rich:collapsibleSubTable needs heigth and width property
Key: RF-10547
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Reporter: nimo stephan
It is not user-friendly, if rich:collapsibleSubTable is expanded by the user and enlarges
the whole site if there are too many columns/rows within rich:collapsibleSubTable.
Therefore the columns and rows should be wrapped within a horizontal/vertical scrollbar if
declared width or height is exceeded:
<rich:collapsibleSubTable width="200px" height="100px"..>
should mean that the rich:collapsibleSubTable is wrapped within a horizontal scrollbar if
width of 200px is exceeded and is wrapped in a vertical scrollbar, if height of 100px is
With this, the User can scroll within a rich:collapsibleSubTable without loosing the focus
of its parent datatable.
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