ if (isOverridden) {
+ final PropertyData mapsIdProperty = BinderHelper.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(
+ isId, propertyHolder, property.getName(), mappings
+ );
+ propertyBinder.setReferencedEntityName( mapsIdProperty.getClassOrElementName() );
+ }
+ propertyBinder.makePropertyValueAndBind();
+ }
+ if (isOverridden) {
+ final PropertyData mapsIdProperty = BinderHelper.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(
+ isId, propertyHolder, property.getName(), mappings
+ );
+ HashMap<String, IdGenerator> localGenerators = (HashMap<String,
IdGenerator>) classGenerators.clone();
+ final IdGenerator foreignGenerator = new IdGenerator();
+ foreignGenerator.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy( "assigned" );
+ foreignGenerator.setName( "Hibernate-local--foreign generator" );
+ foreignGenerator.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy( "foreign" );
+ foreignGenerator.addParam( "property", mapsIdProperty.getPropertyName()
+ localGenerators.put( foreignGenerator.getName(), foreignGenerator );
+ BinderHelper.makeIdGenerator(
+ (SimpleValue) propertyBinder.getValue(),
+ foreignGenerator.getIdentifierGeneratorStrategy(),
+ foreignGenerator.getName(),
+ mappings,
+ localGenerators
+ );
+ }
+ if (isId) {
+ //components and regular basic types create SimpleValue objects
+ final SimpleValue value = ( SimpleValue ) propertyBinder.getValue();
+ if ( !isOverridden ) {
+ processId(
+ propertyHolder,
+ inferredData,
+ value,
+ classGenerators,
+ isIdentifierMapper,
+ mappings
+ );
+ }
+ }
//init index
@@ -2507,7 +2510,7 @@
private static String getCascadeStrategy(
javax.persistence.CascadeType[] ejbCascades, Cascade hibernateCascadeAnnotation,
- boolean orphanRemoval) {
+ boolean orphanRemoval, boolean mapsId) {
EnumSet<CascadeType> hibernateCascadeSet = convertToHibernateCascadeType(
ejbCascades );
CascadeType[] hibernateCascades = hibernateCascadeAnnotation == null ?
null :
@@ -2521,6 +2524,9 @@
+ if (mapsId) {
+ hibernateCascadeSet.add(CascadeType.PERSIST);
+ }
StringBuilder cascade = new StringBuilder();
for ( CascadeType aHibernateCascadeSet : hibernateCascadeSet ) {
core/trunk/annotations/src/test/java/org/hibernate/test/annotations/derivedidentities/e1/b/ 2010-01-27
18:46:51 UTC (rev 18655)
core/trunk/annotations/src/test/java/org/hibernate/test/annotations/derivedidentities/e1/b/ 2010-01-27
18:58:28 UTC (rev 18656)
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
d.emp = e; = new DependentId(); = "Doggy";
+ s.persist( d );
s.persist( e );
- s.persist( d );
d = (Dependent) s.get( Dependent.class, );