>>>> On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 10:13:36 -0400, Dan Allen
<dan.j.allen(a)gmail.com> said:
DA> I suppose it depends on whether insertFacet attaches a facet to the parent
DA> component or whether it inserts the contents of the facet inline. I suspect
DA> the latter. In that case, you woud need to wrap insertFacet in <f:facet>,
DA> right?
The presence of this tag in a <composite:implementation> section must
cause the named facet to be taken from the facet map of the top level
component and inserted as a facet child of the component in which this
element is nested.
encodeBegin() and encodeEnd() must take no action for this
renderer. Due to the specification of the <composite:insertChildren>
tag handler, the component passed to the encodeChildern() method of
this renderer will be the component with component-family
javax.faces.Output and renderer-type equal to the one for this
renderer. The implementation of encodeBegin(), must obtain the
component attribute value under the key given by the value of the
symbolic constant UIComponent.FACETS_KEY from the attributes map of
the argument component. If not found, throw IOException. This value is
referred to as "facetName" for discission. Find the closest ancestor
composite component in which the argument component is nested. If no
such component can be found, thow IOException. Otherwise, get the
facet whose name is "facetName". If found call encodeAll() on the
AS> However, if I define a second component, foo:inner, that exposes the
AS> same facet:
AS> <composite:interface>
AS> <composite:facet name="caption"/>
AS> </composite:interface>
AS> <composite:implementation>
AS> <composite:renderFacet name="caption"/>
line B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
AS> </composite:implementation>
AS> And then attempt to pass the facet into the foo:inner component from the
AS> foo:outer implementation:
AS> <composite:implementation>
AS> <foo:inner>
AS> <composite:insertFacet name="caption"/>
line A^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
AS> </foo:inner>
AS> </composite:implementation>
1. when the using page executes, the children <f:facet name="caption">
are placed in the facet map of the top level component for foo:outer.
2. when the insertFacet on line A executes, the children are moved from
being facet children of the top level component for foo:outer to being
facet children of the top level component for foo:inner
3. when the renderFacet on line B executes, according to the spec, it
should find the facet and render it.
It looks to me like an impl bug.
Can you file it?
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