[JBoss JIRA] (CDI-224) Support Decoration of no interface beans
by Aslak Knutsen (JIRA)
Aslak Knutsen created CDI-224:
Summary: Support Decoration of no interface beans
Key: CDI-224
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-224
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Decorators
Affects Versions: 1.0
Reporter: Aslak Knutsen
According to CDI 1.0 Spec:
"Decorators may be associated with any managed bean that is not itself an interceptor or decorator or with any EJB session bean."
"The set of decorated types of a decorator includes all bean types of the managed bean which are Java interfaces, except for java.io.Serializable. The decorator bean class and its superclasses are not decorated types of the decorator."
Both CDI and EJB support No interface beans, but for some reason Decorators only work on methods from a Interface. While Interceptors on the other hand work fine with Classes.
I can see no technical reason to why Decorators should only work on Interfaces since all Proxies etc should already be in place.
import javax.decorator.Decorator;
import javax.decorator.Delegate;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Any;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.impl.BeansXml;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class DecoratesClassTestCase {
public static WebArchive create() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
new BeansXml().decorators(BusinessDecorator.class), "beans.xml");
public void shouldBeAbleToDecorate(BusinessObject business) throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals("Decorated Test", business.send("Test"));
public static abstract class BusinessDecorator extends BusinessObject {
@Inject @Delegate @Any
private BusinessObject delegate;
public String send(String msg) {
return "Decorated " + delegate.send(msg);
public static class BusinessObject {
public String send(String msg) {
return msg;
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12 years, 5 months
[JBoss JIRA] (CDI-221) Throw definition error if the set of decorated types of a decorator is empty
by Marko Lukša (JIRA)
Marko Lukša created CDI-221:
Summary: Throw definition error if the set of decorated types of a decorator is empty
Key: CDI-221
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-221
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Feature Request
Reporter: Marko Lukša
I propose the following addition to section 8.1:
"If the set of decorated types of a decorator is empty, the container automatically detects the problem and treats it as a definition error."
This would be helpful in cases where the developer is not aware that a decorator and decorated bean must share the same interface, and thinks that a decorator can be defined simply by extending the decorated class (as in the following example).
public class MyBean {
public Object foo() {...}
public class MyDecorator extends MyBean {
@Inject @Delegate MyBean delegate;
public Object foo() {...}
Even though the spec does explicitly state that "superclasses are not decorated types of the decorator", throwing an error would probably save some people's debugging time.
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12 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] (CDI-219) Support Request Scope for EJB @Singleton @PostConstruct methods
by Guido Bonazza (JIRA)
Guido Bonazza created CDI-219:
Summary: Support Request Scope for EJB @Singleton @PostConstruct methods
Key: CDI-219
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-219
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Contexts, Java EE integration
Affects Versions: 1.0
Reporter: Guido Bonazza
A Request context should be available in @PostConstruct methods of EJB Singletons.
This is a completion of section 6.7.1 of the CDI 1.0 spec, which covers @Asynchronous and @Timeout EJB methods.
Probably the container should ensure that a new context is always created for the @PostConstruct invocation, to be coherent with section 4.8.3 of the EJB 3.1 spec, which specifies the transactional behavior of @Singleton @PostConstruct.
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12 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDI-170) Either ditch or fix @New
by Mark Struberg (JIRA)
Either ditch or fix @New
Key: CDI-170
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-170
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Concepts, Contexts
Affects Versions: 1.0
Reporter: Mark Struberg
Fix For: TBD
The specification of @New is currently not really usable. It is really only for creating injected but unmanaged and unintercepted instances of a class. But this usecase is weird and imo just not needed. If the class under construction is an 'old' Pojo (without @Inject, etc) then it doesn't need to get managed. And it also doesn't provide any benefit over just using new Pojo();
Also you cannot @New classes which don't have a default ct.
I just found no sane scenario where we cannot use a producer method instead.
Can we simply deprecate @New?
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12 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (CDI-147) Are EJB's not deployed in a bean archive eligible for CDI injection
by Stuart Douglas (JIRA)
Are EJB's not deployed in a bean archive eligible for CDI injection
Key: CDI-147
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-147
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Clarification
Reporter: Stuart Douglas
If an EJB is deployed in an ejb-jar without a beans.xml, is this EJB eligible for CDI injection of beans deployed in other modules?
The spec says:
"The container performs dependency injection on all session and message-driven bean instances, even those which are not
contextual instances."
To me this sounds like the intent was to allow injection into EJB's looked up from JNDI, does this also mean that EJB's in non bean archives should also be injected?
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12 years, 6 months