Brian Leathem commented on RF-13216:
Quoting from the Richfaces 4 docs:
The <rich:popupPanel> component is usually rendered in front of any other objects on
the page. This is achieved by attaching the component to the <body> element of the
page, and setting a very high "z-index" (the stack order of the object). This
approach is taken because relatively-positioned elements could still overlap the pop-up
panel if they exist at higher levels of the DOM hierarchy, even if their z-index is less
than the <rich:popupPanel> component.
If the <rich:popupPanel> is to participate in submitting child components/behaviors,
then a form element must be nested within the <rich:popupPanel>. Alternatively, if
no overlapping elements exist, the <rich:popupPanel> component can be reattached to
its original DOM element by setting domElementAttachment to either parent or form.
This clearly states that using _domElementAttachment="body"_ is for use cases
where the popup does not "participate in submitting child components/behaviors"
ie. AJAX.
for the described use case:
# set _domElementAttachment="form"_ and have both the popup and the calling page
in the same form.
# If separate forms are preferable, try setting _domElementAttachment="body"_
and using a nested form in the popupPanel. When the popup is closed refresh the page with
a full JSF page load, rather than an AJAX update.
PoupPanel doesn't disappear when rendered="false" and
rerender it.
Key: RF-13216
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: component-output
Affects Versions: 4.3.3
Reporter: Takayuki Konishi
Attachments: rf3_3_4-modalpanel.zip, rf4_3_3-popuppanel.zip
If you use the richfaces popupPanel in the default domElementAttachment="body"
mode it will not disappear under specific conditions.
<h:body title="page 1">
<a4j:outputPanel id="myPanel">
<rich:popupPanel domElementAttachment="body"
show="true" rendered="#{test.showPopup}">
<a4j:commandButton action="#{test.switchPopup()}"
value="switch off" render="myPanel"/>
<a4j:commandButton action="#{test.switchPopup()}"
value="switch on" render="myPanel"/>
In Richfaces 3.3.x, on the other hand, there was a component cleanup system ({{memory.js
_cleanComponentNodes}}) which was responsible to remove components after ajax calls if the
component was removed from the current view.
Therefore the above example (revert {{popupPanel}} to {{modalPanel}}) works in
In case {{domElementAttachment="parent"}}, it will show [the other JSF2
bug|https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-790] where the view state was
lost, therefore you must click the action button twice to really call the function.
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