Tycho milestone 0.24.0 released
by Nick Boldt
Tycho 0.24 is now live. Shout out to Mickael & Alexander for
contributing to this release, and to Denis for testing that it works
with the JBT projects' builds.
We'll move up to this version some time next week.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sievers, Jan <jan.sievers(a)sap.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:36 AM
Subject: [tycho-user] Tycho milestone 0.24.0 released
To: Tycho list <tycho-user(a)eclipse.org>, Tycho list <tycho-dev(a)eclipse.org>
Tycho milestone 0.24.0 has been released and is available from maven central.
See the release notes [1] for details of enhancements and bug fixes in
this release.
Thanks to:
Alexander Kurtakov
Lars Vogel
Mickael Istria
Mikolaj Izdebski
who contributed patches for this release.
And thanks and to everyone who helped us with testing the staged version.
Tycho team
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Release_Notes/0.24
tycho-user mailing list
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unsubscribe from this list, visit
Nick Boldt :: Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio :: Red Hat, Inc.
9 years, 4 months
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9 years, 4 months
Please try Tycho 0.24.0 (new staging URL)
by Nick Boldt
If you haven't already tried Tycho 0.24, please try it in your
project. I suspect we'll move to using it in master branch's parent
pom in the next few weeks, once it's released (assuming no blocker
problems, like we had for 0.23.0).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sievers, Jan <jan.sievers(a)sap.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 10:19 AM
Subject: [tycho-user] tycho 0.24.0 re-staged
To: Tycho user list <tycho-user(a)eclipse.org>, Tycho list <tycho-dev(a)eclipse.org>
Tycho 0.24.0 has been re-staged with a corner case of bug [1] fixed.
The additional fix should only be relevant for the eclipse platform
build itself.
The new stage URL is
and the old stage URL is gone.
If you used the previous staged version and want to try out the new
staged version,
it is recommended to remove all files under
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=463670
On 23/10/15 15:02, "tycho-user-bounces(a)eclipse.org on behalf of
Sievers, Jan" <tycho-user-bounces(a)eclipse.org on behalf of
jan.sievers(a)sap.com> wrote:
>Tycho milestone release 0.24.0 has been staged. For details of new features and bugfixes, see release notes [1].
>Please help by testing the staged milestone build.
>To use it, change your tycho version to 0.24.0 and add snippet [2] to your ~/.m2/settings.xml or pom.xml.
>We plan to promote this release in one week unless major regressions are found.
>Tycho team
>[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Release_Notes/0.24
> <pluginRepository>
> <id>tycho-staged</id>
> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/orgeclipsetycho-1028/</url>
> </pluginRepository>
>tycho-user mailing list
>To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or unsubscribe from this list, visit
tycho-user mailing list
To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or
unsubscribe from this list, visit
Nick Boldt :: Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio :: Red Hat, Inc.
9 years, 4 months
ACTION REQUIRED: 4 issues with no component
by manderse@redhat.com
This email is the result of a query to locate stalled/invalid jiras. Please fix them. Thanks!
* No component for JBDS-3549
Summary: Developer - start and stop the CDK easily from within the IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 3 days, 18:22:08.652099
* No component for JBDS-3552
Summary: Developer - be able to incrementally deploy changes to docker containers
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 3 days, 19:01:59.647917
* No component for JBDS-3550
Summary: Developer - autodetect the CDK in IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 3 days, 19:02:05.651926
* No component for JBDS-3551
Summary: JavaEE Developer - be able to start/stop applications on docker with debug on/off
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 3 days, 19:02:03.651735
Query used: https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=filter%3D%27ds_lint_nocomponent%27
9 years, 4 months
Fwd: [tycho-user] please test staged tycho 0.24.0
by Nick Boldt
if you have time to try out Tycho 0.24, please do. Biggest new feature
is pomless builds (just using Manifest.mf).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sievers, Jan <jan.sievers(a)sap.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 9:02 AM
Subject: [tycho-user] please test staged tycho 0.24.0
To: Tycho list <tycho-user(a)eclipse.org>, Tycho list <tycho-dev(a)eclipse.org>
Tycho milestone release 0.24.0 has been staged. For details of new
features and bugfixes, see release notes [1].
Please help by testing the staged milestone build.
To use it, change your tycho version to 0.24.0 and add snippet [2] to
your ~/.m2/settings.xml or pom.xml.
We plan to promote this release in one week unless major regressions are found.
Tycho team
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Release_Notes/0.24
tycho-user mailing list
To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or
unsubscribe from this list, visit
Nick Boldt :: Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio :: Red Hat, Inc.
9 years, 4 months
ACTION REQUIRED: 6 issues with no component
by manderse@redhat.com
This email is the result of a query to locate stalled/invalid jiras. Please fix them. Thanks!
* No component for JBIDE-21021
Summary: Формула-1. Гран-при США 2015: смотреть онлайн трансляция
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 12:34:58.033901
* No component for JBIDE-21020
Summary: Барселона – Эибар смотреть онлайн прямой эфир 25.10.2015
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 14:00:13.037725
* No component for JBDS-3549
Summary: Developer - start and stop the CDK easily from within the IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 2 days, 18:22:13.038424
* No component for JBDS-3552
Summary: Developer - be able to incrementally deploy changes to docker containers
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 2 days, 19:02:04.037903
* No component for JBDS-3550
Summary: Developer - autodetect the CDK in IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 2 days, 19:02:10.038252
* No component for JBDS-3551
Summary: JavaEE Developer - be able to start/stop applications on docker with debug on/off
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 2 days, 19:02:08.038079
Query used: https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=filter%3D%27ds_lint_nocomponent%27
9 years, 4 months