As the year's end is approaching, I'd like to wish everyone Happy
Holidays and a great year 2017! I hope you can relax a bit during the
holidays and have a great time with your loved ones.
Also let me say a big "thank you" for all your contributions to Bean
Validation 2.0; all the proposals, discussions, reviews etc. have been
very valuable and are appreciated very much. I think we've made some
good progress already, with some easy wins already merged and more
complex matters such as type-level constraints having advanced quite a
While waiting for some more feedback on the latest revision of the
extractor proposal [1], I'm finally getting back to the proposal for
java.time support. The API change has already been merged, the RI will
follow closely and you can expect a pull request for the spec update
very soon.
With these two things (value extractors, java.time support) in place
at least in some preliminary form, I think we are in good shape for a
first preview release of the spec. Is there anything missing that you
think should absolutely be in the first preview? My goal is to do the
release early in January. I hope we can get some feedback from the
wider community based on this.
Subsequently, we should pick up some other loose ends such as the
validateValues() idea (BVAL-214) and other things like constraint
ordering (BVAL-248), separation of message interpolation and message
bundle retrieval (BVAL-217) and more.
All, thanks again for your efforts with this spec. I'm looking forward
to making BV 2.0 happen together with you in 2017!