Juraj Húska commented on RF-13054:
This might be an interesting feature request for RichFaces 5 as well. IMHO it can be
implemented with bootstrap progress bar.
Indeterminate ProgressBar
Key: RF-13054
Project: RichFaces
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 4.3.2
Reporter: Edilmar Alves
Original Estimate: 2 weeks
Remaining Estimate: 2 weeks
I would like a progress bar with a behaviour like Swing indeterminate JProgressBar
Text extracted from link above:
"Sometimes you can't immediately determine the length of a long-running task, or
the task might stay stuck at the same state of completion for a long time. You can show
work without measurable progress by putting the progress bar in indeterminate mode. A
progress bar in indeterminate mode displays animation to indicate that work is occurring.
As soon as the progress bar can display more meaningful information, you should switch it
back into its default, determinate mode."
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