Hey guys,
Thanks for the responses.
I'm still a bit confused as to what the Maven facet actually does, as my projects seem
to work just fine without it. If I understand correctly, it is only required if special
packaging is needed, but is not required for build path configuration. Is there a
"best practice" for configuring facets for Maven projects? Once I add WTP
runtime support for SwitchYard, will there be issues merging classpath entries (i.e.
merging dependencies contributed by maven with dependencies provided by the runtime)?
I'm assuming this would be similar to how the Java facet works, providing a validator
to ensure the dependency versions configured by maven match those provided by the runtime,
with only one providing a build path entry.
>> Then one should :
>> - create a dedicated facet
>> - modify the server adapters to allow standalone deployment of
>> these
>> new modules (that's what Rob did for the new SAR support)
>> Of course creating a dedicated facet can also be useful just in
>> terms
>> of tooling support (if you plan to create project wizards, eclipse
>> builders …)
All of this is planned.
>> Anyway, as long as you use plain old jar
> ... using the Utility facet should be enough.
Yes, I hope SwitchYard can just survive with that since it also means
it gets possible to bundle it in a war, ear etc. "for free"
Using the utility facet is something that simply allows me to continue my workflow
prototyping without having to provide full fledged WTP integration. At some point,
I'll go back and rework this to constrain SwitchYard deployment to servers with a
compatible runtime (i.e. full fledged WTP servers integration).
Thanks again,