On 17 Aug 2009, at 22:40, Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 08:31:51 +0200, Martin
Marinschek <mmarinschek(a)apache.org
>>>>> > said:
MM> Hi Lincoln,
>> Unless I'm mistaken, ui:repeat is not a component and therefore
>> cannot
>> be bound to a backing bean,
MM> I thought it was - and just checked, it derives from
MM> Does the binding attribute not work for you?
Yes, but it's implementation specific and not in the
javax.faces.component package.
LB> **Question 1: Almost every AJAX framework I know of allows you
to simply
LB> execute a method on the server side, with or without params, and
LB> a result... is this possible with JSF's Ajax framework?
Such DWR style functionality was in DynamicFaces, but didn't make it
into the JSF standard Ajax.
>>>>> On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 00:10:59 +0100, Pete Muir
>>>>> <pmuir(a)redhat.com> said:
PM> IMO this is not an uncommon use case, and we should support via
Can you please be more specific, Pete? Which part of LB's mail is not
an uncommon case? What is (1)?
I meant, we should provide direct support of the (rough) functionality
that Lincoln described in saying how others solve Q1.
>>>>> On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 00:26:14 +0200, Martin Marinschek
>>>>> > said:
MM> Hi Dan,
MM> I did a little research, and it won't work. Therefore I just
sent a
MM> mail out to the JSR-245 spec lead asking for the following
MM> in the EL-resolver - that might help at least a little in
MM> such functionality. And I thought we had discussed that this
MM> work at some point of time.
MM> public Object invoke(ELContext context,
MM> Object base,
MM> Object method,
MM> Class[] formalParamTypes,
MM> Object[] formalParams,
MM> Class[] parsedParamTypes,
MM> Object[] parsedParams
MM> ) {
MM> ...
MM> }
>>>>> On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 01:45:45 +0200, Martin Marinschek
>>>>> > said:
MM> 1) add a method-attribute to the f:valueChangeListener-tag
You mean, have an attribute that means, "The value of this attribute
must be a MethodExpression that points to a method that conforms to
signature of ValueChangeListener.processValueChange()"? If so, then
I agree, and we should add it for all the attached objects where it
makes sense.
MM> 2) get Unified-EL to also support passing the formal parameters
MM> my mail to the spec lead)
Which I still don't understand. Can you please explain explicitly?
| ed.burns(a)sun.com | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
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