[jsr-314-open] My performance AI from the EG meeting
by Jim Driscoll
So, I've been thinking about measuring relative performance, and I think
that what we may want to do is to try to get JSF into the next specweb
standard. There are currently ASPX, PHP and JSP in the standard.
We'll see what Sun's performance guys say.
That would allow us to 1) compare JSF implementations for performance
(always useful), and 2) compare JSF releases for performance, to guard
against performance degradation from spec changes (very, very useful).
We'll also want to port over some subset of the tests to something like
Wicket. It also might be fun/interesting to port over some tests to
Rails as well. I expect that Wicket may have some advantage in some
cases, since the programmer creates the tree, rather than the framework
- but then, I can also write things faster using an assembler, for much
the same reason, with some of the same problems. I also expect that
we'll find a few very obvious places to boost speed - we've been mostly
striving for correctness in 2.0.
Ajax tests, otoh, are likely to be much, much harder. There are
commercial products, like the neotys.com one that Ted mentioned, but I
don't have to tell you that my budget for this is $0 - maybe that can
change, but I suspect I'll be writing client scripts and using Selenium.
Anyhow, it's a long term project, and I wanted to update you on my
thinking, and seek feedback.
15 years, 3 months
Re: [jsr-314-open] JSF Summit
by Ed Burns
>>>>> On Sun, 06 Dec 2009 13:29:18 -0500, Kito Mann <kito.mann(a)virtua.com> said:
EB> Kito, or anyone else that has the time and skills, I need someone to clean
EB> up the audio clips from the "JSF Around the World" presentation. Some of
EB> them proved hard to understand when the audio was played in a large room.
EB> Can anyone help?
KM> Sure. Just send me the clips and let me know what your time frame is.
I have uploaded the first batch to the "unprocessed-audio" folder, which
is at [1]. The files are AVI video, but you only need to work on the
audio track. As you do each one, can you please upload it to the
sibling "processed-audio" folder at [2]?
Timeframe: 6 January 2010, but sooner is better.
Let us know when you're done with this batch. Then I can upload another
batch and add subtitles to the first batch using Premiere.
Note that I'm using the EG private java.net project because I don't want
to share out the low quality audio lest it damage our reputation. I
promise to share it when the files are of sufficient quality.
[1] https://javaserverfaces-spec-eg.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList...
[2] https://javaserverfaces-spec-eg.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList...
| ed.burns(a)sun.com | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
| homepage: | http://ridingthecrest.com/
15 years, 3 months
[jsr-314-open] [JSF 2.1 NEW] composite component namespace simplification
by David Geary
I hope I'm following the new convention for posts--if not, anyone is free to
yell at me. Anyway, this came up at JSF Summit:
Right now, page authors do something like this...
..to access composite components in resources/components/util. I'd like to
propose that we allow page authors to simply do this instead:
It's much simpler, and is almost exactly what page authors do in Flex. In
many other respects, btw, implementing components in Flex is very similar to
what we now do in JSF 2.0.
15 years, 3 months
[jsr-314-open] www.javaserverfaces.org (JSF Root Node)
by lincolnbaxter@gmail.com
Hi Everyone,
As part of our initiative to engage the community, Dan, Andy, Kito, and I
have been putting together a "JSF Root Node" (as Ed put it.)
(note the "www", which is required at this time.)
The goals of this site:
* Provide a definitive starting point for users to get involved with JSF.
* Provide information "About JSF", Information about the Spec, "Getting
Started", "Documentation", "FAQ", Community Involvement, and anything else
that we all think necessary to engage and promote our user-base. The site
will "out-link" as appropriate to additional resources.
* Promote ourselves as a competitive/welcoming solution in the Java-web
framework community, both at the corporate and consumer/developer level.
There are more goals, but I won't list them out here.
We intend for this site to be comparable to http://php.net and
http://grails.org, to look and feel attractive, and to really draw people
into the JSF world. There are some resources on the way to help get this
shell/stopgap site off of google sites, and on to a real web-server, with
real functionality, and a smooth look & feel.
It's my personal goal to get this site written using JSF itself, and to
make it the product of all of our ideas put together.
This site is for all of us, to benefit all of us, and the initial
announcement is a little late. But if people ask how they can get started
with JSF, we should all be pointing them to the same place:
Lincoln, Dan, Andy, Kito
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"
15 years, 3 months
[jsr-314-open] [ADMIN] EG Audio from 20091202
by Edward Burns
I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible. As I am sitting in Martin's JSFSummit talk I will add in my notes later, so as to minimize my rudeness.
P.S. This was the first EG audio clip I uploaded since we went to jsr-314-open. I assume that everyone is OK with the audio being on javaserverfaces-spec-public, instead of the previously customary, and EG private, javaserverfaces-spec-eg. If any EG member wants me to move the file to be where the rest of them are, please follow up to this mail and say so.
15 years, 3 months
[jsr-314-open] JSF Summit
by David Geary
I just wanted to say that it was great to finally meet so many of you in
person at JSF Summit! It was a great time, and I think it was really
productive for the EG to get together face to face. We should try to do that
more often, if possible.
15 years, 3 months