Exposing runtime state
by Heiko Braun
How can I retrieve runtime state from the domain model?
For instance:
- the number of server instances running on a host?
- the number of connections in use (JCA Pool) on a host?
- the number of connections in use across servers?
A pseudo code expression for the operation and it's return values would be helpful.
I am especially interested in addressing of those operations and the distinction between
runtime state for the domain (i.e. number of server instances) and runtime state of a particular host.
14 years, 1 month
Deployment Meta Data & Domain Model
by Heiko Braun
Does deployment meta data modify the domain model?
Will deployment specific settings accessible through the domain model?
In the past we used to blend both server configuration and deployment settings,
i.e. by exposing both data through the JMX API.
What's the relation between deployment related meta data the domain model in AS7?
(i.e. hibernate config or metrics)
14 years, 1 month
Who is porting what to detyped?
by Kabir Khan
Just to make sure I don't overlap with somebody else, I am planning to start porting the JMX subsystem to detyped tomorrow. If anybody is already working on this, please let me know ASAP :-)
It would be good if people reply to this thread with what subsystems they are working on porting so everybody has an overview.
14 years, 1 month
Embedded HTTP & Target JDK's
by Heiko Braun
The embedded HTTP server that ships with the Oracle JDK is non portable.
I guess this eliminates this option, right?
14 years, 1 month
persistence of deployment action updates
by Alexey Loubyansky
I noticed that deployment actions successfully executed using the
deployment manager api are not persisted any more (I remember they used
to be). The content is still there in the data dir but the config file
although touched (the timestamp is updated) but the deployments
themselves aren't there in xml.
I talked about this to Emanuel today and wanted to mention it to
everybody. I could look into that but Emanuel said that maybe it's
better to wait until the detyped stuff has been merged into master.
14 years, 1 month
Embedded HTTP & Target JDK's
by Heiko Braun
The embedded HTTP server that ships with the Oracle JDK is non portable.
I guess this eliminates this option, right?
14 years, 1 month
Level for add operations
by Kabir Khan
For the threads subsystem I register a description provider at profile => test => subsystem => threads. For that node I have an ADD_THREAD_FACTORY operation which implements ModelAddOperationHandler. I can then invoke that operation for the address profile => test => subsystem => threads to add a ThreadFactory. However, if I add more than one ThreadFactory, the last overwrites the previous, meaning I can only have one ThreadFactory.
What I originally had in mind was to register this add handler at profile => test => subsystem => threads => threadfactory => * , but when I try to invoke the operation for the address profile => test => subsystem => threads => threadfactory => threadfactoryA it fails since the model controller does not find the operation since that node does not exist yet (that node is what I am trying to add)
So, in a nutshell, I am unsure how to properly handle add operations.
Also, when parsing the xml into add operations I need the address that the add operation should apply to, where can I get that? At the moment I am just hard-coding it
14 years, 1 month
Extensions in host.xml + individual server overrides
by Brian Stansberry
Following up a bit here on our #jboss-as7 discussion that I had to
leave. This is a general topic area we haven't talked about in a formal
way for a long time, and I'd appreciate your perspective.
The only reason to have <extension/> in host.xml is if the
HostController would need to load an extension module and interact with
it to find out something about its subsystems.
Only reason HC would need to do that is if there were some subsystem
info in host.xml. Only place that would logically fit would be in the
<server/> element.
Way back in April/May/June time we thought that we might have subsystems
expose a limited number of configuration items that could be overridden
at the host level. Those would be limited to things that logically vary
by host, e.g. the size of some pool might be bigger on a monster machine.
However, since then I've gotten a fair bit of user feedback that folks
are going to want to use variables in their configurations, and set
those variables from the command line or from the <system-property>
elements in host.xml. So, we need to support this kind of syntax in
<pool size="${my.pool.property:10}" />
What that expression resolves to could only be determined at the server
Once we support that kind of syntax, it can really be applied to
anything. And if you can do that, the rationale for some kind of formal
SPI where subsystems expose a limited set of server-level overrides
largely disappears.
And with that, the rationale for the <extension/> element in host.xml
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
14 years, 1 month