[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-10833) rich:tooltip doesn't work inside h:outputText
by Rene O (JIRA)
rich:tooltip doesn't work inside h:outputText
Key: RF-10833
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10833
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 4.0.0.Final
Environment: richfaces-4.0.0.Final, myfaces-2.0.5-SNAPSHOT, mojarra-2.1.1-b03,tomcat-7.0.11
Reporter: Rene O
If I use rich:tooltip inside h:outputText it doesn't show up. But inside a commandlink it works for example.
This doesn't work:
<h:outputText value="testvalue" >
But this works:
<a4j:commandLink value="testlink" ...>
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12 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-8210) switchType=ajax on modalPanel
by Gonzalez Adrian (JIRA)
switchType=ajax on modalPanel
Key: RF-8210
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-8210
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Reporter: Gonzalez Adrian
Lately, I'm mostly (80% of times) rendering my rich:modalPanels in ajax mode [1] :
- a4j:commandButton calls a backing bean method, and rerenders the a4j:outputPanel surrounding rich;modalPanel.
oncomplete js handler call Richfaces.showPanel.
- the rich:modalPanel is inside a a4j:outputPanel nd its rendered attribute points to a backing bean property.
This is because each modalPanels weights more or less 5 ko (I've seen 4 different application and it was always at least 5 ko).
This code is repetitive.
Could it be possible to add a switchType (or mode) attribute on rich:calendar, the meaning of which would be :
1. if switchType=client, behaviour unchanged.
2. if switchType=ajax, Richfaces.showModal would make an ajax call, rerender the rich:modalPanel (so rich:modalPanel would always be contained in an invisible <span> or shting like this) and show it.
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12 years, 11 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-6026) PickList doesn't accept comma in string value of SelectItem
by Andrzej Haczewski (JIRA)
PickList doesn't accept comma in string value of SelectItem
Key: RF-6026
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-6026
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 3.3.0
Environment: WebLogic 10, JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.3.0, Hibernate JPA, Facelets 1.1.14
Reporter: Andrzej Haczewski
When you use a List<SelectItem> where SelectItems are created like this:
new SelectItem("SOME STRING,CONTAINING COMMA", "A nice string to show in list")
as a PickList <h:selectItems>, and use List<String> as PickList value, then PickList doesn't validate when you add that item to target list.
The reason is that UISelectMany is trying to validate values "SOME STRINGS" and "CONTAINING COMMA" with available items.
The exact point is the UISelectMany.matchValue() method, which returns false on validation of that PickList.
Sample code:
--- BackingBean.java
class BackingBean {
private List<SelectItem> picklistItems;
private List<String> result;
public BackingBean() {
picklistItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
picklistItems.add(new SelectItem("SAMPLE,EXAMPLE", "Sample example"));
// then comes getters and setters for picklistItems and result
--- PickList.xhtml
<rich:pickList value="#{backingBean.result}">
<h:selectItems value="#{backingBean.picklistItems}">
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12 years, 11 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-7351) Regression: "messages: globalOnly does not work properly"
by Joseph Miller (JIRA)
Regression: "messages: globalOnly does not work properly"
Key: RF-7351
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-7351
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Components: component, regression
Affects Versions: 3.3.1
Environment: Windows / JBoss 4.2.2.GA / Seam 2.1.1.GA / RichFaces 3.3.1.GA
Reporter: Joseph Miller
Looks like a regression of RF-615... I've upgraded my Seam project to sue RF 3.3.1, in order to fix a number of other bugs, but now messages intended for a single UI component (via the for= ) are appearing in the global messages list at the top of my page.
My page template has:
<rich:messages globalOnly="true" id="page-messages">
and the controls have:
<rich:message for="my-control-id" id="my-control-id-message">
I can switch the rich:messages to h:messages, and it behaves as it should. Also reverting back to the RichFaces 3.2.2.SR1 jars makes the problem go away, but I get the other older bugs back :(
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12 years, 11 months