[JBoss JIRA] (RF-11884) Multiple Errors with IE8/9
by Friedhelm Kuehn (JIRA)
Friedhelm Kuehn created RF-11884:
Summary: Multiple Errors with IE8/9
Key: RF-11884
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11884
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: component-panels-layout-themes, component-tables, component-tree
Environment: Windows 7 64, Tomcat 7.0.23, Mojarra 2.1.3, IE8/9 (all errors), Chrome 16.09 (one problem), PrimesFaces 2.2.1 (ChartGraphics only, problems still persist when RF is removed)
Reporter: Friedhelm Kuehn
Priority: Critical
Problem 1: Shaded TabbedPane Tabs, not changing color when tabbing. Big spacing area below tabs (height about 20 px, should be 2px).
Problem 2: Content of not-popped-up Popup-Panel is not visible, but an area is claimed on screen.
Problem 3: <a4j:commandlink> with icon: Icon is surrounded by dark border
Problem 4: No Horzontal-Scroller in ExtendDatatable (with Chrome also).
Problem 5: Use of IconCollapsed/..Expanded creates double Icons in TreeNode
Problem 6: Javascript Error in ExtendedDataTable.js
Biggest Problem: We have to deliver our application in a few weeks. Support for IE8/9 is hard customer requirement.
I have a made a documentation for each problem, but don't find a way to attach a PDF to this issue - ??
Please help !
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12 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] (RF-11977) Multiple fileUpload controls on the same page do not work
by Roxana Roxana (JIRA)
Roxana Roxana created RF-11977:
Summary: Multiple fileUpload controls on the same page do not work
Key: RF-11977
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11977
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: component
Affects Versions: 4.1.0.Final
Environment: IE7,8,9, FireFox, Google Chrom
Reporter: Roxana Roxana
Priority: Critical
Two rich:fileUpload controls, in the same form.
1) choose first file for upload
2) choose second file for upload
3) click upload button for the first file
The first control disappears from the page and you cannot upload the second file (the upload event is never caught).
Could you please indicate a solution for this problem?
Thank you very much!
Part of the code used for testing is the following:
<h:form id="uploadForm">
<rich:fileUpload id="uploadFile1"
fileUploadListener="#{bean.method1}" maxFilesQuantity="1"
immediateUpload="true" listHeight="65px"</rich:fileUpload>
<rich:fileUpload id="uploadFile2"
fileUploadListener="#{bean.method2}" maxFilesQuantity="1"
immediateUpload="true" listHeight="65px"</rich:fileUpload>
<a4j:commandButton id="addB" value="value" action="#{bean.method3}"
render="stg" />
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12 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-6026) PickList doesn't accept comma in string value of SelectItem
by Andrzej Haczewski (JIRA)
PickList doesn't accept comma in string value of SelectItem
Key: RF-6026
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-6026
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 3.3.0
Environment: WebLogic 10, JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.3.0, Hibernate JPA, Facelets 1.1.14
Reporter: Andrzej Haczewski
When you use a List<SelectItem> where SelectItems are created like this:
new SelectItem("SOME STRING,CONTAINING COMMA", "A nice string to show in list")
as a PickList <h:selectItems>, and use List<String> as PickList value, then PickList doesn't validate when you add that item to target list.
The reason is that UISelectMany is trying to validate values "SOME STRINGS" and "CONTAINING COMMA" with available items.
The exact point is the UISelectMany.matchValue() method, which returns false on validation of that PickList.
Sample code:
--- BackingBean.java
class BackingBean {
private List<SelectItem> picklistItems;
private List<String> result;
public BackingBean() {
picklistItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
picklistItems.add(new SelectItem("SAMPLE,EXAMPLE", "Sample example"));
// then comes getters and setters for picklistItems and result
--- PickList.xhtml
<rich:pickList value="#{backingBean.result}">
<h:selectItems value="#{backingBean.picklistItems}">
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12 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] (RF-11990) client-side validation and ajax calls create maleformed javascript
by Daniel G (JIRA)
Daniel G created RF-11990:
Summary: client-side validation and ajax calls create maleformed javascript
Key: RF-11990
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11990
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: component-validators
Affects Versions: 4.1.0.Final, 4.0.0.Final
Environment: MyFaces 2.1.5, Hibernate-Validation 4.2.0.Final
Reporter: Daniel G
Using rich:validation and f:ajax together, maleformed JavaScript is generated.
I'm having a composite component, that has to be able to refresh given other components on change, but the JavaScript code generated by:
<h:inputText id="input" value="#\{cc.attrs.value\}"
<f:ajax event="change" render="#\{cc.attrs.render\}" />
<rich:validator />
the generated content is missing a comma between the Chain parameters.
see the red {color:red}'{color}
<input id="idForm:bNr:input" name="idForm:bNr:input" type="text" value="123"
event,'jsf.ajax.request(\'idForm:bNr:input\',event,\{render:\'idForm:idToolBar:idSaveButton\',\'javax.faces.behavior.event\':\'change\'\}){color:red}''{color}idForm_3AbNr_3Ainput_3Av(event,"idForm:kopf:bezugNr:input","idForm:kopf:bezugNr:input")'); return false;" />
the code is tanken from 4.0.0.Final, but looks similar in 4.1.0.Final
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12 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (RF-7351) Regression: "messages: globalOnly does not work properly"
by Joseph Miller (JIRA)
Regression: "messages: globalOnly does not work properly"
Key: RF-7351
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-7351
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Components: component, regression
Affects Versions: 3.3.1
Environment: Windows / JBoss 4.2.2.GA / Seam 2.1.1.GA / RichFaces 3.3.1.GA
Reporter: Joseph Miller
Looks like a regression of RF-615... I've upgraded my Seam project to sue RF 3.3.1, in order to fix a number of other bugs, but now messages intended for a single UI component (via the for= ) are appearing in the global messages list at the top of my page.
My page template has:
<rich:messages globalOnly="true" id="page-messages">
and the controls have:
<rich:message for="my-control-id" id="my-control-id-message">
I can switch the rich:messages to h:messages, and it behaves as it should. Also reverting back to the RichFaces 3.2.2.SR1 jars makes the problem go away, but I get the other older bugs back :(
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12 years, 9 months