Lukáš Fryč edited comment on RF-13252 at 1/3/14 10:13 AM:
The Mojarra problem might be fixed also on our side by specifying {{jsf.js}} dependency
specifically (instead of just {{ajax.reslib}} that depends on {{jsf.js}} transitively):
@ResourceDependencies( {
@ResourceDependency(library = "javax.faces", name = "jsf.js"),
@ResourceDependency(library = "org.richfaces", name =
} )
public class AjaxBehaviorRenderer extends ClientBehaviorRenderer ...
This fix works because Mojarra's {{CommandLinkRenderer}} checks in {{renderJsfJs}}
method whether the page depends on {{jsf.js}}, but it depends on {{ajax.reslib}} instead.
This problem can be fixed by RF-13314 where we deprecate used of {{*.reslib}}.
was (Author: lfryc):
The Mojarra problem might be fixed also on our side by specifying {{jsf.js}}
dependency specifically (instead of just {{ajax.reslib}} that depends on {{jsf.js}}
@ResourceDependencies( {
@ResourceDependency(library = "javax.faces", name = "jsf.js"),
@ResourceDependency(library = "org.richfaces", name =
} )
public class AjaxBehaviorRenderer extends ClientBehaviorRenderer ...
This fix works because Mojarra's {{CommandLinkRenderer}} checks in {{renderJsfJs}}
method whether the page depends on {{jsf.js}}, but it depends on {{ajax.reslib}} instead.
This problem can be fixed by RF-13314 where we deprecate used of {{*.reslib}}.
a4j:ajax includes jsf.js script twice
Key: RF-13252
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: component-a4j-core
Affects Versions: 4.3.4
Environment: any browser
EAP 6.2 (Mojarra 2.1.19)
EAP 6.1 (Mojarra 2.1.19)
JBoss AS 7.1.1 (Mojarra 2.1.7)
Reporter: Jonáš Trantina
Assignee: Lukáš Fryč
Fix For: 4.3.5
Attachments: reproducer.zip
Original Estimate: 4 hours
Remaining Estimate: 4 hours
When a4j:script is used in the page like so:
<h:commandLink value="Click me ">
<a4j:ajax event="click" render="@form"/>
Then two script tags pointing to jsf.js are added to the page, once in the head by the
inclusion of @ResourceDependency [1], and once again by Overriding the
ClientBehaviorRenderer#getScript method [2,3].
Note, that according to Brian, resolving this without introducing any functional
regressions may require the resolution of RF-12270 [4].
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