by Richard Opalka
Richard Opalka
JBoss, by Red Hat
Office: +420 222 365 200
Mobile: +420 731 186 942
14 years, 3 months
Welcome to the AS7 Dev Mailing List
by Jason T. Greene
Hi Everyone,
Due to the frequent problems with AS7 forums I have created this mailing
list as a replacement. I auto-subscribed everyone that has posted up to
this point, so if you would not like to be on this list, just go to
lists.jboss.org/listinfo/jboss-as7-dev and click the unsubscribe link.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
14 years, 3 months
Subscription addresses
by Jason T. Greene
Hi Everyone,
In most cases I registered your default corp email address (e.g.
jgreene(a)redhat.com), and many of you (including me) are using the
expanded name.
The simple solution is to subscribe with your expanded name as well and
turn off mail deliver on one of your two addresses. This will allow your
mobile phone email integration to work (which doesn't allow changing the
In the meantime, I watch the moderator list closely, and will add your
email to the list when this happens.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
14 years, 3 months
Renaming some Stuff
by David M. Lloyd
Let's kick off the mailing list with a debate!
At our meeting in Antwerp, while explaining the domain architecture to
people one point that kept coming up was the name "server manager",
which was confusing for a few people.
We chatted about it for a while and the conclusion was that we should
rename some pieces to become more consistent. The most-approved rename
idea went like this:
Domain Controller -> Domain Controller (no change)
Server Manager -> Host Controller
Process Manager -> Process Controller
Server -> Server (no change)
The two main points are:
1. Use either "Controller" or "Manager", not both. Be consistent.
2. Server Manager sounds like it manages one Server when actually it
manages all servers on a host. And, it reads "host.xml", not "server.xml".
Now that we've got Alpha1 out there, we presumably have a full
understanding of the problem. So, now's the (only) time to make this
kind of change before it's set in stone... forever.
So, this is the point where Brian kills me. :-)
14 years, 3 months