rich:inplaceSelect no highlighting for options in this select, does not work when should
be activated by double click, scrolling on Nexus
Key: RF-10917
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: mobile
Affects Versions: 3.3.1.SP3
Environment: Demo-application - richfaces-demo-3.3.1.SP3-jee5
container - EAP 5.1 with Jboss AS 5
mobile devices -
iPhone 4 - OS version iOS 4.2.1 - browser Safari
iPad1 - OS version iOS 4.2.1 - browser Safari
Nexus S - OS Android 2.3.2
Reporter: Juraj Huska
Problem of highlighting the hovered option and when there is need to double click on the
inplace select, it does not work, because there is no double click, there is a problem of
scrolling on Nexus.
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