If you mean the template.xml file in the
<workspace_area>/org.jboss.maven.core/<library_name> directory, it
contains the original template and changes the user made when creating a
This feature works correctly and enables the user to change library
Haven't seen this feature - how I do see/enable that ?
storing templates that contains dependencies that often needs updated sounds like
a really bad thing to store in the workspace by default since it prevents future updates.
Not sure what you want to achieve here?
Fred Bricon wrote:
> Hi Snjezana,
> I've been looking at the Maven Library provider lately for
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-10911 and there's something I
> don't quite understand :
> In
> when libraryResource is saved, the generated file contains the
> original contents of the template, not those from libraryModel.
> I can't figure out what's wrong in the code. Do you have any idea?
> Regards,
> Fred Bricon
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