https redirect-port calculated value or automatic retrieval instead of a fixed value?
by Frank Langelage
to secure the connection I added a https connector to the web-subsystem
and the socket-binding for it.
To get the redirect from http to https working I had to add
redirect-port="9143" to the http connector.
See also
The standard ports (8080, 8443) are occupied by an instance with an
older JBoss-version on our server.
The same will be the case for customer sites later.
So I use"-Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=700" to force a port offset
from 8080 to 8780 etc.
Works perfect for all socket-bindings.
But as far as I could find out, the redirect-port for the http-connector
has to be a fixed value and is not influenced by the given offset.
That's a great pitty, because this would require to use copies of
standalone-full.xml then to only provide this port number.
It would be great if it were possible to use an expression like
Or if the "redirect-port" would be obsolete and automatically retrieved
by the system from the https connector and the socket-binding.
Any supporters for such an enhancement?
Or did I miss something and this is possible already today (AS7 7.2.0)?
12 years, 8 months
Reminder about pom.xml exclusions
by David M. Lloyd
Just a reminder that when you add a new Maven dependency to AS7, before
submitting the pull request, be SURE to thoroughly audit the output of
"mvn dependency:tree" and make sure that all transitive dependencies are
excluded in the main "pom.xml" - even if they look harmless! If you
don't, we can run into a problem where different versions of Maven or
different JDKs give different dependency graphs, resulting in builds
that work for some people but not others, which sucks for everyone involved.
If there is a transitive dependency that you need, then add it in as a
first-level dependency in the main pom.xml and specify the version directly.
I think this is what is underlying and I'm sure others will run
into similar issues as well.
12 years, 8 months
In JBoss AS 7, got an error of Native Library xxx already loaded in another classloader
by M. Steven
I am working on migrating an App from JBoss 4.2.3 to JBoss AS 7.1.1. Now I am facing a problem says "Native Library xxx already loaded in another classloader".
To be specific: Here are the errors:
11:22:17,854 ERROR [stderr] (http-- Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library E:\programs\jdk1.6.0_29\jre\bin\jpeg.dll already loaded in another classloader
11:22:17,855 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
11:22:17,856 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
11:22:17,856 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
11:22:17,857 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
11:22:17,857 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at Source)
11:22:17,858 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at Method)
11:22:17,859 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at sun.awt.image.codec.JPEGImageDecoderImpl.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
11:22:17,859 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(Unknown Source)
11:22:17,860 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at<init>(
11:22:17,861 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at
11:22:17,862 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at
11:22:17,865 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at
11:22:17,867 ERROR [stderr] (http-- ... 114 more
The same App runs well under JBoss 4.2.3. I am wondering if the error is caused by the Modularized class loading in JBoss AS7?
Could someone please give me some advices on how to resolve the problem?
Thanks a lot in advance.
12 years, 8 months
AdminConsole question - IP address
by Wolf-Dieter Fink
I've created a JIRA feature request AS7-2764
This is about the visibility of the IP address of the server.
Additional there should be a input field to set the IP address if I
create a new server.
Should I open a new JIRA or is it enough to add a comment to the
existing one?
12 years, 8 months
Trace logging in the test suite
by Stuart Douglas
Just so everyone is aware I have added some functionality to the test suite
to allow for easy enabling of trace logging for categories when running
It should now be possible to specify a
-Dtrace=org.mycategory1,org.mycategory2 when running the tests, and as part
of the server build process an XSL will add trace logging for those
categories to the server.
I am hoping this will make it much easier to debug problems that only
happen in CI environments.
12 years, 8 months
cli terminal changes
by Alexey Loubyansky
I'd like to let everybody know that thanks to Stale's efforts we are
switching from jline to Stale's jreadline project as the base
console/terminal for the CLI.
jline has a number of bugs that we can't do anything about. jreadline
has fixed those and Stale is happy to continue improving things.
Of course, a few changes will come along with the switch. They are
- the ordering of columns are different compared to jline, jreadline
does it similar to bash;
- tab-completion is more like bash, i.e. if there are 'file' and
'file2', completing 'f' will result in 'file' w/o showing 'file2'
candidate (like jline would do) unless the tab key is pressed after 'file';
- there are no more files that are read to enable key bindings. By
default emacs-mode is enabled, but vi-mode is also supported. jreadline
has more keybindings compared to jline and also follows what's default
in bash;
- atm reading the ~/.inputrc is not enabled, but we could enable if
necessary. If people have defined vi-mode, it will catch it and enable
vi-mode by default;
- undo and redo is another new feature afaik.
In the future it will also be possible to customize different bindings
to different actions in that file, but its not supported now.
Here are a couple of major issues that'll be fixed with the switch:
- to be able to navigate and edit commands that spread across multiple
lines (AS7-2615 Backspace doesn't work over linebreaks);
- AS7-2436 clear screen doesn't work on windows 7.
The pull request hasn't been sent yet. It's just a warning that this is
Please, let us know if you have any concerns about this.
12 years, 8 months
Process for patching localized translation files
by Brian Stansberry
Hi Manuel,
Can you describe a bit what process we should follow for handling
community updates to the localized text files in the AS? For example,
the various files.
The files are now in the AS codebase itself, so naturally people are
going to start sending in patches that directly edit them [1]. But I
suspect that's not the correct process, and perhaps changes need to go
through with the person proposing the patch
signing up and joining the appropriate language team?
If the process isn't as simple as us directly accepting patches via
github, it would be great to include some comments at the top of each
file pointing to instructions on how to submit fixes.
[1] For example,
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
12 years, 8 months
Console Repository Changes
by Heiko Braun
Beginning this week, we start using a slightly different commit policy on the console repository. Instead of boring you with the technical details why it's necessary, let me put it this way:
"My limited gitjitsu skills broke the parent child relationship of the repositories and branches."
Official Repository
The authoritative repository from now is the one that resides with the JBossAS project on github:
All contributors would need to fork from that repository and send pull request against the development branch.
What does that mean?
You'd probably have to nuke your exiting fork on github and start over.
(All pending changes should have been submitted already)
Moving forward we maintain two main branches: "master" and "develop".
- "master" is what's currently used by the JBossAS (most recent release).
- "develop" is work in progress.
With this in mind, make sure you work on the "develop" branch. Create feature branches from it and rebase against "jbossas/console#develop" regularly. When done, send me the pull request.
With every release, we merge the "develop" branch with "master" and move on.
Thanks for your patience and sorry for the mess. But things are getting better this way, promise.
Regards, Heiko
12 years, 8 months