Jean ANDRE commented on RF-11730:
We have downloaded the latest version of RF 4.0.1 CR1 and it still not working.
DropDowm - dynamic menu item is not rendered when using ui:fragment
Key: RF-11730
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 4.1.0.Milestone4
Environment: Websphere 8 - RAD 8 - JSF Mojorra 2.1.4 - Spring 3.0.6 Final - Use
@Inject @Named @SessionScoped as annotations - Firefox 7.0.1 - Windows 7 (6.1 sp1)
Reporter: Jean ANDRE
Assignee: Ján Jamrich
The dropdown menu does not display any item when we use jsf tag ui:fragment. Under
firebug, there is some javacript error such as Popup menu is null. This error does not
appear when we use c:if tag instead of ui:fragment and the dropdown menu is working
correctly. here is an extract of the involved code.
The following code build dynamically a list of menu item based on opened tabs. When there
is no tab, the dropdown menu is empty but we display a menu-item with an "empty"
label. When there are opened tabs, the dropdown menu contains a list of opened tabs - One
menu-item per tab. The behavior of this dropdown menu is similar to the menu Windows in
MDI user interface style.
To make a summary, dropdown menu seems to not support ui:fragment tag.
<!-- -->
<!-- OPENED TABS -->
<!-- -->
<rich:toolbarGroup id="openedTabs" location="right">
<rich:dropDownMenu id="menu-opened-tabs">
<f:facet name="label">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/downBlackArrow.png"
title="#{msg['menu.item.tab.tooltip']}" />
<c:if test="#{empty
<!-- -->
<!-- EMPTY MENU - NO TAB -->
<!-- -->
<rich:menuItem label="#{msg['menu.item.tab.empty']}" />
<c:if test="#{not empty
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<c:forEach items="#{desktopTabController.desktopTabBean.tabElements}"
<c:set var="headerStr"
value="#{msg['desktop.tab.List']} (#{tab.serialNumber})" />
<rich:menuGroup id="menu-group-#{tab.id}"
label="#{(tab.isModeList == true) ? headerStr :
<rich:menuItem label="#{msg['menu.item.tab.activate']}"
<rich:menuItem label="#{msg['menu.item.tab.close']}"
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