Brian Leathem reassigned RF-11730:
Assignee: Pavol Pitonak
QE, can you please provide a test case to confirm this? It sounds like one of the
javascript resources isn't getting rendered when the component is conditionally
rendered, but I'll have to see the javascript error to confirm.
DropDowm - dynamic menu item is not rendered when using ui:fragment
Key: RF-11730
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 4.1.0.Milestone4
Environment: Websphere 8 - RAD 8 - JSF Mojorra 2.1.4 - Spring 3.0.6 Final - Use
@Inject @Named @SessionScoped as annotations - Firefox 7.0.1 - Windows 7 (6.1 sp1)
Reporter: Jean ANDRE
Assignee: Pavol Pitonak
The dropdown menu does not display any item when we use jsf tag ui:fragment. Under
firebug, there is some javacript error such as Popup menu is null. This error does not
appear when we use c:if tag instead of ui:fragment and the dropdown menu is working
correctly. here is an extract of the involved code.
The following code build dynamically a list of menu item based on opened tabs. When there
is no tab, the dropdown menu is empty but we display a menu-item with an "empty"
label. When there are opened tabs, the dropdown menu contains a list of opened tabs - One
menu-item per tab. The behavior of this dropdown menu is similar to the menu Windows in
MDI user interface style.
To make a summary, dropdown menu seems to not support ui:fragment tag.
<!-- -->
<!-- OPENED TABS -->
<!-- -->
<rich:toolbarGroup id="openedTabs" location="right">
<rich:dropDownMenu id="menu-opened-tabs">
<f:facet name="label">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/downBlackArrow.png"
title="#{msg['menu.item.tab.tooltip']}" />
<c:if test="#{empty
<!-- -->
<!-- EMPTY MENU - NO TAB -->
<!-- -->
<rich:menuItem label="#{msg['menu.item.tab.empty']}" />
<c:if test="#{not empty
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<c:forEach items="#{desktopTabController.desktopTabBean.tabElements}"
<c:set var="headerStr"
value="#{msg['desktop.tab.List']} (#{tab.serialNumber})" />
<rich:menuGroup id="menu-group-#{tab.id}"
label="#{(tab.isModeList == true) ? headerStr :
<rich:menuItem label="#{msg['menu.item.tab.activate']}"
<rich:menuItem label="#{msg['menu.item.tab.close']}"
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