a4j:status doesn't call javascript on request complete
Key: RF-3585
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 3.2.0
Environment: Windows XP SP2
Firefox Mozilla
Firebug enabled
Reporter: Alexander Belov
Assigned To: Tsikhon Kuprevich
Fix For: 3.2.1, 3.2.2
Attachments: src.zip
It seems that problem is the same as in RF-3219.
Let's put on page contol to send ajax request, which should rerender page area.
Let's put a4j:status with attributes to call javascript on beginning and stoopping of
AJAX request.
Both javascript events are called only one time. On the second time only beginning script
is called. The control is the same, and the same data is posted.
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