JBoss Tools SVN: r12870 - trunk/vpe/plugins/org.jboss.tools.vpe/src/org/jboss/tools/vpe/editor.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: yradtsevich
Date: 2008-12-31 07:22:02 -0500 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12870
CODING IN PROGRESS - issue JBIDE-3441: VPE - Preferences - change size of VE pane - press OK - Preview will show empty page
The issue partially fixed partially, some refactoring made.
Modified: trunk/vpe/plugins/org.jboss.tools.vpe/src/org/jboss/tools/vpe/editor/VpeController.java
--- trunk/vpe/plugins/org.jboss.tools.vpe/src/org/jboss/tools/vpe/editor/VpeController.java 2008-12-31 11:10:54 UTC (rev 12869)
+++ trunk/vpe/plugins/org.jboss.tools.vpe/src/org/jboss/tools/vpe/editor/VpeController.java 2008-12-31 12:22:02 UTC (rev 12870)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
/** @deprecated */
private VpeSelectionBuilder selectionBuilder;
// private VpeVisualKeyHandler visualKeyHandler;
- private ActiveEditorSwitcher switcher = new ActiveEditorSwitcher();
+ ActiveEditorSwitcher switcher = new ActiveEditorSwitcher();
private Attr lastRemovedAttr;
private String lastRemovedAttrName;
private boolean mouseUpSelectionReasonFlag;
@@ -203,7 +203,12 @@
private IProgressMonitor progressMonitor;
private UIJob uiJob;
// JBIDE-675, visual refresh job
- private UIJob visualRefresfJob;
+ private VpeVisualRefreshJob vpeVisualRefreshJob;
+ /**
+ * This variable should be used as synchronizing object
+ * when{@link #vpeVisualRefreshJob} is accessed.
+ */
+ private final Object vpeVisualRefreshJobLock = new Object();
* Added by Max Areshkau JBIDE-675, stores information about modification
@@ -360,9 +365,11 @@
uiJob = null;
- if (visualRefresfJob != null) {
- visualRefresfJob.cancel();
- visualRefresfJob = null;
+ synchronized (vpeVisualRefreshJobLock) {
+ if (vpeVisualRefreshJob != null) {
+ vpeVisualRefreshJob.cancel();
+ vpeVisualRefreshJob = null;
+ }
if (optionsListener != null) {
@@ -463,6 +470,7 @@
uiJob = new UIJob(VpeUIMessages.VPE_UPDATE_JOB_TITLE) {
public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
monitor.beginTask(VpeUIMessages.VPE_UPDATE_JOB_TITLE, 100);
while (getChangeEvents().size() > 0) {
monitor.worked((int) (100 / getChangeEvents().size()));
@@ -1337,46 +1345,32 @@
if (uiJob != null && uiJob.getState() != Job.NONE) {
- if (visualRefresfJob == null || visualRefresfJob.getState() == Job.NONE) {
- visualRefresfJob = new UIJob(VpeUIMessages.VPE_VISUAL_REFRESH_JOB) {
- @Override
- public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
- if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
- return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
- }
- if (!switcher.startActiveEditor(ActiveEditorSwitcher.ACTIVE_EDITOR_SOURCE)) {
- return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
- }
- try {
- monitor.beginTask(VpeUIMessages.VPE_VISUAL_REFRESH_JOB, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
- visualRefreshImpl();
- monitor.done();
- setSynced(true);
- } catch (VpeDisposeException exc) {
- // just ignore this exception
- } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
- if (switcher != null) {
- throw ex;
- } else {
- // class was disposed and exception result of
- // that we can't stop
- // refresh job in time, so we just ignore this
- // exception
- }
- } finally {
- if (switcher != null) {
- switcher.stopActiveEditor();
- }
- }
- return Status.OK_STATUS;
- }
- };
- visualRefresfJob.setPriority(Job.SHORT);
- visualRefresfJob.schedule();
+ synchronized (vpeVisualRefreshJobLock) {
+ if (vpeVisualRefreshJob == null || vpeVisualRefreshJob.getState() == Job.NONE) {
+ scheduleNewVpeVisualRefreshJob(0L);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new object of {@link VpeVisualRefreshJob} and schedules this job to be run
+ * after specified {@code delay}
+ *
+ * @param delay time in milliseconds
+ * @see UIJob#schedule(long)
+ */
+ public void scheduleNewVpeVisualRefreshJob(long delay) {
+ synchronized (vpeVisualRefreshJobLock) {
+ if (vpeVisualRefreshJob != null) {
+ vpeVisualRefreshJob.cancel();
+ }
+ vpeVisualRefreshJob = new VpeVisualRefreshJob(VpeUIMessages.VPE_VISUAL_REFRESH_JOB, this);
+ vpeVisualRefreshJob.setPriority(Job.SHORT);
+ vpeVisualRefreshJob.schedule(delay);
+ }
+ }
+public static int ii = 0;
void visualRefreshImpl() {
@@ -1386,7 +1380,9 @@
} else {
//Fix bugs JBIDE-2750
+ ii++;
+ ii--;
// IDOMModel sourceModel = (IDOMModel) getModel();
// if (sourceModel != null) {
// IDOMDocument sourceDocument = sourceModel.getDocument();
@@ -1395,6 +1391,7 @@
// visualBuilder.rebuildDom(null);
// }
public void preLongOperation() {
@@ -1460,11 +1457,11 @@
- private class ActiveEditorSwitcher {
- private static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_CANNOT = 0;
- private static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_NONE = 1;
- private static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_SOURCE = 2;
- private static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_VISUAL = 3;
+ class ActiveEditorSwitcher {
+ static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_CANNOT = 0;
+ static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_NONE = 1;
+ static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_SOURCE = 2;
+ static final int ACTIVE_EDITOR_VISUAL = 3;
private int type = ACTIVE_EDITOR_CANNOT;
@@ -1476,7 +1473,7 @@
- private boolean startActiveEditor(int newType) {
+ boolean startActiveEditor(int newType) {
if (type == ACTIVE_EDITOR_NONE) {
&& editPart.getVisualMode() == VpeEditorPart.SOURCE_MODE) {
@@ -1489,7 +1486,7 @@
- private void stopActiveEditor() {
+ void stopActiveEditor() {
@@ -2736,5 +2733,59 @@
public ISelectionManager getSelectionManager() {
return selectionManager;
+final class VpeVisualRefreshJob extends UIJob {
+ private static int nestedLevel = 0;
+ private VpeController vpeController;
+ public VpeVisualRefreshJob(String name, VpeController vpeController) {
+ super(name);
+ this.vpeController = vpeController;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ nestedLevel++;
+ try {
+ if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
+ return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
+ }
+ // if this job is nested in another VpeVisualRefreshJob, then cancel it and run later
+ if (nestedLevel > 1) {
+ vpeController.scheduleNewVpeVisualRefreshJob(300L);
+ return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
+ }
+ if (!vpeController.switcher.startActiveEditor(VpeController.ActiveEditorSwitcher.ACTIVE_EDITOR_SOURCE)) {
+ return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
+ }
+ try {
+ monitor.beginTask(VpeUIMessages.VPE_VISUAL_REFRESH_JOB, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
+ vpeController.visualRefreshImpl();
+ monitor.done();
+ vpeController.setSynced(true);
+ } catch (VpeDisposeException exc) {
+ // just ignore this exception
+ } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
+ if (vpeController.switcher != null) {
+ throw ex;
+ } else {
+ // class was disposed and exception result of
+ // that we can't stop
+ // refresh job in time, so we just ignore this
+ // exception
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (vpeController.switcher != null) {
+ vpeController.switcher.stopActiveEditor();
+ }
+ }
+ return Status.OK_STATUS;
+ } finally {
+ nestedLevel--;
+ }
+ }
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12869 - trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2008-12-31 06:10:54 -0500 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12869
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDS-520 - updating the screens;
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_10.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_11.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_12.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_13.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_14.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_15.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_17.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/images/manage/manage_9.png
(Binary files differ)
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12868 - trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/modules.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2008-12-31 06:10:14 -0500 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12868
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDS-520 - updating the 'Adding and configuring JBoss Server' section;
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/modules/manage.xml
--- trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/modules/manage.xml 2008-12-31 11:08:16 UTC (rev 12867)
+++ trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/modules/manage.xml 2008-12-31 11:10:14 UTC (rev 12868)
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
<title>Manage JBoss AS from JBoss Developer Studio</title>
<para>In this chapter we'll focus more on how to operate the <property>JBoss
- AS</property> from <property>JBoss Developer Studio</property>.</para>
+ AS</property> from <property>JBoss Developer Studio</property>.</para>
<para><property>JBoss Developer Studio</property> ships with <property>JBoss EAP
- v.4.2</property> bundled. When you followed the default installation of <property>JBoss
+ v.4.2</property> bundled. When you followed the default installation of <property>JBoss
Developer Studio</property>, you should already have a JBoss 4.2 Server installed and
defined. To run JBoss AS 4.2 you need JDK 1.5, JDK 6 is not formally supported yet, although
you may be able to start the server with it.</para>
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
<title>How to Manage the JBoss AS Bundled in JBDS</title>
<para>This section covers the basics of working with the <property>JBoss Server</property>
supported directly by <property>JBDS</property> via bundled AS plug-in. To read more
- about AS plug-in, refer to the <ulink url="&aslink;">Server Manager guide</ulink>.</para>
+ about AS plug-in, refer to the <ulink url="&aslink;">Server Manager
+ guide</ulink>.</para>
<section id="StartingServer">
<?dbhtml filename="StartingServer.html"?>
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
<para>To see event log after the server is started, expand <property>Event
- Log</property> branch beneath <property>JBoss Server View</property>:</para>
+ Log</property> branch beneath <property>JBoss Server View</property>:</para>
<title>Event Log</title>
@@ -125,9 +126,10 @@
<section id="ServerPreferences">
<?dbhtml filename="ServerPreferences.html"?>
<title>Server Container Preferences</title>
- <para>You can control how <property>JBoss Developer Studio</property> interacts with server containers in the
- <property>Server editor</property>. Double-click the server to open it in the editor.</para>
+ <para>You can control how <property>JBoss Developer Studio</property> interacts with
+ server containers in the <property>Server editor</property>. Double-click the server
+ to open it in the editor.</para>
<title>Server Overview</title>
@@ -136,22 +138,22 @@
- <para>Here you can specify some common settings: host name, server
- name, runtime as well as settings related to the publishing, timeouts and server ports.</para>
+ <para>Here you can specify some common settings: host name, server name, runtime as well
+ as settings related to the publishing, timeouts and server ports.</para>
<section id="JBossInstances">
<?dbhtml filename="JBossInstances.html"?>
<title>How to Use Your Own JBoss AS Instance with JBDS</title>
- <para>Although <property>JBoss Developer Studio</property> works closely with <property>JBoss EAP 4.2</property>
- we do not ultimately tie you to any particular server for deployment. There are some
- servers that Studio supports directly (via the bundled Eclipse WTP plug-ins). In this
- section we discuss how to manage self-installed JBoss AS. Suppose you want to deploy the
- application to <property>JBoss 4.2.1 server</property>. First of all you need to install
- it.</para>
+ <para>Although <property>JBoss Developer Studio</property> works closely with
+ <property>JBoss EAP 4.2</property> we do not ultimately tie you to any particular
+ server for deployment. There are some servers that Studio supports directly (via the
+ bundled Eclipse WTP plug-ins). In this section we discuss how to manage self-installed
+ JBoss AS. Suppose you want to deploy the application to <property>JBoss 4.2.1
+ server</property>. First of all you need to install it.</para>
<section id="JBossInstalling">
<?dbhtml filename="JBossInstalling.html"?>
<title>JBoss AS Installation</title>
@@ -172,7 +174,8 @@
<para>There is no requirement for root access to run JBoss Server on UNIX/Linux systems
- because none of the default ports are within the 0-1023 privileged port range.</para>
+ because none of the default ports are within the 0-1023 privileged port
+ range.</para>
<para>After you have the binary archive you want to install, use the JDK jar
@@ -188,8 +191,8 @@
<section id="AddingJBossServer">
<?dbhtml filename="AddingJBossServer.html"?>
<title>Adding and configuring JBoss Server</title>
- <para>Now we should add just installed server into server manager in <property>JBoss Developer
- Studio</property>.</para>
+ <para>Now we should add just installed server into server manager in <property>JBoss
+ Developer Studio</property>.</para>
<para>Open the JBoss Server View by selecting <emphasis>
@@ -204,10 +207,8 @@
<para>Select <emphasis>
- <property>JBoss, a division of Red Hat > JBoss v4.2</property>
- </emphasis> and click the <emphasis>
- <property>Installed Runtimes</property>
- </emphasis> button to select a new installed runtime.</para>
+ <property>JBoss, a division of Red Hat > JBoss AS 4.2</property>.
+ </emphasis></para>
@@ -221,17 +222,9 @@
- <para>Click <emphasis>
- <property>Add</property>
- </emphasis> button to add a new JBoss runtime.</para>
+ <para>Click <property>Configure Runtime environments</property> to observe all
+ configured runtimes.</para>
- <listitem>
- <para>Select <emphasis>
- <property>JBoss, a division of Red Hat > JBoss v4.2</property>
- </emphasis> and press <emphasis>
- <property>Next</property>
- </emphasis>.</para>
- </listitem>
@@ -243,12 +236,19 @@
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>To add a new runtime, which Jboss AS 4.2 matches to, click <emphasis>
+ <property>Add</property>
+ </emphasis> next to <property>Server runtime environment</property>
+ section.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
- <para>In the next step make JBoss Developer Studio to know where you have
- installed the server and define JRE.</para>
+ <para>In the next step make <property>JBoss Developer Studio</property> to know
+ where you have installed the Server and define JRE.</para>
@@ -265,24 +265,9 @@
important to set this value to a full JDK, not JRE. Again, you need a full JDK
to run Web applications, JRE will not be enough.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>In the following window leave all settings default or give your name to a
- new jboss server and press <emphasis>
- <property>Finish</property>
- </emphasis>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <figure>
- <title>Adding New Runtime</title>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/manage/manage_12.png"/>
- </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- </figure>
- <para>A new runtime will now appear in the <emphasis>
- <property>Preferences > Server > Installed Runtimes</property>
+ <!--para>A new runtime will now appear in the <emphasis>
+ <property>Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments</property>
</emphasis> dialog.</para>
<title>Runtime is Added</title>
@@ -291,16 +276,16 @@
<imagedata fileref="images/manage/manage_13.png"/>
- </figure>
+ </figure-->
<para>Click <emphasis>
- <property>OK</property>
+ <property>Finish</property>
</emphasis>. Then select a new added runtime in Server runtime drop down
- list and click <emphasis>
+ list and click the <emphasis>
- </emphasis> button twice.</para>
+ </emphasis> button.</para>
@@ -311,6 +296,7 @@
<para>In the next dialog verify a <property>JBoss</property> runtime information
@@ -341,7 +327,8 @@
- <para>A new JBoss server should now appear in JBoss Server View.</para>
+ <para>A new <property>JBoss Server</property> should now appear in the <property>JBoss
+ Server view</property>.</para>
<title>New JBoss Server</title>
@@ -351,7 +338,7 @@
<para>Now, we are ready to create the first web application.</para>
- </section>
+ </section>
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12867 - trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/images/plugins.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2008-12-31 06:08:16 -0500 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12867
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDS-473 - adding new screens;
Added: trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/images/plugins/plugins_8a.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/images/plugins/plugins_8a.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/images/plugins/plugins_8b.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/images/plugins/plugins_8b.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12865 - trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/modules.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2008-12-31 06:07:20 -0500 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12865
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDS-473 - updating the Exporters section;
Modified: trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/modules/plugins.xml
--- trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/modules/plugins.xml 2008-12-30 17:29:34 UTC (rev 12864)
+++ trunk/hibernatetools/docs/reference/en/modules/plugins.xml 2008-12-31 11:07:20 UTC (rev 12865)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<title>Eclipse Plugins</title>
<para>This chapter will introduce you to the functionality that <property>Hibernate
- Tools</property> provide within Eclipse. That is a set of wizards and editors for simplifying
+ Tools</property> provide within Eclipse. That is a set of wizards and editors for simplifying
the work with <property>Hibernate</property>.</para>
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<para>Please note that these tools do not try to hide any functionality of
- <property>Hibernate</property>. The tools make working with <property>Hibernate</property>
+ <property>Hibernate</property>. The tools make working with <property>Hibernate</property>
easier, but you are still encouraged/required to read the <ulink
url="http://www.hibernate.org/5.html">Hibernate Documentation</ulink> to fully utilize
<property>Hibernate Tools</property> and especially <property>Hibernate</property> it
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
</emphasis> for the basis of a Console configuration.</para>
- <section id="console_conf" >
+ <section id="console_conf">
<title>Creating a Hibernate Console Configuration</title>
<para>A Console configuration describes how the <property>Hibernate plugin</property> should
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
possible if your project requires this.</para>
<para>You create a console configuration by running the <property>Console Configuration
- Wizard</property>, shown in the following screenshot. The same wizard will also be used if you
- are coming from the <emphasis>
+ Wizard</property>, shown in the following screenshot. The same wizard will also be used if
+ you are coming from the <emphasis>
</emphasis> wizard and had enabled <emphasis>
<property>Create Console Configuration</property>
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="3*"/>
- <colspec colnum="3" align="left" colwidth="1*"/>
+ <colspec colnum="3" align="left" colwidth="1*"/>
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
<para>No default value (lets Hibernate Entity Manager find the persistence
- unit)</para>
+ unit)</para>
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="3*"/>
- <colspec colnum="3" align="left" colwidth="1*"/>
+ <colspec colnum="3" align="left" colwidth="1*"/>
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
classpath of the Project does not contain the required classes. Do not add Hibernate
core libraries or dependencies, they are already included. If you get ClassNotFound
errors then check this list for possible missing or redundant
- directories/jars.</para>
+ directories/jars.</para>
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
<para>Parameters of the Mappings tab of the <property>Hibernate Console Configuration
- wizard</property> are explained below:</para>
+ wizard</property> are explained below:</para>
<title>Hibernate Console Configuration Mappings</title>
@@ -622,21 +622,21 @@
- <section>
+ <section id="refeng_codegen">
<title>Reverse Engineering and Code Generation</title>
- <para>A "click-and-generate" reverse engineering and code generation facility is available. This
- facility allows you to generate a range of artifacts based on database or an already existing
- Hibernate configuration, be that mapping files or annotated classes. Some of these are POJO
- Java source file, Hibernate <emphasis>
+ <para>A "click-and-generate" reverse engineering and code generation facility
+ is available. This facility allows you to generate a range of artifacts based on database or
+ an already existing Hibernate configuration, be that mapping files or annotated classes. Some
+ of these are POJO Java source file, Hibernate <emphasis>
</emphasis>, <emphasis>
</emphasis> generation and schema documentation.</para>
<para>To start working with this process, start the <property>Hibernate Code
- Generation</property> which is available in the toolbar via the <property>Hibernate</property>
- icon or via the <emphasis>
+ Generation</property> which is available in the toolbar via the
+ <property>Hibernate</property> icon or via the <emphasis>
<property>Run > Hibernate Code Generation</property>
</emphasis> menu item.</para>
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@
<para>Path to a directory where all output will be written by default. Be aware that
existing files will be overwritten, so be sure to specify the correct
- directory.</para>
+ directory.</para>
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
<para>Automatically detect many-to-many tables. Controllable via reveng.
- strategy.</para>
+ strategy.</para>
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@
- <section>
+ <section id="exportes">
<para>The <emphasis>
@@ -972,10 +972,21 @@
<para>Fully customizable exporter which can be used to perform custom
- generation.</para>
+ generation.</para>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Schema Export (.ddl)</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Generates the appropriate SQL DDL and allows you to store the result in a file
+ or export it directly to the database.</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
@@ -1094,10 +1105,134 @@
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>drop</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Output will contain drop statements for the tables, indices and
+ constraints</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>delimiter</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>If specified the statements will be dumped to this file</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>create</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Output will contain create statements for the tables, indices and
+ constraints</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>scriptToConsole</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>The script will be output to Console</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>exportToDatabase</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Executes the generated statements against the database</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>outputFileName</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>If specified the statements will be dumped to this file</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>haltOnError</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Halts the build process if an error occurs</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>format</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Applies basic formatting to the statements</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>schemaUpdate</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <para>Updates a schema</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <para>To add a property to the chosen Exporter click the <emphasis>
+ <property>Add</property>
+ </emphasis> button in the <property>Properties</property> section. In the appeared dialog
+ you should select the property from the proposed list and the value for it.</para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>Adding the Property for Schema Export (.ddl)</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/plugins/plugins_8a.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <tip>
+ <title>Tip:</title>
+ <para>If the property is a directory, it is
+ possible to browse directories in the Value field.</para>
+ </tip>
+ <figure>
+ <title>Specifying the Property Value</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/plugins/plugins_8b.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
@@ -1235,7 +1370,7 @@
- <section id="map_config_struct_editor" >
+ <section id="map_config_struct_editor">
<title>Structured Hibernate Mapping and Configuration File Editor</title>
<para>The structured editor represents the file in the tree form. It also allows to modify the
structure of the file and its elements with the help of tables provided on the right-hand
@@ -1243,7 +1378,8 @@
<para>To open any mapping file in the editor, choose <emphasis>
<property>Open With > Hibernate 3.0 XML Editor</property>
- </emphasis> option from the context menu of the file. The editor should look as follows:</para>
+ </emphasis> option from the context menu of the file. The editor should look as
+ follows:</para>
<title>Structured hbm.xml Editor</title>
@@ -1322,7 +1458,8 @@
<para>Or you can get it via the <property>Code Generation Launcher</property> by checking the
proper section in the <emphasis>
- </emphasis> tab of the <link linkend="hib_code_gen">Hibernate Code Generation Wizard</link>.</para>
+ </emphasis> tab of the <link linkend="hib_code_gen">Hibernate Code Generation
+ Wizard</link>.</para>
<para>The following screenshot shows the <emphasis>
@@ -1512,7 +1649,7 @@
<para>As in <property>Hibernate Configurations View</property> in <property>Mapping
- Diagram</property> it's also possible to open source/mapping file for a chosen
+ Diagram</property> it's also possible to open source/mapping file for a chosen
object by selecting appropriate option in the context menu. </para>
@@ -1572,12 +1709,12 @@
<para>Queries can be prototyped by entering them in the <property>HQL</property> or
<property>Criteria Editor</property>. The query editors are opened by right-clicking the
<property>Console Configuration</property> and selecting either <property>HQL
- Editor</property> or <property>Hibernate Criteria Editor</property>. The editors
+ Editor</property> or <property>Hibernate Criteria Editor</property>. The editors
automatically detect the chosen configuration.</para>
<para>If the menu item is disabled then you need at first to create a <property>Session
Factory</property>. That is done by simply expanding the <property>Session
- Factory</property> node.</para>
+ Factory</property> node.</para>
<para>By brining up the context menu for a chosen entity or property in the <property>Console
Configuration</property> and opening <emphasis>
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12864 - trunk/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test/resources/htmlTest/WebContent/pages/components/text.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: dmaliarevich
Date: 2008-12-30 12:29:34 -0500 (Tue, 30 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12864
JUnit test for html pre tag was fixed.
Modified: trunk/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test/resources/htmlTest/WebContent/pages/components/text/pre.html
--- trunk/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test/resources/htmlTest/WebContent/pages/components/text/pre.html 2008-12-30 17:24:05 UTC (rev 12863)
+++ trunk/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test/resources/htmlTest/WebContent/pages/components/text/pre.html 2008-12-30 17:29:34 UTC (rev 12864)
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
string 1 string 2
<pre id="pre" class="preClass" style="color: red;" dir="ltr" width="30">
- string 1
- string 2
+ string 1
+ string 2
Modified: trunk/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test/resources/htmlTest/WebContent/pages/components/text/pre.html.xml
--- trunk/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test/resources/htmlTest/WebContent/pages/components/text/pre.html.xml 2008-12-30 17:24:05 UTC (rev 12863)
+++ trunk/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test/resources/htmlTest/WebContent/pages/components/text/pre.html.xml 2008-12-30 17:29:34 UTC (rev 12864)
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
<test id="pre">
- <PRE WIDTH="30" ID="pre" CLASS="preClass" STYLE="color: red; -moz-user-modify: read-write;" DIR="ltr">
-string 1
- string 2
+ <PRE WIDTH="30" ID="pre" CLASS="preClass"
+ STYLE="color: red; -moz-user-modify: read-write;">
+ <SPAN CLASS="vpe-text">
+ <BR _MOZ_DIRTY="" />
+ string 1
+ <BR _MOZ_DIRTY="" />
+ string 2
+ <BR _MOZ_DIRTY="" />
+ </SPAN>
+ </PRE>
\ No newline at end of file
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12863 - trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/meta.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: scabanovich
Date: 2008-12-30 12:24:05 -0500 (Tue, 30 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12863
Modified: trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/meta/options_general.xml
--- trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/meta/options_general.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
+++ trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/meta/options_general.xml 2008-12-30 17:24:05 UTC (rev 12863)
@@ -4327,7 +4327,7 @@
<NewJSFProject model-entity="SharableNewJSFProject"
NAME="New Project" SCOPE="project" directory=""
register_web_context="yes" template="JSFBlank" use_default="yes"
- version="JSF 1.1.01 - Reference Implementation" />
+ version="JSF 1.2" />
<StrutsStudio model-entity="SharableStrutsStudio" NAME="Struts Studio"
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12862 - in trunk: jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules and 2 other directories.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: smukhina
Date: 2008-12-30 12:11:05 -0500 (Tue, 30 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12862
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDS-510 up-to-date "updated/new" markers are added and old markers are deleted
Modified: trunk/esb/docs/esb_ref_guide/en/modules/esb_support.xml
--- trunk/esb/docs/esb_ref_guide/en/modules/esb_support.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/esb/docs/esb_ref_guide/en/modules/esb_support.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter id="esb_support">
+<chapter id="esb_support" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="esb_support.html"?>
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
>InstallingJBossTools</ulink> section.</para>
- <section>
+ <section role="new">
<title>Creating a ESB Project</title>
<para>In this chapter we suggest a step-by-step walk-through of creating a new
ESB project. Let's try to create a new JBoss ESB project.</para>
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
- <section id="ESB_project_wizard" xreflabel="here">
+ <section id="ESB_project_wizard" xreflabel="here" role="new">
<title>Creating ESB Project using JBoss Tools Project Examples Wizard</title>
<para>JBoss Tools provides a Project Example wizard that is an easy way for users to create some kinds of projects to be used as examples with some predefined structure. Let's start
creating a ESB project using this wizard.</para>
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
<para> Deploy the HelloWorld ESB project and run a test class in the client Java project to see the test result in the Console view.</para>
- <section>
+ <section role="new">
<title>Deploying a ESB Project</title>
<para>In this chapter youwill see how to deploy a ESB project using the WTP deployment framework.</para>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
- <section>
+ <section role="new">
<title>Configuring ESB Runtime in Preferences</title>
<para>In this chapter you will know how to predefine a JBoss ESB runtime on the Preferences page.</para>
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
- <section id="using_SOA">
+ <section id="using_SOA" role="new">
<title>Using and Configuring SOA Platform</title>
<para>In this chapter you will know what is JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform and how you can configure it to use for your ESB projects. </para>
Modified: trunk/esb/docs/esb_ref_guide/en/modules/introduction.xml
--- trunk/esb/docs/esb_ref_guide/en/modules/introduction.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/esb/docs/esb_ref_guide/en/modules/introduction.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- <section>
+ <section role="updated">
<title>What is ESB?</title>
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/the_views.xml
--- trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/the_views.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/the_views.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter id="the_views" xreflabel="the_views">
+<chapter id="the_views" xreflabel="the_views" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="the_views.html"?>
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
- <section id="the_properties_view">
+ <section id="the_properties_view" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="the_properties_view.html"?>
<title>The Properties View</title>
<para> Here, we dwell on the JBDS <property>Properties view</property>.</para>
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
<property>jbay</property>. </emphasis></para>
- <section id="jbpm_gpd_editor">
+ <section id="jbpm_gpd_editor" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="direct_editing.html"?>
<title>The jBPM Graphical Process Designer editor.</title>
<para>The <property>jBPM GPD editor</property> includes four modes: Diagram, Deployment,
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/modules/editors.xml
--- trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/modules/editors.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/modules/editors.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
within your application and make use of content and code assist no matter what project
file (jsp, xhtml, xml, css, etc...) you are working on.</para>
- <section id="OpenOnSelection4Hyperlinknavigation">
+ <section id="OpenOnSelection4Hyperlinknavigation" role="updated">
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
- <section id="CodeAssistAndDynamicCodeAssist42BasedOnProjectData">
+ <section id="CodeAssistAndDynamicCodeAssist42BasedOnProjectData" role="updated">
<title>Content Assist</title>
<para><property>Content assist</property> is available when working with</para>
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
<para>Follow these steps to set what is available for code assist:</para>
- <para>Adds code assist for JSF pre-defined objects, such as value=<emphasis
+ <para>Adds code assist for JSF pre-defined objects, such as <![CDATA[value=]]><emphasis
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@
- <section id="visual_page">
+ <section id="visual_page" role="updated">
<title>Visual Page Editor</title>
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/modules/preferences.xml
--- trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/modules/preferences.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/modules/preferences.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<chapter id="preferences" xreflabel="preferences">
+<chapter id="preferences" xreflabel="preferences" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences.html"?>
<title>JBoss Tools Preferences</title>
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
- <section id="VisualPageEditor2">
+ <section id="VisualPageEditor2" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="VisualPageEditor.html"?>
<title>Visual Page Editor</title>
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
dialog</link> where you can adjust new settings.</para>
- <section id="el_variables">
+ <section id="el_variables" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="el_variables.html"?>
<title>El Variables</title>
<para>To specify necessary EL variables globally, i. e. for all projects and resources in
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@
- <section id="JBossServerPreferences">
+ <section id="JBossServerPreferences" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="View.html"?>
<title>Server Preferences</title>
<para>Preferences for <property>JBoss Server</property> and other servers can be changed on
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@
- <section id="XDoclet">
+ <section id="XDoclet" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="XDoclet.html"?>
<para>The preferences for XDoclet can be changed if you click <emphasis>
Modified: trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/crud_application_walkthrough.xml
--- trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/crud_application_walkthrough.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/crud_application_walkthrough.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter id="crud_application_walkthrough" xreflabel="crud_application_walkthrough">
+<chapter id="crud_application_walkthrough" xreflabel="crud_application_walkthrough" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="crud_application_walkthrough.html"?>
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<title>The CRUD Application Walkthrough</title>
<para>After you familiarized oneself with example of creating the CRUD Database Application with
Seam, you can read this charter.</para>
- <section>
+ <section role="updated">
<title>Using CRUD Application</title>
<para>To run your CRUD Application you should do the following steps:</para>
Modified: trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/crud_database_application.xml
--- trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/crud_database_application.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/crud_database_application.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter id="crud_database_application" xreflabel="crud_database_application">
+<chapter id="crud_database_application" xreflabel="crud_database_application" role="updated">
<?dbhtml filename="crud_database_application.html"?>
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<property>CRUD</property> support. </para>
- <section>
+ <section role="updated">
<title>How to create the CRUD Database Application with Seam</title>
Modified: trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/seam_preferences.xml
--- trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/seam_preferences.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
+++ trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/seam_preferences.xml 2008-12-30 17:11:05 UTC (rev 12862)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter id="seam_preferences" xreflabel="seam_preferences">
+<chapter id="seam_preferences" xreflabel="seam_preferences" role="updated">
<!-- mark as new -->
<?dbhtml filename="seam_preferences.html"?>
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
- <section id="project_pref">
+ <section id="project_pref" role="updated">
<title>Project Preferences</title>
<para>Once Seam project is created you can modify its settings. Right click on Seam project
16 years, 1 month
JBoss Tools SVN: r12861 - trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2008-12-30 11:38:52 -0500 (Tue, 30 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 12861
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDS-520 - updating the chapter;
Modified: trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/creating_new_seam.xml
--- trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/creating_new_seam.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:23 UTC (rev 12860)
+++ trunk/seam/docs/reference/en/modules/creating_new_seam.xml 2008-12-30 16:38:52 UTC (rev 12861)
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
<para>Clicking on <emphasis>
</emphasis> button in the <property>Target Runtime</property> section will bring you to
- another dialog. Here, you can specify a new installed Runtime environment or the other
- type of runtime appropriate for configuring your project. Let's create a JBoss 4.2
- Runtime. For that after choosing it click on <emphasis>
+ another dialog. Here, you can specify a new JBoss Server Runtime environment or the
+ other type of runtime appropriate for configuring your project. Let's create one more
+ JBoss 4.2 Runtime. Hence, after choosing it click on <emphasis>
</emphasis> button.</para>
@@ -84,21 +84,18 @@
<para> Clicking on <emphasis>
- </emphasis> returns you to the <link linkend="figure_create_seam1">previous
- dialog</link>. The next step is to define an installed server that you can do by
- clicking on <emphasis>
+ </emphasis> returns you to the <link linkend="figure_create_seam1">New Seam Project
+ wizard page</link>. The next step is to define a Server that you can do
+ by clicking on <emphasis>
- </emphasis> button in the <property>Target Server</property> section. In appeared Server
- Dialog it's possible to select a server version. </para>
+ </emphasis> button in the <property>Target Server</property> section. In appeared <property>New Server
+ dialog</property> the last server which matches the runtime will be selected.</para>
- <para> If the chosen server has already got an installed runtime, there appears a combo box
- with all declared runtimes under the servers view. Here, you can indicate a server
- runtime that you need. Use <emphasis>
- <property>Installed Runtimes...</property>
- </emphasis> button to see or edit which runtimes are installed. If there is no any
- declared runtime for chosen server, click on <emphasis>
- <property>Next</property>
- </emphasis> to specify it on the next preferences page.</para>
+ <para>All declared runtimes are listed in the combo box
+ under the servers view. Here, you can indicate a server
+ runtime that you need. Click <emphasis>
+ <property>Add</property>
+ </emphasis> if you want to add a new Server Runtime.</para>
<title>Specifying Target Server</title>
@@ -109,8 +106,7 @@
- <para>Next dialog allows you to verify the information for chosen server, set login
- credentials to authorize an access to the server and specify a directory for deploying.
+ <para>Next page allows you to verify the information for chosen server.
Leave everything as it is and click on <emphasis>
@@ -124,7 +120,7 @@
- <para>On the last wizard step you can modify your project to configure it on server.</para>
+ <para>On the last wizard step you can modify your projects to configure them on the Server.</para>
<title>Project Modification for Configuring on the Server</title>
@@ -139,12 +135,12 @@
<para>Once you have the Target Server defined click on <emphasis>
</emphasis> button to return to the first page of the <property>New Seam Project
- wizard</property>.</para>
+ wizard</property>.</para>
<para>We suggest that you look through our <ulink url="&aslink;">AS manager
- guide</ulink> to find out more about runtimes and servers.</para>
+ guide</ulink> to find out more about runtimes and servers.</para>
@@ -219,8 +215,8 @@
- </emphasis> button will bring you to the <property>Web Module</property> wizard
- form again.</para>
+ </emphasis> button will bring you to the <property>Web Module</property> wizard form
+ again.</para>
<section id="configureWebModule">
@@ -252,7 +248,8 @@
appropriate behaviours associated with JSF. </para>
<para>Checking <emphasis>
<property>Server Supplied JSF Implementation</property>
- </emphasis> means that you will have a default JSF implementation given by server.</para>
+ </emphasis> means that you will have a default JSF implementation given by
+ server.</para>
<title>Adding JSF Capabilities to Web Project</title>
@@ -269,7 +266,7 @@
</emphasis> button.</para>
<para>Here, it's necessary to type a <property>Library Name</property>, select a
<property>Version Supported</property> and add proper <property>Library
- jars</property>. Then click on <emphasis>
+ jars</property>. Then click on <emphasis>
</emphasis> to complete the choice.</para>
@@ -300,7 +297,7 @@
<para>The last wizard options allows to edit a path for <property>JSF Configuration
- File</property>, a name for <property>JSF Servlet</property>, <property>JSF Servlet
+ File</property>, a name for <property>JSF Servlet</property>, <property>JSF Servlet
Classname</property> and change <property>URL Mapping Patterns</property>.</para>
@@ -319,7 +316,8 @@
<section id="seamFacet">
<title>Configure Seam Facet Settings</title>
- <para>The last wizard step is related to Seam facet and allows you to do the following:</para>
+ <para>The last wizard step is related to Seam facet and allows you to do the
+ following:</para>
<title>Seam Facet Settings</title>
16 years, 1 month