First, please let me know if there is a better place to ask JSF Dev
related questions.
Question for you all: I could use some help.
I'm testing my listener changes with the new EL2 (and also Seam EL just
in case)-- I wanted to make sure that parameters can be passed through
the EL action MethodExpression.
It seems as though parameters work fine in general, but if the parameter
is cc.attrs.* --- EL resolves the param values to null.
#{myObject} -- works if in scope, as it should
#{cc.attrs.myObject} -- null, even though it's passed in from
#{myObject} as an attribute.
UICommand components seem to have no trouble with resolving cc.attrs.*,
Any thoughts? I've attached the modified source files in case anyone
wants to take a look. I'm not sure if this is a larger problem, or if
I've just missed something.
On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 15:56 -0400, Andy Schwartz wrote:
Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 08:31:51 +0200, Martin Marinschek
<mmarinschek(a)> said:
> MM> Hi Lincoln,
>>> Unless I'm mistaken, ui:repeat is not a component and therefore cannot
>>> be bound to a backing bean,
> MM> I thought it was - and just checked, it derives from UIComponentBase.
> MM> Does the binding attribute not work for you?
> Yes, but it's implementation specific and not in the
> javax.faces.component package.
Ah, interesting. In Trinidad we have a common base class for components
that iterate over a collection:
This is used as the base for both UIXIterator (Trinidad equivalent of
ui:repeat) and UIXTable (Trinidad equivalent for UIData). Perhaps for
2.1 we should consider surfacing a similar base class/contract, along
with a public UIRepeat component.
Lincoln Baxter, III
Co-Founder of OcpSoft
Author of PrettyFaces URL Rewriting for JSF