Brian Leathem updated RF-11568:
Fix Version/s: 4.5-Tracking
(was: 5-Future)
Collapsible panel: toggleListener doesn't work inside iteration
Key: RF-11568
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: component-panels-layout-themes
Affects Versions: 4.1.0.Milestone3
Environment: RichFaces 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Metamer 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT r.22819
JBoss Web 7.0.2.Final (Mojarra 2.1.3)
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 1.6.0_22-b22 @ Linux
Chrome 14.0.835.202 @ Linux i686, Firefox 7.0.1
Reporter: Pavol Pitonak
Labels: ci_issue, uiRepeat#setIndex
Fix For: 4.5-Tracking
# deploy Metamer and open
# collapse the panel and verify that string "* panel collapsed" appeared in the
page header
# expand the panel and verify that string "* panel expanded" appeared in the
page header
# open the same page in iteration component (e.g. richList)
# collapse the panel and verify that string "* panel collapsed" appeared in the
page header
# expand the panel and verify that string "* panel expanded" appeared in the
page header
listener is called only for collapsed panel, not for expanded panel
the component behaves wrong only in following templates:
* a4jRepeat
* richCollapsibleSubTable
* richDataGrid
* richDataTable
* richExtendedDataTable
* richList