This direction sounds nice. We're going to have to be cautious about
breaking the existing high-level CLI commands in 7.1 though.
On 6/22/11 8:48 AM, ssilvert(a) wrote:
Quoting Alexey Loubyansky<alexey.loubyansky(a)>:
> On 06/22/2011 03:19 PM, ssilvert(a) wrote:
>> Quoting Alexey Loubyansky<alexey.loubyansky(a)>:
>>> So, if we were to re-name the command we would have to review the
>>> arguments too.
>>> Would 'upload' enable by default? Or it would only if --enable is
>>> specified (with server groups in the domain mode)?
>> I think it should not enable by default. Enable-by-default is
>> convenient for development, but in production you want to be careful
>> about when something goes live.
>>> Should enable be a separate command? Which would accept server groups,
>>> etc? This would mean two commands instead of one to actually deploy an app.
>> I'd say have both. Enable/Disable commands would be convenient. I'm
>> thinking especially when you want to upload, set up some other things
>> like datasources, then enable.
> Following what I'm doing now I might end up with
> deployment add file_path
> deployment deployment_name deploy
> deployment deployment_name undeploy
I like it.
>>> What would "undeploy" be renamed to? "remove" seems to be
too general.
>>> unload? remove-deployment?
>> remove-deployment sounds good.
> Why not then add-deployment instead of upload?
Or to be consistent with what you have above:
deployment deployment_name remove
deployment deployment_name server_group assign
deployment deployment_name server_group unassign
> Thanks,
> Alexey
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