[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-11082) rich:graphValidator doesn't work with iterable object graph field inside nested composite components
by Joshua Brookes (JIRA)
rich:graphValidator doesn't work with iterable object graph field inside nested composite components
Key: RF-11082
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11082
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: component-validators
Affects Versions: 4.0.0.Final
Reporter: Joshua Brookes
There is a known issue with Graph Validator where it can only resolve a cloned object itself, but not variables derived from it ( uidata variables, c:set, alias etc ). If you need to validate variables in the iterator, a loop variable is needed to explicitly reference fields. This workaround does not work when used in nested composite components.
Validation will not use the values input into the form when the bug occurs. This only happens when a class-level constraint exists on the class used int he iterable field.
This JIRA is for the latter issue, but an issue should also be created for the original variant of the problem.
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For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
13 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-11078) javax.faces.FacesException: Error send image
by Alessandro Arrigo (JIRA)
javax.faces.FacesException: Error send image
Key: RF-11078
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11078
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: component-tree
Affects Versions: 3.3.3.Final
Environment: firefox , chrome , ie
Reporter: Alessandro Arrigo
I have this errore when i used ie 7.6
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 0
at org.ajax4jsf.util.Zipper.unzip(Zipper.java:30)
at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.TreeImageBase$TreeImageData.<init>(TreeImageBase.java:109)
at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.TreeImageBase.getTreeImageData(TreeImageBase.java:94)
at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.TreeLineNodeImage.paint(TreeLineNodeImage.java:47)
at org.ajax4jsf.resource.Java2Dresource.getImage(Java2Dresource.java:116)
at org.ajax4jsf.resource.Java2Dresource.send(Java2Dresource.java:89)
My code is it:
<rich:tree id="treeGaranzie" switchType="client"
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="sezioneTreeAdaptor" var="sezione"
<rich:treeNode id="sezioneTreeNode">
<h:outputText value="#{sezione.descrizione}" />
<a4j:support event="onexpand" ajaxSingle="true">
target="#{definizioneProdotto.currentNodeIndex}" />
binding="#{definizioneProdotto.actionListenerExpand}" />
<a4j:support event="oncollapse" ajaxSingle="true">
target="#{definizioneProdotto.currentNodeIndex}" />
binding="#{definizioneProdotto.actionListenerCollapse}" />
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="unitTreeAdaptor" var="unit" nodes="#{sezione.units}">
<rich:treeNode id="unitTreeNode" iconLeaf="/images/Blank.png">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-right:0px;">
style="width:300px; display:block; text-align:left;">
<h:outputText value="#{unit.descrizione}"
<rich:toolTip for="descrizioneGaranzia">#{unit.descrizioneEstesa}</rich:toolTip>
<h:panelGroup style="width:70px; display:block; text-align:left;">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="garanzia#{unit.codice}"
value="#{unit.selezionata}" disabled="#{!unit.abilitata}">
<a4j:support ajaxSingle="true" id="selectUnit" event="onclick"
disableDefault="true" action="processSelezioneUnit"
reRender="treeGaranzie" status="commonStatus">
<f:param name="codiceSezione" value="#{sezione.codice}" />
<f:param name="codiceUnit" value="#{unit.codice}" />
<f:param name="pacchetto" value="#{unit.pacchetto}" />
<a4j:commandLink action="addGaranzieNext"
rendered="#{unit.abilitata and unit.istanziabile and unit.multiIstanziabile}">
<f:param name="codiceBene"
value="#{definizioneProdotto.beneCorrente.istanzaBene.codice}" />
<f:param name="codiceSezione" value="#{sezione.codice}" />
<f:param name="codiceUnit" value="#{unit.codice}" />
<f:param name="pacchetto" value="#{unit.pacchetto}" />
<h:graphicImage style="border:0;"
title="#{pf.aggiungiGaranzia}" url="/images/Add.png"
width="16px" height="16px" />
--------------- END -------------
This error is caused when i click on selectBooleanCheckbox but only when i used ie 7.6 meanwhile i used ie 8 or another browser this error not appear
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13 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-8261) Add support to automatically scroll to the first field containing an error after user submits a form and validation fails?
by Frank (JIRA)
Add support to automatically scroll to the first field containing an error after user submits a form and validation fails?
Key: RF-8261
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-8261
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: component
Affects Versions: 3.3.2.SR1
Environment: Richfaces (3.3.2.SR1), Spring webflow (2.0.8), Hibernate Validator (4.0.2), ...........
Reporter: Frank
Hello, here's the context, I have a form which has enough fields to produce vertical scrolling. I'm using Hibernate Validator (4.0.x) to validate my form fields through rich:ajaxValidator. So, has the title says, I would like the page to scroll up 'automatically' to the first validation error of the form, after the user tries to submit the form with the save button (a4j:commandButton), and the form contains one or more errors (coming from JSF Validation phase...).
So, big picture of feature request: On form-submit, if errors, automatic scroll to first form error.
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13 years, 7 months