Jay Balunas updated RF-10899:
Fix Version/s: 3.Future
rich:ajaxValidator an error is thrown or it does not work when the
back button is used
Key: RF-10899
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: mobile
Affects Versions: 3.3.1.SP3
Environment: Demo-application - richfaces-demo-3.3.1.SP3-jee5
container - EAP 5.1 with Jboss AS 5
mobile devices -
Nexus S - OS Android 2.3.2
Reporter: Juraj Huska
Fix For: 3.Future
This validation errors happened sometimes when I use back button on the phone, then
either the error is thrown or the validators does not work, the problem disappeared when I
redeployed richfaces-demo application, deleted cookies and history of browser, restarted
phone. Here are these errors:
AjaxValidator - it does not work at first load of page, and then when I am typing
something to the inputs there is error message from browser: View state could not be
restored - reload page ? The reload does not help, and there an exception is thrown:
javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: viewId:/richfaces/ajaxValidator.jsf - View
/richfaces/ajaxValidator.jsf could not be restored.
BeanValidation - after clicking on submit, the exception was thrown and HTTP error 500.
The exception was: javax.servlet.ServletException: viewId:/richfaces/beanValidator.jsf -
View /richfaces/beanValidator.jsf could not be restored.
GraphValidator - after clicking on submit there was exception thrown:
javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: viewId:/richfaces/graphValidator.jsf - View
/richfaces/graphValidator.jsf could not be restored.
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