Gang -
There is one obviously critical piece of information missing here that
clearly needs to be described more explicitly within the spec/pdldocs.
The format for the execute/render ids in the f:ajax tag matches the
format for ids that are passed to findComponent(). That is... ids that
do not start with the naming container separator character are treated
as relative to the current naming container. Ids that do start with the
separator character are treated as absolute ids - ie. are resolved
relative to the UIViewRoot.
So, for example, let's say we have the following component tree where we
use f:subview to introduce a naming contianer
<f:subview id="namingContainer">
<h:commandButton id="insideButton"/>
<h:graphicImage id="insideImage"/>
<h:graphicImage id="outsideImage"/>
If we want to Ajax-enable the "insideButton" to target the "insideImage,
we would use the following f:ajax tag:
<f:ajax render="insideImage"/>
If, on the other hand, we want to target the "outerImage", which is
outside of the naming container, then we must use an "absolute id", eg:
<f:ajax render=":outsideImage"/>
(Note the leading ":" character.) This is similar to calling
insideButtonComponent.findComponent(":outsideImage") - ie. this will
start the search for the "outsideImage" id up at the root naming container.
The fact that the pdldocs do not describe the format for execute/render
ids is clearly a spec bug that needs to be addressed. I will open a bug
to track this in a moment. This behavior is defined in the actual spec
document itself in section under the title 'Specifying
“execute”/”render” Identifiers'. But even that section could use some
clarification (eg. could use an example like the one above to illustrate
the behavior).
David Geary wrote On 5/24/2009 11:39 PM ET:
Notice the <f:ajax> tag. I think I'm accessing the image
from the
parent component (map.xhtml) correctly. However, when I load the page
I get this:
<f:ajax> contains an unknown id
If I had to guess (haven't looked at the implementation yet), the issue
is that we are searching for this id relative to the composite
component's naming container. Since this particular id is not present
under the composite component, we do not find the target component. We
should make this error message more explicit - ie. we should include the
id of the naming container within which we searched for the id.
If I remove the f:ajax tag, load the page, and check the source, I see
an <img> tag:
And that id is *exactly* what <f:ajax> says it cannot find. It's in
the page, but <f:ajax> cannot find it?!?
My guess is that <f:ajax> is evaluating the id before the page is
completely constructed, and therefore, it doesn't find it, but that's
just a WAG on my part.
You'll need to use the ":" prefix within your render id to indicate that
you are specifying an absolute id. If that does not work, then my guess
is that there is an implementation bug here.